Baby encounters wild deer in her backyard
When these two started their stare off I wasn't sure where it was going but then the deer made the first move!
Severin Lai

It’s always a beautiful moment when you spot a deer in your back yard! It’s rare but every now and again, if you live in deer country, you might just get lucky and spot a deer or two moving through your back yard! They’re always so beautiful and majestic.

What could make it more beautiful? Well what about watching a brand new human see one up close for the first time? Honestly it could go either way.

Are they going to be afraid of the deer? Will the deer treat them gently?


Well we’re going to find out in today’s video!

Photo by Jim Fawns from Pexels
Photo by Jim Fawns from Pexels

In a video posted onto YouTube, Maggie McCarthy


captured her daughter’s interaction with a deer

that had wandered into their back yard!

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The video shows

the two of them really taking it slow and eyeing each other up before interacting with one another!


This instinct is built into all of us and is part of interacting with the unknown! When you encounter something new you almost always assess it in some manner before getting close to it!

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It’s a really beautiful moment where some form of understanding bridges the difference between two wildly different species of mammals!

The only understanding that is really needed between them is that neither is there to hurt the other and that they will be gentle with each other!

But the deer can even be seen being somewhat playful below!


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The above image is the deer flicking it’s head about somewhat between interactions, as if to sort of say “hey, wanna play?”

But when the sweet little human baby doesn’t really react to it, the deer almost takes it as a queue to be gentle and it curiously sniffs the tiny person!

Look at how close they get in the shot below!

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Honestly this was a pretty safe interaction for the child to have considering how young the deer looks and how rarely deer attacks actually happen in the world, although they have happened!

“[D]eer sometimes ‘lose patience’ with humans.

“In the majority of cases, this is just a short charge because the person with the video camera gets a little too close, or does something inappropriate.” -Wildlife Online

This little girl definitely got close to this deer, but look at how gentle she is being!

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The parents had plenty of evidence that they could be confident in their actions.

The deer is calm and young, and apparently most deer attacks have been from stags in rut!


“Situations are sometimes made worse by the unacceptable risks some people are willing to take to get a decent view of the rut. According to keepers in one area of the New Forest, the Red deer rut is becoming an increasingly dangerous time as photographers place themselves too close to the action – in some cases, between two challenging stags!” -Wildlife Online

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And it turns out, deers are pretty smart! Mother deer will recognise the cries of human babies!

In an article from Treplus Communities, they stated:

“A mama deer will actually respond to the cry of [a] human baby.

“Turns out, White-tailed deer are quite sensitive to others. In addition to being receptive to the cries of human babies, they’re also tuned into the calls of young seals, bats and other mammals.”


As you could probably guess, the internet fell in love with this video! Check out some of these YouTube Comments below:

YouTube Comments
YouTube Comments

To see the video for yourself, you can scroll just below and it will be there waiting for you! It’s a quick watch but every moment is just beautiful!

Do yourself the favor and give your heart the little lift it needs today!


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