Mischievous baby bear escapes from mom in a tree so mama bear teaches him a lesson
If there's anything this little cub learned that day it's don't mess with mom!
Cherie Gozon

Animals and humans have a lot in common more than we dare admit. Those who have pets at home could tell how animals have emotions like us. They tend to get sad, scared, excited, anxious, and happy. Even if they can’t speak, their body language tells a lot.

Unsplash - Matt Chen
Unsplash - Matt Chen

Their actions and mannerisms are like humans in a way, too. The way they hunt is like our survival instincts, and the way their feeding habits are like our eating habits. Even the way they protect or discipline their young are somehow the same.

Unsplash - Rolf Neumann
Unsplash - Rolf Neumann

This viral video in our story would show that even the wildest animal, with less contact or interaction with humans, can be like them when it comes to parenting.

Mama Björk

Björk is one of the famous Bernese brown bears habituating in BärenPark in Switzerland. For years, people saw how she grew and had cubs of her own named Finn and Ursina. The bear park became a popular attraction because of this bear family.

The mama bear has shown her personality and parenting skills over the past years, and this video is one of the memorable moments of how Björk was as a mother.

The Protective Mother

This mama bear can be very protective of her cubs – or, shall I say, strict? When she saw one of them on top of this small, thin tree, she went to it immediately.

She was hell-bent on bringing the little cub down, whether she was furious that her little one was being too naughty or feared something terrible might happen to him.

YouTube Screenshot - Franz Gysi
YouTube Screenshot - Franz Gysi

Björk tried many techniques she could think of to get the little cub down. First, she shook the tree. It was thin and small, so maybe giving it a little shake would make the cub fall like a fruit when you shake a tree.

However, that didn’t work. If anything, the cub clung to that branch for his dear life – he probably knew he was in trouble when he saw his mother under that tree.

YouTube Screenshot - Franz Gysi
YouTube Screenshot - Franz Gysi

Now Björk when for technique number two: the bender. She tried to bend that flimsy trunk and grab a few tree branches with her teeth. She almost got the baby bear when her teeth couldn’t hold the weight anymore.

YouTube Screenshot - Franz Gysi
YouTube Screenshot - Franz Gysi

She also tried climbing that tree to get to her cub, but it couldn’t hold her weight! She fell on that one, but unfortunately, the cub was still clinging to the tree branch. Oh well! It was worth the try.

Enough is enough

Like most mothers, when we want something done and have tried all ways yet still fail, we go all out on our last resort. For Björk, she had had enough of this little ruckus and wanted to get it over with.

YouTube Screenshot - Franz Gysi
YouTube Screenshot - Franz Gysi

Here’s what she did: she cut that tree down with her bare strength. Maybe her second technique showed her that the trunk was flimsy enough and that she had the power of a great brown bear.

YouTube Screenshot - Franz Gysi.
YouTube Screenshot - Franz Gysi.

Björk bent that frail tree trunk until it snapped! She finally got her cub down to safety. However, that little guy knew he was in big trouble because he started running the moment he was on the ground.

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