While some children loathe taking a nap, there are some adults that dream of it throughout the day.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, naps are good for both adults and children.
They serve as a way to reduce daytime sleepiness and boost learning and performance.

About one-third of adults in the U.S. nap every day, though it’s more common around the Mediterranean and Latin American countries.
Researchers say that a 20-minute nap is best since it allows you to refresh your mind without entering a deep sleep. Longer naps run about 60 to 90 minutes. Naps, as we know, are also beneficial for children and help them to get about 9 to 17 hours of sleep a day.
But what about cats?
After all, they have a nap specifically named for them.

Cats sleep throughout the day and average about 78 minutes in length per nap.
They will usually range between 50 to 113 minutes and get a total of 12 to 18 hours a day.

About 40 percent of cats sleep all day.
It seems like cats and babies go together perfectly since they will often take more than one nap per day.

At least the cats in this YouTube video think so.
Their toddler was sound asleep in the middle of a big bed when one of them decided that it was also nap time for them.
So a white cat leaped up on the bed and laid at the foot of the child. Soon a white and brown spotted cat joined the party and lay above the baby.

But this kitty-kid nap party wasn’t over just yet. An orange cat also jumped up and laid on the opposite side of the little girl and decided to do a little grooming.
That’s when yet another smaller grey cat jumped up and helped the orange cat with his grooming.
Out of nowhere, a white and orange striped cat jumps up to join the other groomers. But that wasn’t a good enough spot for the orange-striped cat.
This cat wanted the best seat in the house. So she went over to snuggle up next to the little girl. But she wasn’t ready for naptime just yet.
This cat had some grooming to do, though this didn’t wake the little girl. You’d think that this cat party was over.
But another orange cat with white legs decide to hop on the bed and get an overview of what was going on.

At this point, it was time to get real cozy so the orange cat came over to snuggle on the other side of the little girl and he looked so darn happy about it.
It was a giant cuddle puddle with one kid and six cats. That video ended up being viewed more than 3.5 million times on YouTube.
“That’s so adorable. All babies together. Definitely uplifts my heart and is so peaceful,” wrote one YouTube.
“What a lucky little girl. What a beautiful scene with these majestic cats surrounding her with love – as a big family. I would love to make or grow up (as a child) in this setting. So peaceful,” said another.
Check out the cuddle puddle for yourself in the video below.
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