Baby horse refuses to leave injured mother’s side
This baby horse show how much she loves her mom! Even when a rescue crew shows up to help, the baby horse refuses to leave her side.
Colby Maxwell

One of the universal relationships in the entire world is that of a mother and her child. Across cultures, geologic locations, and even species, moms are loving and protective of their children. This motherly instinct seems to be present in more than just humans! This little horse and her mom are a great example of that.

The motherly instinct is a powerful instinct that influences many animals today.


In the human world, you don’t want to get in between a mother and her kid! While that instinct is currently used for things like getting a kid to be a starter in a rec soccer league, it used to be a defensive mechanism that protected the vulnerable child.

Bears are famous for this relationship.


Bear mommas love their cubs and cubs love their bear mommas. One of the most common pieces of advice that is given for bear attacks is to “play dead” so that the bear loses interest. The only time that this piece of advice isn’t true is if it is a bear momma with cubs in her wake. If this is the case, it is not good news for the human. Bear mommas won’t stop just because you played dead if they feel their cub are threatened. In the wild, moms are in charge!

More than just a one-way relationship, kids love their moms too!


We all love our moms. This parental relationship is often core to our developmental relationship and is definitive for us, even into adulthood. This little foal shows that other animals feel that too!

This baby horse won’t leave it’s moms side, even when it’s afraid!

Baby horses are called foals and are incredibly cute. This one is extra cute because it refuses to leave its mom’s side, even when she is injured!

This momma horse got injured and rescuers had to come to help her.

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These two horses are no show breeds. Living out in the country, they are entirely wild and live a very different life than many tamed horses. One of the difficult things about living as a wild animal is the more significant potential for injury. This momma horse got tangled up in her mane and couldn’t walk or move.

Normally, an issue like this could spell disaster for a wild animal.

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The smallest injury can spell disaster for wild animals. Even in the direst of circumstances, however, this baby horse won’t leave its mom’s side! We don’t know how long this duo had been sitting, but the foal refused to walk away and leave her mom!

When the rescuers show up, the foal gets incredibly worried and anxious.

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Thankfully, rescuers showed up to help out the momma horse. All they needed to do was get close enough to cut some of the mane away so that the back hoof could get free.

While the rescuers were working, the little foal was running circles around them!

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In possibly the most adorable scene ever, the baby is nervously running circles around the crew as they work. She has no idea what they are doing to her mom! Over and over again, the little foal ran around, hoping to get close to her mom again.

Finally, the crew backs up to give the mom some space.

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Once the crew finished their life-saving work, the mom wasn’t able to stand up right away. After quite some time in pain and unable to move, she probably just needed some time to sit and recover!

With momma sitting still for a minute, the baby gets up the nerve to come in close and check on her.

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Once the crew backed off, and momma was chillin’ for a minute, the baby felt comfortable enough to skip over and check on her. You can see that she was genuinely concerned and wanted to make sure her mom was ok!

When momma finally got up, the two walked off into the distance.

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Ending the cute scene, the two wander off into the horizon. It is incredible to see such “human” emotions in these animals.

Check out the video below!

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