Stowaway cat accidentally taken for airplane ride and 29M people have watched
When the pilot noticed the cat, he got the shock of his life!
Emma Shallcross

When you’re a pilot, you’re likely to always be on the lookout for potential hazards and dangers. Although flying in generally safe, if something is out of the ordinary, then you’d want to know about it pretty fast. As a pilot, you also have to be cool, calm, and collected- so that if you’re faced with any issues, you can handle it in the most efficient way.

But on a pilot’s list of possible hazards, we’re pretty certain that animals on the plane wing wouldn’t be one of them – so you could forgive somebody for having a bit of a freak-out when first coming across something like this. With that being said, when a pilot from French Guiana spotted a real-life cat on the wing of his plane, he handled it like a total pro.

As soon as the man noticed the terrified cat clinging on for dear life to the wing of his plane, he was able to calmly and safely land the plane, and the cat was certainly happy to be back on the ground again! The whole thing was captured on video, and it’s one of the most thrilling videos we’ve seen in a while.



The video of the adventurous cat was first shared onto YouTube by pilot romain jantot in 2015, and since then it has gained a staggering 28 million views. We can’t say we’re too surprised, as we’ve never seen a video quite like it!

The video, which was taken at aviation school Club ULM in Kourou, French Guiana, begins with some camera footage of the pilot and a female passenger as the plane first takes off into the air. In the beginning, the flight is smooth, but then we notice something in the corner of our right eye!

A cat has popped its head up from an enclosed area of the right wing, and the poor thing looks absolutely terrified! There is a couple of seconds’ anticipation as we will the pilot to notice the cat, and then thankfully, he does.


The man glances up towards the right wing as he navigates the plane – and then does a complete double take when he sees the adventurous kitty clinging on up there. But amazingly, he manages to stay totally calm, and immediately begins to prepare the plane for a quick landing.


In the caption of his video, the man explained:

“The cat was INSIDE the wing, not on it. she was actually pretty safe in there, the danger was if she wanted to get down to reach us..”

He also adds that he advised the woman on how best to keep the cat safe, saying:

“I told her not to reach for the cat. I told her not to move at all actually. I trusted the cat to not move if we didn’t try to reach for her.”


Thanks to the man’s quick thinking, he is able to land the plane whilst successfully keeping the cat safe on board. As soon as the plane has come to a stop, the cat is taken off the wing, and the poor thing seems more than happy to be back to safety.


We bet that’s something he won’t be trying again in a hurry!


“For your information the cat is fine – it continues with its role as club mascot.” The pilot concludes in the caption.

Well, we’d say the cat lost just a couple of his lives on that risky flight! Watch the thrilling video below.

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