Handlers jump into action when unpredictable “tangle up” occurs among Clydesdale horses
The crowd certainly didn't see this coming.
Sasha Alonzo

The Unpredictable Nature of Animal Handling

In the world of animal handling, one golden rule stands out: always expect the unexpected.

The biggest challenge lies in the fact that animals, unlike humans, cannot communicate their needs verbally.

This can lead to unforeseen difficulties, even for the most skilled and experienced handlers.

It’s a world where every day is a new adventure, filled with unpredictability.

Model Horse Tack School - YouTube
Model Horse Tack School - YouTube

A Dramatic Scene Unfolds

Imagine a scene where an audience, gathered for an event, suddenly finds themselves holding their breath.

A dramatic and unexpected situation unfolds right before their eyes, serving as a stark reminder that even the most famous animal teams are not immune to mishaps.

It’s a moment that captures the essence of the unpredictability in working with animals.

Model Horse Tack School - YouTube
Model Horse Tack School - YouTube

The Legendary Budweiser Clydesdales

Enter the Budweiser Clydesdales, a team of horses whose fame is almost unparalleled, drawing comparisons to the legendary reindeer that pull Santa’s sleigh.

These iconic animals are not just a symbol of a brand but have become celebrities in their own right.

Their prestigious status often leads them to high-profile events, where they showcase their majestic presence.

Model Horse Tack School - YouTube
Model Horse Tack School - YouTube

An Unexpected Turn of Events

During one such event, the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, something unusual happened.

As the Clydesdales were being introduced to the audience, two of the lead horses began to show signs of restlessness.

What started as a slight turn soon escalated, leading to a situation that no one had anticipated.

Model Horse Tack School - YouTube
Model Horse Tack School - YouTube

Chaos Ensues

In mere moments, the situation spiraled out of control.

The two restless horses attempted to navigate through their teammates, resulting in a tangled mess of straps and yokes.

The sheer weight of these horses, each tipping the scales at around 1,800 to 2,300 pounds, added to the gravity of the situation.

Handlers, recognizing the severity of the predicament, rushed onto the field to intervene and prevent a full-blown panic among the herd.

Model Horse Tack School - YouTube
Model Horse Tack School - YouTube

A Tense Audience Watches On

The audience, witnessing this unfold, was understandably anxious and stressed.

To alleviate their concerns, the announcer took to the microphone, offering words of reassurance: “Anytime you are in the rodeo business, the livestock business, when you are working with animals you never know what can happen. Everybody think positive.”

This statement highlighted the inherent unpredictability of working with animals, while also trying to maintain a sense of calm among the spectators.

Model Horse Tack School - YouTube
Model Horse Tack School - YouTube

The Rescue Operation

The complexity of the entanglement meant that the handlers had no choice but to carefully unstrap the horses.

The video of the event shows the handlers working diligently, unhitching each pair of horses.

Meanwhile, other team members focused on soothing the downed horse, showcasing their professionalism and care in handling such a delicate situation.

Model Horse Tack School - YouTube
Model Horse Tack School - YouTube

A Moment of Relief and Celebration

As the handlers managed to clear the area and give the downed horse the necessary space to recover, the atmosphere began to shift.

The crowd, which had been tense and concerned, erupted into cheers when the horse finally regained its footing and stood up.

Anheuser-Busch, the company behind the Budweiser brand, later issued a statement ensuring that no horses were harmed.

They emphasized their commitment to the animals’ safety and well-being, stating, “The safety and well-being of our beloved Clydesdales is our top priority. Combined with our highly trained staff of professional caretakers, we partner with an equine medical expert to ensure our animals receive the highest level and quality of care.”

Model Horse Tack School - YouTube
Model Horse Tack School - YouTube

The Enduring Legacy of the Clydesdales

The Budweiser Clydesdales have been a symbol of celebration and tradition since their introduction in April 1933, commemorating the end of Prohibition.

With three teams currently touring across the United States, they continue to captivate audiences with their elegance and grace.

This incident at the rodeo, while tense and unexpected, is just another chapter in their long and storied history, proof of the unpredictable yet rewarding world of animal handling.

Watch the accident unfold in the video below.

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