Baby gorilla melts 5M hearts doing everything he can to get dad’s attention
All his dad wants to do is take a snooze but baby Kintaro is having none of it. 🦍🥰
Jaclyn Abergas

What comes to mind when you see gorillas? Tough, ferocious, and intelligent animals, right?

They’re so fascinating, but hard to get to know because they’re also intimidating. We don’t want to get too close because we never know what could happen.

Gorillas and people share some similarities.


One idea that this video shows is that gorillas (especially the parents) are just like any other parent, human or non-human.

That goes for the kids, too.

YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】
YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】

Momotaro and his mate, Genki, have two offspring that the zoo named Gentaro and Kintaro.


They’re a Western gorilla family currently residing at Kyoto City Zoo, which is known for breeding this already endangered species due to environmental destruction and poaching.

It’s great to see videos like this so that we could learn more about Western gorillas and their life and behavior.

This makes it so much easier for common folks like us to fight and advocate for their species.

Did we mention how adorable they are?

YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】
YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】

What do babies want? They want to play.

Although their space at the zoo has been equipped with a lot of activities and toys, sometimes kids want to play with their parents.

So, what does Kintaro do?

YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】
YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】

He tries to get the attention of his father, Momotaro, to play with him.

Momotaro leans against one of the posts and Kintaro decides to play with the ball near that post.


The ball was too heavy for him though and he decided not to play with it.

Gorillas are very intelligent animals though and it looks like it came to his mind that he’ll catch his father’s attention.

Will Momotaro cave in and play?

YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】
YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】

Unfortunately, Momotaro only glances at him.

Clearly, it was time for plan B.


Momotaro has now moved from the post to the wall. In front of him, there are dry leaves and sticks on the ground.

Kintaro rolled around the dry leaves but Momotaro still paid no attention.

YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】
YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】

What’s Kintaro gotta do to get dad’s attention?

Kintaro is already covered with all those dry leaves and he’s running back and forth in front of Momotaro.

Momotaro keeps watching his every move but he just doesn’t want to move from where he’s sitting.

YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】
YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】

Persistence is key.

Kintaro tries to get his father to play with him until one day, Momotaro lay on the ground with his arms keeping him up.

He reaches out to Kintaro, who should have loved the attention.

It looks like he’s not used to this kind of attention from Momotaro so he wasn’t sure how to respond to it.

YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】
YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】

He’s as evasive as ever.

Kintaro steps closer only to step back, taunting his dad to try and get him to move.

Momotaro was patient, just like Kintaro. He waited until Kintaro was ready to play with him.

When Kintaro was ready and they began to play with each other, they were constantly with each other.

YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】
YouTube Screensh0t - ゴリラ色の世界【Gorilla World】

See how baby Kintaro goads his dad into enjoying some playtime in the video below!

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