Handsome cowboy’s way of handling “aggressive” horse going after its owner earns 2M views
The way he builds a connection with him right from the get-go is beautiful.
Jessica Adler

The sun cast a golden hue on Ryan Rose amidst the grassy training pen.

A seasoned horse trainer and clinician, Ryan began his professional journey in 2005.

With a demeanor of calm authority, Ryan stepped into the ring, ready to address the challenge before him.

This seemingly “aggressive” horse is known for going after its owner.

Having spent years under the mentorship of world-class horsemen, Ryan’s approach was rooted in a deep understanding and respect for these magnificent creatures.

YouTube - Ryan Rose
YouTube - Ryan Rose

As Ryan interacted with the horse, his years of experience were evident.

He pointed out subtle behaviors, like the horse’s slight movement of feet, a sign of resistance.

Ryan’s journey from a trainer to a true horseman had taught him the importance of these nuances, as they can indicate whether the horse perceives the human as a friend or a threat.

YouTube - Ryan Rose
YouTube - Ryan Rose

Introducing a flag as a tool, Ryan demonstrated the techniques he had honed over the years. The flag, with its visual presence, served as an extension of Ryan’s arm, allowing him to claim space and establish dominance without physical contact. It was clear that Ryan’s methods were not about exerting brute force but about communicating with the horse, ensuring it understood boundaries.

YouTube - Ryan Rose
YouTube - Ryan Rose

Drawing from his extensive workshops and clinics conducted worldwide, Ryan delved into the concept of “yielding” versus “confidence.”

He explained that while it’s essential for a horse to yield to a human, it’s equally crucial for the horse to have confidence in the human.

This balance is the cornerstone of the partnerships he aims to foster between horses and owners.

YouTube - Ryan Rose
YouTube - Ryan Rose

As the session progressed, Ryan introduced another tool: the stick and string.

This tool, a staple in his comprehensive training program in Wisconsin, allowed for more precise interactions.

Ryan used it to guide the horse, teach it to back up on command, and even to gently pet it, further building trust.

YouTube - Ryan Rose
YouTube - Ryan Rose

Ryan’s approach, a blend of assertiveness and compassion, was a testament to his passion for creating harmonious relationships between horses and humans.

He emphasized the importance of intention in every action, a lesson he had learned from years of studying and teaching.

Ryan knows horses are adept at reading human intentions.

He used this knowledge to his advantage.

YouTube - Ryan Rose
YouTube - Ryan Rose

Reflecting on the session, Ryan shared insights from his years of experience.

He highlighted that horses get stressed not from pressure but from not understanding it.

His methods, honed from years of teaching and competing, especially in ranch versatility, were rooted in ensuring the horse understood every command, every gesture, and every intention.

YouTube - Ryan Rose
YouTube - Ryan Rose

The horse owner, having observed the entire session, shared her insights as well.

She realized the importance of being intentional and the need to balance “draw” and “drive” techniques.

Ryan’s methods, a culmination of his years of experience and passion, had provided her with a fresh perspective on interacting with her horse, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and mutual respect.

YouTube - Ryan Rose
YouTube - Ryan Rose

As the sun set, casting a warm glow over the arena, Ryan Rose’s session stood as a testament to the profound bond that can exist between humans and horses.

It was a dance of understanding, respect, and mutual trust.

It’s evident why this captivating display of horsemanship, led by a true horseman like Ryan, has garnered over 2 million views.

See a connection quickly take root between Ryan and this free-spirited horse below!

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