Beagle Puppy Struggles Down The Stairs – The Ending Has Internet In Stitches
This is too funny!
Arianna Etemadieh

When you’re a baby, everything seems new and exciting – and it is, for the most part. This experience seems universal regardless of species. The world is huge and exciting, and every day we grow and find our place in it.

But when you’re a domesticated pet, like a puppy or a kitten, some new and exciting things can be confusing and intimidating as well. For example, to them, the concept of doors and stairs can be strange. I’ve known a few cats that are determined, even as they get older, to find out what you are doing when you close the door behind you.

Perhaps cats have a case of FOMO – the fear of missing out.

Likewise, dogs can be confused by these human inventions as well.

In the video featured below, a beagle puppy named Oliver faces his arch-nemesis: the stairs.


His owner gently encourages Oliver to come down the stairs by himself, but the adorable little beagle struggles with the simple task.

To be honest, I don’t blame Oliver for his fear of the stairs. If I were a dog, especially a small puppy, I’d wonder why my owner wanted me to take these gargantuan steps.

Still, despite Oliver’s fear, the little dog slowly makes it down the stairs – only to run back up again when he gets a little too frightened.


Oliver’s owner is still patient, however, and encourages Oliver to come all the way down the stairs. He has his camera capturing every second for when Oliver completes the task – just like how a parent would record their child’s first steps.

But just when Oliver’s owner thinks that Oliver is going to cross the threshold of the final few steps, Oliver has a surprise of his own!

Unable to hold it in anymore, Oliver pees on the carpet!


Now it makes sense why Oliver was whining and crying to his owner! He desperately needed to use the bathroom and didn’t have time to learn how to go down the stairs by himself!

The video has earned over 660,000 views on YouTube, and many were shocked yet amused by the twist ending to the Oliver vs Stairs story!


I’m sure Oliver will conquer his fear of the stairs one day. Until then, when you gotta go, you gotta go!

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