Monster Dumps Boiling Water On Dog But She Makes Remarkable Recovery With Love And Care
How could someone do this to a dog?
Cedric Jackson

Animals are abused every day.

You hear about it online, on the news, and through word of mouth. But that doesn’t make it any easier to hear. After all, most people love animals and don’t wish them any harm. But when a form of abuse that is so shocking go viral, people take more notice than usual.

That’s what recently happened with a dog in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Lina was a stray who was living on the streets, just struggling to survive. She was trying to find food for her puppies, who were starving due to a lack of available food. As she passed a home looking for food, the woman inside the house became angry that she was there.

To make Lina go away, the woman threw boiling water on the dog. Instead of offering her food or just shooing her away, she decided to take drastic measures to stop this dog from getting what she needed. In the process, Lina was very badly injured, suffering major damage from the boiling water.

Proyecto 4 Patas
Proyecto 4 Patas

When Lina was found, she had suffered major burns all over her body.

The burns were primarily on her back, her head, and even went into one of her eyes. Her paws were injured, as well. She was clearly in terrible pain. However, throughout her ordeal, she never ceased to take care of her puppies. She wanted to be a good mom and provided them with everything they needed.

Luckily, a local organization that helps stray animals called Proyecto 4 Patas rescued Lina. Rescuers were amazed that she was still nursing her puppies after the awful ordeal she had gone through. The workers there saw this as a sign of strength and resilience on Lina’s part.

Proyecto 4 Patas
Proyecto 4 Patas

The organization helped Lina gain back her health slowly but surely.

During that time, she continued caring for her puppies until they reached adulthood and could fend for themselves. Finally, the day came when Lina was able to leave the animal shelter. Her wounds had healed, and she had made it to the other side of her horrendous experience.

She now lives with a loving family that gives her the care that she deserves. Instead of constantly searching for food to eat and having to worry about cruel humans on the streets of Buenos Aires, she can enjoy doing what she does best: just being a dog.

Proyecto 4 Patas
Proyecto 4 Patas

Hopefully, she now realizes that not all humans are the same and that some want what’s best for her and to take care of her. She will continue to thrive in her new home where she knows that somebody loves her.

Whenever animal abuse of some sort happens, it’s up to all humans – not just the abuser – to question how they treat animals in society.

Are animals regarded as less than or not important, liable to abuse without punishment? Or should people recognize that animals have thoughts and feelings and can experience pain just like us?

Although most people don’t treat dogs with the same cruelty Lina was shown, very few are animal advocates that refute animal abuse in every instance – including animals that are abused so that we can use them for food or clothes. Lina’s experience can provide people with food for thought to analyze how society’s views of animals lead to this kind of maltreatment in the worst cases.

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