Couple brings golden retriever home from daycare and then cats notice she’s an ‘impostor”
As soon as Emmy got home, her cat siblings realized something was off.
Jenny Brown

Imagine the surprise of a Virginia family when they realized the golden retriever they brought home from a doggy daycare wasn’t their beloved Ehmi.

It’s a tale that begins with a simple grooming appointment and ends with a microchip scan, a story that not only highlights the importance of pet identification but also the uncanny intuition of our feline friends.

Unsplash/John Salzarulo
Unsplash/John Salzarulo

The family had left Ehmi at the daycare for a day of grooming and fun.

When their son went to pick her up, he brought home a dog that looked like Ehmi but felt different.

At first, they attributed the change to the fresh haircut. After all, a new look can make anyone seem like a different person—or in this case, a different dog.

Unsplash/Gulyás Bianka
Unsplash/Gulyás Bianka

However, it wasn’t long before the family’s cats sensed something was off.

The felines, usually indifferent to Ehmi, began attacking this imposter.

The family also noticed behavioral differences: their Ehmi never licked faces, but this dog did. Ehmi had a particular fondness for a neighbor, but this dog showed no interest.

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Concerned that Ehmi might be sick, the family took the dog to the vet.

It was there that a microchip scan revealed the truth: this was not Ehmi. The family was stunned.

“We thought we would know right off the bat that it wasn’t Ehmi,” they said, emphasizing how easy it is to mistake one pet for another, even when you’re their “parents.”

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YouTube Screenshot

The story took another twist when the family returned to the daycare. They discovered that Ehmi did indeed have a doppelganger at the facility named Maddy.

The daycare staff were as surprised as the family, admitting that it was an easy mistake to make.

The two dogs were eventually reunited with their rightful owners, likely both confused but relieved. The owners are considering doing a DNA test to see if the two pups are related since they look so similar.

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YouTube Screenshot

The incident sparked a conversation about the importance of microchipping pets.

“Chip your pet,” the family advised, emphasizing that this simple procedure can prevent mix-ups and ensure a pet’s safe return.

It’s a lesson they learned the hard way but are grateful for nonetheless.

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Interestingly, the family holds no grudge against the daycare.

They understand that mistakes happen and are just relieved that Ehmi is back where she belongs.

It’s a sentiment that resonates with anyone who has ever momentarily lost a pet, only to experience the joy of a reunion.

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YouTube Screenshot

This story serves as a cautionary tale for pet owners everywhere. It underscores the importance of always being vigilant and aware, even in familiar settings like a daycare.

It also highlights the role of other pets in the household—like the family’s cats—in alerting us to something amiss.

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YouTube Screenshot

In the end, the tale of the mistaken golden retriever is one of love, awareness, and the importance of identification.

It’s a story that reminds us to never underestimate the power of a microchip—or the keen senses of a cat—in keeping our furry family members safe and sound.

Learn more about Ehmi’s story in the video below!

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