Cats are some of the weirdest animals that we bring into our homes. If you’ve ever had a cat, you know that they are incredibly brave, but also the most fearful creatures to ever live. What a weird conundrum!
A cat can chase off a massive dog from the yard and be terrified of a cucumber mere moments later. Still, the odd courage of a cat is something that adds to their personalities more than it subtracts.
For one feline in Colorado, that kitty courage was about to be on full display!

Tom Mabe is a comedian, a dad, and a cat owner. A few years ago, he managed to capture something incredible on video.

Tom was visiting a friend’s house in the state of Colorado when something amazing happened. While he was in the living room one day, he noticed that there was something outside of the window. When he realized what was going on, he was shocked. His cat was face to face with another cat… only the one outside was a mountain lion!

Tom’s housecat was up against the windowpane, fearlessly staring down a full-grown mountain lion.

Mountain lions are the largest big cats in North America. They all live west of the Mississippi (save for a tiny population in Florida), and anyone who has seen one knows just how amazing they are. These apex predators are intelligent, silent, and capable of bringing down some massive elk and deer. For a little housecat, these felines are more than their match.

Still, despite looking into the yellow eyes of an animal that could make a snake out of it, the housecat seemed totally unfazed.

To look into the eyes of an animal that can take down an adult moose without fear is something to be admired! Birds and Wild say:
“Both males and female cougars will kill moose. The female will mainly kill very young moose under one year old or those around 1-2 years old. Although this may be risky for them if they have a protective mother nearby. Male cougars prefer to seek out moose to kill than any other hooved animal. In fact, moose can make up over 90% of a male cougars diet in the winter months in northern regions of Canada.”
When you compare the size of a housecat to a moose you realize just how outmatched the kitty was!
During the video we can see the lion paw at the window, hoping to get inside.

Was the lion trying to get inside and eat the cat? Well, it sure looked like it! Thankfully, everybody was safe in the home and nobody was at risk (except for his wife). When Tom’s wife asked where the kids were, his response was, “They’re out back.” After his wife had a small heart attack, he told her the truth – they were still in bed.
After the mountain lion heard their voices, it moved on and away from the home.

It’s truly beautiful to see an animal that close, even if it’s a little scary too! Thankfully, no person (or pet) was harmed. Although, it may be a good idea for Tom to keep his pets in the house for the next few days!
Check out the video below to see the amazing footage for yourself!
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