Adorable baby crawls up to German Shepherd to give kisses
The dog had the sweetest response to the baby's kisses.
Patricia Lynn

Babies and dogs are so sweet together.

Of course, you want to keep an eye on a baby and dog when they’re together and monitor their interactions. But when they’re together they can be as sweet as can be, as this baby and dog show.

Screencap via YouTube
Screencap via YouTube

While some people who have watched this viral video have warned that things could have gone wrong, the majority of its over 1.5 viewers found the interaction between a toddler and her German Shepherd heartwarming.

The parents posted the video to ViralHog with the description:

“This is my daughter, Quinn, and our white German Shepherd, Larry. Larry is 9 months older than Quinn and has been obsessed with her since we brought her home. He’s always licking her hands and letting her climb all over him, but I’ve never allowed him to lick her face, though he tries all the time. Quinn finally decided that she wanted kisses from Larry, and I think Larry was hesitant to oblige since I was right there. Eventually, he couldn’t hold out any longer, so Quinn finally got her puppy kisses.”

The San Antonio, Texas family caught the video footage in January while filming the two playing together.

While Larry is just a puppy himself, he looks pretty chill in the moment and not terribly willing to engage in kisses.

Screencap via YouTube
Screencap via YouTube

Quinn starts out by giving him a nose bump and a couple of face-to-face love taps.

The baby squeals with delight as the dog blinks up at her quietly.

Screencap via YouTube
Screencap via YouTube

Once the toddler sits back, Larry gets up from his comfortable slipper, stretches, and moves towards her, ready to return the affection. He puts two paws on her legs and gently nudges her back on the nose, much to her delight.

He then returns her kisses by licking her face while she laughs and the family has caught quite the adorable moment on video.

Of course, parents can’t expect all dogs to react this way and pet owners are often warned to keep a close eye on animals and children, especially small ones who can make sudden movements, loud noises, or pull hair and scare dogs into acting out unexpectedly.

Screencap via YouTube
Screencap via YouTube

German Shepherds sometimes get a bad rap because they are often trained for police and military use as well as home protection, making them seem more aggressive than they are. But, in fact, they are very dependable family dogs if trained and socialized properly.

They are not only gentle but can be fierce protectors of their families.

According to the American Kennel Club, they are very intelligent as well that make excellent companions that are easily trained.

While white German Shepherds like Larry are less common than the black and brown type, the dogs are the same breed and have all the same characteristics, except color. Some say that the white version of the dog has a calmer demeanor.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

As Larry shows, German Shepherds are as sweet and gentle as can be. These two are going to have a wonderful time growing up together.

Check out the video for yourself below!

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