Adorable chihuahua snaps out of daze to sing along with Adele
I think he's going through a breakup lol.
Elijah Chan

This chihuahua listens to Adele and knows exactly what we all feel.

We can count the times when we soaked ourselves into our melancholic heartbreak stories while drowning in one of Adele’s songs. We don’t even know why we had to punish ourselves like that but most of us enjoy these moments of catharsis. Just like this little pooch on a road trip.

Funny Animal Life via YouTube
Funny Animal Life via YouTube

For most of us, going on a road trip to escape a heartbreak is a therapy that plays well within our means.

It’s also a good excuse to finally go to that beach you’ve been eyeing for a year, or that hiking trip you kept on procrastinating on. And as we “find” ourselves within these adventures, there’s always an artist that accompanies us on the journey.

Funny Animal Life via YouTube
Funny Animal Life via YouTube

For this pooch? His taste comes out when he started singing to Adele’s “Don’t You Remember”.

In this video watched and replayed over 350,000 times, this chihuahua was totally feeling the song especially when he’s closing his eyes to absorb the music.

Funny Animal Life via YouTube
Funny Animal Life via YouTube

Sitting on his owner’s lap and wearing his varsity jacket, this little dog quietly howls when Adele is hitting the notes. But when Adele mellows her vocals down, this dog takes the opportunity to belt out the song.

Funny Animal Life via YouTube
Funny Animal Life via YouTube

It’s funny enough that he’s singing to one of Adele’s best hits, but what’s funnier is most of us can relate to exactly what he’s feeling during these moments.

“Don’t You Remember” is included in Adele’s album “21”. Her 2011 album catapulted the British singer into worldwide acclaim. The album racked seven Grammy’s, two Brits, three AMA’s, four MTV awards, and many more from different award-giving bodies for musical excellence.

The album shows how Adele navigated through different phases of a relationship and how she battled to regain herself in the midst of loss and heartbreak. “Someone Like You” is a song reaching out to an old lover and realizing that she can still go on after their relationship ended. Meanwhile, “Don’t You Remember” is a struggle to convince herself that she is still worthy of being remembered even after the relationship was long gone.

It is through this reflective narrative that most people found themselves drawn into her songs.

Funny Animal Life via YouTube
Funny Animal Life via YouTube

While there’s only one happy song in the album, the grief and maudlin stories behind the others reflect on the experience of her listeners.

The enormous success of “21” made Adele into a household name and a radio wave regular. She became one of the best-known British singers of her time and her songs continued to be played and streamed through commutes, nightcaps, and long drives.

Funny Animal Life via YouTube
Funny Animal Life via YouTube

If this is the reason why this little pooch is soaking up on Adele’s song, we’ll never know.


But we can definitely see that he’s basking in the notes and is trying to catch on to the tune.

Funny Animal Life via YouTube
Funny Animal Life via YouTube

Whatever you’re going through, little buddy, it’s going to get better. For now, we all understand what you’re going through.

Watch this hilariously adorable chihuahua singing along to Adele by clicking on the video below.


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