Boy sees lost dog for the first time in two weeks and breaks down into tears
This dog was happy to be home!
Colby Maxwell

Dogs and humans have a long history together. There is a bond that forms between dog and owner that is difficult to put words to. For kids who grew up with a dog, there is a special kind of bond, too. Many parents get a dog before they ever get a kid! When the new baby comes home, often the first interaction it has is a curious wet nose sniffing around the carrier.

The debate on whether or not dogs truly “love” their owners is pretty funny.


There were a couple of studies that attempted to show how dogs only cared for humans because they provided food and shelter for them. For any dog owner out there, we all know that such a study is ridiculous. We know our dogs truly do love us. The best part is that we get to love them back!

A boy and his dog.


There is a heartwarming story that is getting some attention right now. It is a classic “boy and his dog” situation and may bring a tear to your eye! It all starts with a lost dog.

Losing a pet is truly scary.


When a dog runs away, it can really be a scary thing. You don’t know if they are safe or injured and the world is full of things that can harm them. The most that you can do is drive around, posting and putting up signs, hoping someone will find your friend.

When your pet is missing, it can feel like a hopeless situation.


After the appropriate action, all you can really do is wait around and hope things work out! It can really feel like you lost a friend.

Carter is a boy who loves his dog.


Like any kid, Carter loves his dog. As the family was going about their normal business one day, their sweet dog, Piper, got loose and escaped the house. When the family noticed, the dog was completely gone.

Piper was nowhere to be found.


After hours of searching and posting flyers and Facebook posts, there wasn’t anything the family could do but wait. Day after day the family would look for Piper, hoping to find her. Carter was literally worried sick while they were searching.

“My son loves his dog so much, he was sick while she was gone.”

After two weeks, things looked grim.


After a day, you may not lose hope for your lost dog. After two weeks, things don’t look good. Without food or shelter, who knows what could happen in two weeks time.

Thankfully, though, a dog matching Piper’s description was brought to the Genesee County Animal Shelter. They called Carter’s mom, and she went right over to get her beloved dog.

Carter’s mom decided to bring the pup when she picked up Carter from school.


When Carter’s mom pulled up to the school, the boy simply looked depressed. He was mourning his lost dog and had given up hope. Lifting his head, he saw into the passenger side window and a familiar face was looking back at him.

Seeing his lost dog returned, Carter couldn’t hold back the tears.


Upon seeing his lost dog returned, Carter burst into tears and you can’t blame the kid! These two friends were reunited and so happy to see one another.

You haven’t seen a happier boy and dog.


Once reunited, the two obviously had a lot of petting and snuggling to catch up on. Carter was so glad to have his friend back and we are glad we got to witness it! The little bow on top of the dog made such a cute touch!

Check out the video below!

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