Home cameras capture “baa-d goats” roaming town street by the hundreds and causing a ruckus
They were bleating their little hearts out. 🐐🤭
Jessica Adler

It was a night like any other in the quiet Bay Area neighborhood of Corte Madera.

The streets were silent, the houses dark, and the only sounds were the distant hum of the city and the occasional bark of a dog.

But all that changed in an instant when a group of mischievous goats decided to take a midnight stroll.

YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area
YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area

Kristen Slowe, a resident of the Ring Mtn. neighborhood, couldn’t believe her eyes when she checked her Nest video footage.

There were hundreds of fire goats parading through the streets as if they owned the place.

It was a sight to behold, a seemingly endless stream of goats, each one bleating louder than the last.

The leader of the pack, a bold and daring goat, set the pace, while the rest followed in a chaotic yet oddly synchronized manner.

YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area
YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area

The commotion was impossible to ignore.

“The goats were loud,” remarked one neighbor, an understatement if there ever was one.

Dogs barked in confusion, their sleep interrupted by the unexpected visitors.

People, too, were roused from their slumber, rubbing their eyes in disbelief as they peered out of their windows.

YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area
YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area

Among the comments on the video, one viewer humorously observed, “Love the slower stragglers, and there’s one little guy limping to escape on the right side of the screen as the video cuts out. Hope they are all okay.”

It’s true- amid the sea of goats, a few seemed to be taking their sweet time.

Perhaps they were enjoying their moment of freedom a bit too much.

YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area
YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area

Another witty commenter chimed in with, “That’s why it’s the GOAT of escapes.”

A pun so perfect, it’s hard to believe it wasn’t planned.

The goats, in their unexpected adventure, had become overnight sensations, and the internet was loving every moment of it.

YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area
YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area

The sheer spontaneity of the event had some viewers imagining themselves amid the action.

“If I were the people in that neighborhood, I’d be running with them lol, something is coming😮,” one comment read.

The thought of joining the goats in their midnight escapade was too tempting for some to resist.

YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area
YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area

But as with all good things, the goat parade had to come to an end.

A goat herder, accompanied by a trusty dog, arrived on the scene to restore order.

One can only imagine the herder’s surprise upon discovering the mass breakout.

With skill and patience, the duo managed to corral the goats back into their pen, ending their brief taste of freedom.

YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area
YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area

The mystery of the escape remains.

How did these goats manage to break free from their enclosure? Was it a meticulously planned operation, or a spur-of-the-moment decision?

We may never know. But one thing is certain: for one night, the streets of Corte Madera belonged to the goats.

YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area
YouTube - ABC7 News Bay Area

As the neighborhood returned to its peaceful state, residents were left with a story they’d tell for years to come.

A tale of a night when the unexpected happened, when the ordinary became extraordinary, and when a group of “baa-d goats” reminded everyone of the magic and unpredictability of life.

See this midnight parade of goats bleating their hearts out in the video below!

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