Cats lovers know that cats can be clever, and sometimes not so much. Like when they get themselves stuck in tricky situations. It’s an age-old story about the fire truck that comes to rescue a cat out of a tree. And in this video, a cat has fallen down into a deep hole. A ladder is dropped down and the rescuer is mustering his courage to take the steep climb down.
The brave rescuer traverses a dangerous drop off only to find the cat is actually a ninja. What happens next will put you in stitches.

Cat’s get stuck in the darndest places. Trees, roofs, and storm drains are but a few of the normal places cats decide to risk when they step out of the home.
But there are reports of even crazier places that cats have gotten stuck. How about freeway signs, or frozen to a pond, or even traveling 1,700 miles after getting stuck on a train.

The feline friend in this video has fallen down a man-made hole. It’s steep and deep, and the rescuers have decided to lower a rickety old ladder to climb down there and help her out.
The rescuer is brave, as the tall ladder barely reaches the lip of the hole, and it’s a long way down. The poor little cat sits down at the bottom awaiting a knight in shining armor.

So we got one cat down a hole, and what about this cat stuck over a freeway, hanging out on a road sign? This particular kitty is from Indiana and somehow got himself up on the lights that shine on a freeway sign.
For two days the cat sat up there unable to move. When rescuers finally pulled the daring cat down, he was all over the news and nicknamed Freeway. Calls flooded the local humane society wanting to adopt this fearless cat.

One cold winter in South Dakota, a cat decided to venture out on the ice. That didn’t go so well for the cat as she got stuck in on the frozen pond.
Rescuers had to chisel her tail out of the ice. And they reported that an indentation had formed because the cat had been stuck there for so long.

Speaking of winter, when it’s cold and you drive your car around, the engine gets nice and hot, a perfect place for a feline to warm up on a cold afternoon.
This is super dangerous with all the moving parts of an engine. The cat can climb up from underneath and find a warm engine compartment to take a cat nap, but when the car starts up lookout little furball.

A cat got stuck in a drain pipe for two days in Los Angeles. Firefighters had to use their noggins to figure out how to lure the cat out.
Lunchtime at the local burger joint gave them an idea. They bought an extra cheeseburger and fries and set it out near the drain. The smell of that grease must have had an effect on the cat as he figured a way to get out and have a bite to eat.
As many of us know, nothing holds a starving cat back from food. Actually, the cat doesn’t even need to be starving.

Another cat got stuck in a tree in NYC and when one of New York’s Finest climbed up to help, he found himself in need of a rescue.
Firefighter arrived and got the cat safely down, and then decided it wouldn’t be right to leave the officer up there, so they helped him down, too.

Now about that stowaway cat? This cat named Polly from the United Kingdom got herself into the undercarriage of a train, behind the panels holding the air conditioning and batteries.
When they found her she had a broken leg and her microchip showed that she had traveled nearly 1,700 miles. Her owners were pleased to see her safely returned to the comfort of her own home. Now if they could keep that front door closed.

So the cat in this video is deep down a hole and the rescuer has lowered the ladder and stepped over the edge. Laughing at the situation, he eases his way down. The cat down at the bottom of the hole is looking up in wonder. And with one last step until the bottom the rescuer is figuring out how he’s gonna get this cat back to the top when all of a sudden the cat goes into ninja mode.
With lightning speed and dexterity, the ninja cat quickly claws his way up the side of the wall. Within a split second, he’s gotten out of the hole all on his own. This causes the rescuers to burst out laughing. Their laughter is one of the best parts of the video.

If you know anyone whose cat has gotten stuck in a strange place then send this funny video to them. Everyone should get a good laugh watching the tides turn on the rescue of this sneaky ninja cat. As we said, cats can be clever.
Watch the hilarious twist on the cat rescue below!
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