Everyone has their favorite seat in the house.
A favorite chair, spot on the sofa, or at the dinner table.
This is usually an unspoken thing in most households.
We just gravitate toward our favorite seat, sit there enough, and it becomes ours.
No one in the family questions this and they will even reserve this spot for you.
Sometimes our pets even have their favorite spots.
Yoshitsune, a 5-year-old cat who also goes by the name “Yoshi”, has her favorite spot.
And she makes it very clear to everyone that this is her seat and ONLY her seat.
But that’s kind of Yoshitsune’s thing. She likes to stake her claim on a lot of things. Pretty much anything new her parents bring home.
She thinks these things, ALL of these things, are for her. Just for Yoshitsune.
She’s actually a pretty quirky cat according to her mom.
“[She] likes new things, and is nervous and impatient,” Yoshitsune’s human Reina told The Dodo. “However, she understands the words that people speak.”
Her parents recently brought home a new gray and white desk chair.
That chair is now Yoshitsune’s.
Her favorite thing to do is to shove her tiny cat arms through the narrow space in between the seat and the seat’s back.
She’s also big on leaning against the cushion.
The problem is no one told Yoshitsune that the chair was actually for her dad.
And when she did find out, she was NOT happy.
She puts up a full-on fit when he tries to sit down.
First, she pretends to be shocked that someone had the audacity to even try and sit down in her chair.
Then the shock turns to protest.
Yoshitsune’s attempts to push away her father with her paw to no avail.
The realization of this leaves Yoshitsune’s in disbelief.
That disbelief is transformed into anger and the aforementioned full-on fit ensues.
“What are you sitting on?” she asks on Twitter. “Retreat!”
Yoshitsune’s temper tantrum finally subsides when she accepts defeat. But more often than not, dad will give in before she gives up and just gives up his spot on the chair.
When dad isn’t hogging the seat, she spends the day protecting her realm… which is the chair.
“The new piece is my place. Somehow my dad is always sitting in the way,” Yoshitsune wrote on her Facebook page. “Anyway, I like new things, so I want to monopolize.”
But Yoshitsune’s parents figured out a way to outsmart their territorial cat.
They figured out that in order to get the chair back from Yoshitsune, they just have to buy a new piece of furniture.
A decoy piece of furniture that Yositsune will claim and leave the chair for her father.
Yoshitsune ended up posting pictures of her little tantrum on Twitter. They, of course, ended up going viral. The post was retweeted more than 46,000 times and had more than 193,000 likes.
People online fell in love with Yoshitsune’s sassy attitude. So, far she has a following of about 3,400 fans.
It seems from Yoshitsune’s Twitter account that she has a brother named Benkei, an orange and white cat. The two also share an Instagram page.
“I’m a real sister, but I’m not good at it,” her bio reads.
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