For people who live near the ocean, their pets don’t think anything about playing in the sand and splashing in the water. But for animals that have never been to the beach, it usually leads to some pretty interesting moments. This is especially true when it involves a cat. After all, most kitties aren’t too fond of water.
Unique personalities
There’s no question that dogs and cats are very different creatures. For instance, when it comes to personalities, you never know what you’re going to get with a cat…hour by hour. Cats are super smart, mischievous, entertaining, and yes, lovable…most of the time.

Two sweet kitties
One cat by the name of Pumpkin is a prime example of this. His owners decided to head to the beach. And as part of the trip, they wanted to bring Pumpkin, as well as his brother cat Moustachio, along with them.

Their history
This precious yellow tabby and his black-colored brother were adopted while still kittens. Initially, the family fostered a total of four babies. But before long, they fell in love with two, in particular. They knew almost immediately there was something special about Pumpkin and Moustachio.

Health issues
But as Pumpkin started to grow, they noticed that something wasn’t right. So, they took him to the vet. They discovered he has a mild form of cerebellar hypoplasia, which affects the brain. As a result, he sometimes struggles to control his motor skills. To them, that made him all the more loveable.

A first time for everything
One day, this family headed to the beach. And, they opted to take both Pumpkin and Moustachio with them. They knew this would be an interesting trip since neither cat had ever been to the beach before. They weren’t sure if they’d love it or hate it…only time would tell.

New adventure
On the first day, they put the two cats down on the sand. Initially, they looked at their owners as if saying, “What in the heck is this?” After all, it felt weird on their feet. Realizing this was going to be funny, one of them begin to take a video.

Starting to like it
But it didn’t take too long for the kitties to discover they liked the sand. They romped around, sniffed everything, and played. To them, this was a super cool adventure that they really liked. But then, something happened.

Blowing in the wind
It didn’t take long before the wind picked up. At that point, Pumpkin seemed to change his mind. The sand was one thing but he wasn’t too fond of the wind. While Moustachio didn’t mind it too much, Pumpkin didn’t want anything to do with it. The photo they took of his face is priceless.

Before the wind kicked up, Pumpkin was absolutely captivated by the beach. As his owner explained, he’s a very curious cat. He loves other animals, gets along with people, and just enjoys having new experiences.

Sharing with others
The day at the beach turned out to be all about the cats. Their reactions were hilarious. Especially when it got windy. After sharing the photos on social media, they went viral. Today, the images have been viewed tens of thousands of times.

Living life to the fullest
Even with Pumpkin’s health condition, he loves life. And he has his brother Moustachio right by his side all the way. As for the beach, this family plans to take their two cats again. It was a fantastic day for everyone. But they’ll likely keep an eye on the weather, choosing a day without windy.

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Source: Bored Panda, Instagram