Boo, World's Cutest Pup, Passes Away From 'Broken Heart'
Our hearts are broken. 💔
Ashley Fike

It is with a heavy heart to inform our animal-loving fans, that Boo, the Pomeranian dubbed ‘the world’s cutest pup’, has passed away.


Boo survived to be 12-years-old in human years – which would be 84 in ‘dog years’. Boo, and his friend Buddy (who passed away last year), became viral internet sensations when their owners created Instagram and Facebook accounts showcasing their adorable antics.

The news of his heartbreaking death was recently posted on Facebook – to his 16 million Facebook followers. The sweet and adorable Pomeranian passed away in his sleep due to heart issues – many assuming it was a ‘broken heart’ due to the loss of his companion last year.


Since Boo’s owner shared the tragic news, the post has received over 46,000 comments sharing condolences and over 72,000 shares.

“Shortly after Buddy died, Boo showed signs of heart issues. We think his heart literally broke when Buddy left us,” his owners shared. “He hung on and gave us over a year. But it looks like it was his time, and I’m sure it was a most joyous moment for them when they saw each other in heaven.
“Our family is heartbroken, but we find comfort knowing that he is no longer in any pain or discomfort,” they added, noting that Boo “brought joy to people all over the world.”

Boo wasn’t just famous for his social media presence – he also earned a few notable titles in his full life.

In 2012, Boo the Pommy was appointed as Virgin America’s Official Pet Liason. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, the adorable dog also had a book deal in which he released “Boo: The Life of the World’s Cutest Dog,” in 2011. It included all of his best and cutest photos.
The ‘Best of Boo’ video compilation is below.
Having accomplished more in his life than most humans – Boo seemed to lap up all the attention and loved to be in the spotlight. The cutie pie also appeared on numerous talk shows, he was the subject of calendars and was even the model for a plush toy.

In fact, if you Google ‘world’s cutest dog’ – Boo’s picture is the first one to show up in the search results.

Boo, who was called ‘supernaturally cute’ by CNN, had a face that no one seemed to get enough of. Everywhere he went, he was stealing hearts. Back in 2012, during the early years of his fame, Boo did an ‘interview’ with the well-known news site, titled “An intimate conversation with Boo, the world’s cutest canine traveler”.

Let’s take a look at some of the most adorable answers he provided.

CNN: What are your obligations and duties as Virgin Airlines spokesdog?

Boo: Virgin America said they wanted to make their guests — two-legged and four-legged — feel comfortable, so I offer tips on products that make pet travel easy. I will offer tips and post photos when I travel. One Virgin teammate said it “makes their day” when I am on the flight, so that is pretty cool.

CNN: Has the pressure to remain adorable increased with fame? How do you stay grounded in light of your sudden notoriety?

Boo: Life hasn’t changed much for me. I like to stay home, play with toys and pal around with Buddy.

CNN: No offense, but do people ever ask if you’re a real dog or a toy?

Boo: Haha! In person, no. But on the Internet there have been debates. My human has posted videos of me, but the rumors persist. Gund made a plush dog that looks like me, so now we have both: real Boo and doll Boo.


CNN: Do you travel with a stylist?

Boo: No. The reason I have this haircut is so that I don’t have to be groomed often. I have a habit of matting my hair and this is a low-maintenance cut.

CNN: We know you’re single and, in your own words, “still having fun.” Do you lick on the first date? Or just sniff?

Boo: Oh gosh…! My face is getting red under my fur.

CNN: Are we getting too personal here?

Boo: Uh … yeah!

It’s clear that his owners were great sports throughout Boo’s massive fame – and he seemed like he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else other than the spotlight.


Boo will be sorely missed but his cuteness will forever live on. Let’s take a look back at some of Boo’s cutest moments. You might want to grab a tissue before you press ‘play’.

The best of Boo compilation is in the video below.

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