Who doesn’t like getting out in nature? Not only is it therapeutic to take a break from technology and explore the great outdoors – but it can also turn into some pretty memorable experiences.
One family, however, didn’t even have to go deep into the woods to get an up-close look at wildlife. That’s because it simply came right up to greet them!

The people in the video were out walking when some loud noises caught them off guard.
After looking in the direction of the sounds, they spotted the tiny creature that was making them. It was an adorable baby deer!
Amazingly though, the animal didn’t just scamper back into the greenery out of natural fear. Nope, it decided to interact with them instead.

There’s a specific person in the family that the fawn really likes…this guy.
According to the video description, the encounter occurred in Springfield, Massachusetts’ Forest Park. It begins with the dad trying to feed the fawn bottled water out of his hands, which actually works! Right away you can tell it seems comfortable with him.

Not all of the people in the group are sure about it.
Another man says, “You’re going to get rabies that way.” A woman points out, “They’ll smell humans on him though.” But even when the dad tries to back up a bit, it sniffs at his legs, not ready to let go of its new buddy!

He must be an animal guy.
Dad continues to feed the fawn water and pours some on its back. It doesn’t seem frightened by him one bit! Turns out, he’s not only a “people person,” he’s a “deer person” too.

The group can’t help but joke over what they’re seeing and even suggest he take it home (eh, maybe not). Actually, if you listen close at one point during the video, it sounds like a call had been made and someone was coming to help.

So, what’s its name?
Anyone who’s able to bond with a deer as if they’re a “deer whisperer” should probably be the one to name it. The guy decides to give it the very proper name of…Rudolph. Wrong movie, Dad.
Interestingly, the state of Massachusettes has over 95,000 white-tailed deer according to Mass.gov.

The baby deer likes both the guy’s legs and his shorts.
It’s not every day you see a tiny fawn up close – let alone have it sniff, lick, and nibble at your legs and clothes. His daughter seems concerned saying, “Dad, he’s going to jump on you!” But that doesn’t happen. Luckily, it’s nothing more than the deer appearing to act like a puppy dog.

Time to say goodbye.
Near the end of the video, it sounds like the person they’d called to help arrived in the parking lot. Bye, Rudolph! Hopefully, they were able to assist in helping the creature, as it clearly wasn’t where it should have been.

Although a lot of the comments on YouTube are debating issues, some viewers have left simple ones about the video’s cuteness.
“Somebody loves you!!! Soo sweet!!”
Another person wrote:
“Lol! Are you my momma?! How adorable!”

Press play on the video below to see the family’s unforgettable encounter with a fawn.
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