Stay away from my friend!
This tortoiseshell kitty isn’t having any of that nonsense from an orange tabby. Especially when it comes to his doggy friend. This cat was just having one fine day (like most days) until he sees his doggy friend come out, tail wagging, obviously eager to have a great day himself. The orange tabby is minding his own business by the wall and wasn’t in the best of moods.
Like all dogs, this one was just happy.
The pup makes his way to the orange cat and sort of looks like he just struck up a conversation. With a little butt sniff. The cat spins around, baring its fangs, hissing with so much raw anger. What’s wrong, orange one?
Now for some reason, the dog leaned in. If he wanted to whisper something or go for a kiss, no one knows. What’s clear is that the orange tabby had had enough. Both paws out, putting all his weight behind them, the cat shoves the dog down and away from him.
Someone’s got an attitude problem.
Or should we say cat-titude? But the tortoiseshell one springs up and down from the table and using his left arm, swipes and grabs the other cat with all his might. The orange cat gets pulled down and both cats get into it. It’s a fight! Get him, dog defender!
What a cat-astrophe.
Both cats disappear under the table. It’s hard to tell which one has the upper paw. The dog is nowhere to be found but wherever he is, he should be proud of his kitty friend for sticking up and defending him from that grumpy cat.
Poor pup just wanted to have a light chat and perhaps play around. Instead, he got shoved and bullied. He’s a nice dog. Didn’t even bother to fight back or take his revenge. A very good boy.
“When your friend is weird but still has your back.”
Says one viewer.
Both cats are on the heavy side which may mean that they both live in the same house. But familiarity breeds contempt and in the case of these two, it seemed to be the last straw of what is a strained relationship. It’s highly paw-sible.
He’s my friend. Hear me roar!
Now everyone knows how loyal dogs are. In fact, these mutts are willing to defend their friends to the grave. And that is truly admirable. Cats? You could say they’re loyal but not in a dog-like sense. They recognize their humans as a “friend” and will stay in the house for shelter and food. Dogs see their humans as “master and friend“. Cats are… autonomous.
They think they’re better too. Most times.
Cats have that sassy side to them. They’re either super sweet or will just turn their backs on you. Dogs are always willing to play around and spend the day in a state of bliss. A cat with a sweet personality is a gem and this tortoiseshell sure proved his loyalty!
That orange tabby must have regretted being mean to the dog. He wasn’t expecting to be pulled down and pummeled by his own kind over a creature that’s supposedly a rival. Though hopefully both cats got to keep all 9 lives after this scuffle.
Check out this cat’s fierce devotion to his dog friend in the video below!
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