Chicken Plays Piano
This 'birduoso' is winning the Internet.
Ryan Aliapoulios

Despite many common misconceptions about them, chickens are actually pretty intelligent animals.

Many of us have heard the phrases “bird brain” or “running around like a chicken with its head cut off.” As it turns out, these animals are actually pretty intelligent and quick to learn under the right circumstances. Although they may not be the absolute smartest birds that exist (crows might have that distinction), we still hugely underestimate what these little guys can do.

In fact, one video making its rounds on the internet is proving just how little we really know about chickens.

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The video was loaded to YouTube by Two Creative Chicks, a channel dedicated to all kinds of chicken-related content.

As the clip begins, we see a chicken sitting on a piano bench in front of an electric keyboard. After a moment, the keyboard begins to play a swell of preprogrammed music—an operatic aria of some sort. The bird does a quick scan of the keyboard to see what’s going on as the keyboard starts to illuminate certain keys, helping to show players which keys to press to complete the song.

Without missing a beat, the chicken begins tapping out the notes with her beak!

The chicken in the video is named Jokgu—and this isn’t the first time she’s been noticed for her musical talents.

Jokgu is a two-year-old chicken who lives in Maryland and originally went viral for playing a version of “America the Beautiful” on America’s Got Talent. The adorable bird and her sisters have their own Facebook page called Jokgu of the Flockstars where fans can keep up with their antics. Those who were fans of this performance will be pleased to know that there are many more videos of this talented bird on the internet.

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The internet also had some pretty great reactions to the video.

Some people opted for a good pun:

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Still, others began to question their dietary habits:

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Although the video may seem silly, it also serves as a reminder of just how complex and intelligent the animals around us really are. We like to think that human beings are at the top of the pyramid of species on Earth and that our needs are the only ones that matter. In reality, humans are one of the millions of forms of life, all of which are interconnected and rely on one another.

Still, there’s also no need to overthink it: chickens can play piano now!

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