The most unlikely friendships have given birth to awesome alliances. Batman and Robin, Han Solo and Chewbacca, Bilbo and Gandalf, Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen… You get the idea. Sometimes, it is the unexpected meetings that create historic moments for both sides.
Same holds true in the animal world. As kids, we were taught that cats don’t like rats, dogs don’t like cats, snakes are not lovable, and a plethora of other anecdotes involving other creatures. Now while there are known rivalries in the animal kingdom (Lions and Hyenas), most of it is not true.
Seems like just like us humans, they mostly want to get along.

Want proof? Check out this crow and dog. YouTube uploader MASSEUR1956 says,
“i did not trained the crow, i just found it near the woods as a very little bird and no parents seen for over 1 hour…”
Apparently, the man even showed the bird how to fly, and when it finally could, it would still come back almost everyday asking for food and wanting to play. This bird is quite the socialite!

That beautiful dog accepted the stray crow as a guest and a friend too. She was told by her owner that the bird would always be welcome to which the dog agreed. Wholeheartedly it would seem. Look how calm she is!
She even lets the crow have its way with the pingpong ball first. What a gentle girl!

The dog eventually grabs the ball with her mouth but the crow’s persistent cawing seems to move the dog to release the ball.
They go beak to nose for a bit then the dog jerks its snout a bit surprising the crow.

The crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) is perhaps one of the more well known species of birds. Distinct for its bill to tail black glossy sheen, these birds are recognizable for their loud, distinct cries.
What we call the caw.
Now crows are known to live in large family groups. Which makes it all the more surprising for this one to be going back nearly everyday to be with her human and dog friends. Hey, if there’s free food right…

Crows will eat anything from insects to small frogs and even fruits and nuts.
They like areas with a lot of trees and are often found in parks and suburban neighborhoods. Like this one!

Now crows are considered to be highly intelligent birds so it’s not surprising that this one figured out a pattern where it could return at will knowing the dog and its master would welcome him openly.

Interspecies friendships are very intriguing and sometimes unusual.
It often makes us wonder how they communicate as each animal has its own call and instincts. Some scientists say that it could be for survival, others say that certain animals know when another party poses a threat or not and so they go from there. But really, there are no definite answers yet.
Now for those looking for a little magic or hope in this world, how about a man, his dog, and a wild crow playing ball? This should lighten up anyone’s day. It did ours.

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Source: YouTube, Nat Geo Kids