Tiny stray Chihuahua puppy falls from the sky and fights his hardest to survive
Baby chihuahua falls from the sky after being spotted by a flying predator!
Colby Maxwell

There are certain benefits to having a little dog! For one, you have WAY less poop to clean up. It’s just a fact of the matter that little dog poops are itsy bitsy and really not that much of a problem to deal with.


Besides doggy poop…


Little dogs make GREAT cuddlers. They fit into the best spots and will never push you off of the couch or bed. You never really have to worry about how they fit when they sleep because they can fit in almost any position. Also, they can sit in your lap indefinitely. A big dog has 10 minutes tops before your legs start to fall asleep.

This article isn’t about big vs. small dogs, however.


In fact, this is more of a crazy situation that could only happen to a small dog. It’s about a chihuahua that “gained a new perspective” on life and lived through one of the wildest ordeals that you can possibly imagine.

In Austin, Texas, one little chihuahua has been dubbed a “miracle puppy”.


While out and about, probably going to the bathroom, this little chihuahua was spotted by a dangerous predator. In Texas, one probably thinks of cougars, coyotes, or some other scary and toothsome beast. It wasn’t any of those. It was a hawk!

When the hawk spotted the little dog it didn’t see a pet, it saw a meal.


Like the bird of prey it is, it silently floated until it saw the opportune moment to strike. Soaring low and hitting with incredible force, the hawk snatched the dog in its talons and lifted off into the air!

Hawks hit their prey with insane force!


The data on Star Tribune is scary to consider when thinking of a small dog:

High-speed photography has shown a goshawk’s strike speed to be near 50 miles per hour. In this test, talons closed about 25 milliseconds after impact with prey. In less than a second the bird was working to drive talons deeper.

When a hawk grabs an animal with its talons, they lock in and dig deep. That’s usually the end of the struggle for their usual prey or rabbits and mice.

The little pup wasn’t out of the count quite yet, however!


When humans heard the commotion, they ran around the corner and saw the hawk in the air. They startled the bird, and it dropped the dog from the sky, all the way to the ground!

“The puppy fell at their feet from mid-air,” the station reported. “They looked up and saw the hawk flying away.”

Miraculously, the dog lived through the fall!


Like a trooper, he also survived the trip to the vet with puncture wounds near his head and chest! The little fellow is currently making a recovery with a foster home and is expected to be totally fine. Somehow, this little hawk snack turned into a hero!

He has a name that seems to fit perfectly.

By Tinou Bao - originally posted to Flickr as Bob tony hawk, CC BY 2.0
By Tinou Bao - originally posted to Flickr as Bob tony hawk, CC BY 2.0

People have taken to calling him “Tony Hawk,” after the skateboarder who is famous for some daring stunts himself. The foster mom’s son came up with the name, and it stuck for obvious reasons. From what vets are saying, the dog will even be up for adoption in a few weeks!

It’s a great reminder that a fence isn’t foolproof when it comes to small dogs!


Just because you have a fence doesn’t mean that your pet is automatically safe. Thankfully, this story didn’t turn out as badly as it could have. Always keep an eye on your small dogs!

Check out the original Facebook post below!

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