It’s a generally understood rule that cats don’t like water all that much. While we may have personal experience with this being true, is it something that all cats feel? The results, as we are going to see, might just vary!
There is some scientific data behind feline’s and their fear of water!

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association did some research and found something interesting. The ancient descendants of cats (our housecats, at least) came from dry and arid places.
“One reason for the aversion may have something to do with the fact that the feline species evolved in arid desert climates. Throughout their early history, cats were not exposed to rivers, lakes and rain and as a result were not as familiar with water as some other evolving species.” – CVMA
Since they weren’t exposed to water, they didn’t feel as comfortable with it.

While there may be other reasons your cat, in particular, doesn’t like water, most don’t like it because they aren’t used to it (unlike dogs). Despite the consensus being anti-water, some felines don’t mind it!
Check out this cat who went to the beach for the first time!

While most cats don’t want to go anywhere near the sandy shores, these owners decided to take their little feline friend with them. The results were hilarious!
Pumpkin is a rescue cat that ended up by accident with his family.

Pumpkin’s family had decided to foster him and his brother, Moustachio, for a time after their mother gave birth to a litter. However, when the shelter came knocking on their door, they realized they couldn’t give them up! Since then, the two brothers have lived with their loving family.
The funny cat is clumsy because of a special disease.

As Pumpkin got older, they realized that he had cerebellar hypoplasia, making him a bit clumsier than other cats.
“We say he’s clumsy like a puppy, He looks more like he trots than runs, his front paws up one at a time.” – Tia
Despite his occasional clumsiness, they still love taking him on adventures.

In a recent adventure, Tia decided to take the two brothers to the place where no cats have gone before – the beach! Armed with the knowledge from earlier, most of us would guess the outcome wouldn’t be the best!
Breaking tradition, Pumpkin loved the beach!

Even though most cats want NOTHING to do with the water, Pumpkin didn’t mind it! Running around and exploring, the orange tabby had an absolute blast with his brother.
The fun wasn’t to last, however!

Even though the water wasn’t an issue, something else picked up that Pumpkin REALLY didn’t like – the wind!
“He actually really loved the beach but we soon found out he didn’t love the wind,” Tia said. “The faces he was making, we’d never seen anything like it before, so we were taking pictures and videos.”
When the wind picked up, Pumpkin made some of the funniest faces you have ever seen on a cat!

Thankfully, Tia was quick on the draw and got off a few photos while Pumpkin threw his tantrum. He managed to deal with the water, but the wind and sand seemed to be too much for him! This is a hilarious reminder that all cats are different, no matter what some internet article says.

Check out Pumpkins Instagram below!
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