In our selection of calm dog breeds, we cover low-maintenance, lazy, and apartment-friendly options. Even among larger breeds, some love lounging and acting like lap dogs. They’re content with a game of fetch or having treats delivered. These adorable breeds are perfect for singles, couples, or families seeking a mellow furry companion.

English cocker spaniel

While an English cocker spaniel is bred for flushing and retrieving game birds, it surprisingly finds contentment indoors, nestled next to the family. This doesn’t mean it won’t enjoy a spirited walk or retrieving toys in the yard; this sporting breed embodies the “work hard, play hard” ethos.

“English cocker spaniels are characterized by their joyful, constantly wagging tail. They thrive on affection,” remarks Colleen Demling-Riley, founder of Pawtopia Dog Training. Calm and eager to please, they’re easily trainable. When cuddled and petted, don’t be surprised if they nuzzle or give gentle licks, encouraging you to continue.

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