Bear mom gives her little cub ‘swimming lessons’
That little cub didn't seem thrilled about it.
D.G. Sciortino

As the weather gets warmer, we’re all looking for a vacation destination where we can cool off and swim the summer away.

But bears like this mama bear are opting for a staycation instead.

Mama and her baby bear are taking advantage of local pools in the area like it’s their own personal resort.

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Viral Hog - YouTube

You could tell mom was definitely ready for some relaxation when she started wading around her neighbor’s pool.

Her little boy was still sitting poolside, but mom dived right in.

She tried encouraging him to come in, but he wasn’t feeling it. He batted mom away.

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Viral Hog - YouTube

But this boy needed his swim lesson. So, she scooped him up and pushed that tush right into the water. He DID NOT like that and scurred right back out of that pool. And mom allowed it, for now.

A video of their little swim break was caught on video and posted on YouTube.

That video was viewed more than 350,000 times.

Apparently, this little family visits each year.

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Viral Hog - YouTube

And also, they don’t make a mess while they’re “borrowing” the pool so the tenants don’t mind.

“Mama bear with the one cub come over to swim and keep cool. They are left alone and don’t bother the homeowners. They come around in the spring-summer. They don’t poop in the pool, just leave their dirt,” the video’s caption reads.

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Viral Hog - YouTube

Experts say that animal poop in the pool can be a problem.

“When the term Accidental Fecal Release (AFR) is mentioned, immediately Recreational Water Illness comes to mind. Protozoan parasites such as cryptosporidium and giardia are common threats, both spread by swallowing contaminated pool water,” Pool and Spa News says.

Birds, frogs, raccoons, bears, and other kinds of animals are all known to poop in pools, which can lead to illness for those who swim in the water if the pool is left untreated.

When it comes to raccoon poop, the Centers for Disease Control says you should first remove the poop.

Then you can filter the pool for 24 hours then backwash the pool filter or you can backwash the pool filter, drain, and hose down the pool.

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Viral Hog - YouTube

If it’s poop from another animal, like a bear, you should follow the directions on how to safely remove and clean it up here.

The best way to steer animals away from your pool is to make sure there are no bird feeders or food near your pool area.

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Viral Hog - YouTube

But that typically works for smaller animals. For animals like bears, you could use electronic deterrents, flashing lights, noise makers, alarms, or sprinkler systems.

Bears usually get used to those things and ignore them after a while.

A radio may work for tricking a bear into thinking humans are around. Bears are also repelled by the scent of ammonia, bleach, and pine-based cleaners. Just don’t mix them together or leave them out in a manner where it can cause blindness to the bear.

Learn more about this mama and baby bear’s pool day in the video below.

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