Cats are sweet and adorable animals, but they are still predators. Because of that, some cat owners are wary when it comes to mixing their furry friends with other, smaller pets.
A question that cat owners sometimes have is whether their favorite pet can get along with chickens, in case they want to have some in their backyard.

Well, it seems that cats are unlikely to attack fully-grown chickens. Chickens do fight back, and they can endure a peck or two, so our smart furry friends have realized that it’s not worth it.

Given all that, experts agree that having cats and fully-grown chickens in the same home should not be a problem. However, they warn owners against socializing the two since it does not provide any real benefits and one of them could end up hurt.
However, sometimes nature does surprise us.
Just like in the case of a domestic cat and her feathered friend shown in the video below.

As you can see in this heartwarming video, the cat and the chicken have developed an unlikely friendship, which does not merely extend to playfully chasing each other or engaging in some occasional touching.
These two are literally best friends, and they also arrange sleepovers!

Yes, you read that correctly. The white chicken often accompanies its feline friend in the small bed, with the two of them snuggling and cuddling until they both fall asleep.
The short video first shows the two besties sitting by the window, just like Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show, looking down on the street, jeering and heckling.

And then, they start cuddling.
They approach each other gently and carefully, as if the cat knows that its feathered friend is more vulnerable, and the chicken knows it shouldn’t make any move that would make the cat uncomfortable.
Indeed, their approach to each other is amazing, and it is obvious that the two have spent much time together, and have gotten to know exactly how they should treat each other.

Then, we can see them lying in bed together. They are too cute to look at, especially when the cat puts its paw around the chicken.
They both seem to be very comfortable and enjoy each other’s company.
The cute video has gone viral with more than 800k views and 22k likes. YouTube users have left hundreds of comments highlighting the fact that this unlikely friendship really made their day.

If you’re having a bad day, this will definitely warm your heart and put a smile on your face. You can watch it below.
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