Anxious German Shepherd lets owner have it when she returns after 36 hours away from him
He doesn't like being separated from her.
Sasha Alonzo

There are some dog breeds that are known more than others for being working dogs.

German shepherds are not only dogs that we see in the home, but also frequently in working dog roles.

That’s because they are among the best breeds for being close to people not only in matters of the home, but in tasks that require intelligence, focus and responsibility.


As describes:

“They’re intelligent and capable working dogs. Their devotion and courage are unmatched. And they’re amazingly versatile, excelling at most anything they’re trained to do: guide and assistance work for the handicapped, police and military service, herding, search and rescue, drug detection, competitive obedience, and–last but not least–faithful companion.”

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12019 on Pixabay

And that last bit, “faithful companion”, is what leads us to this adorable video of a dog and his mum reunited.

This is Johann, and let’s just say he experiences a little bit of separation anxiety when Mom goes away.

Sometimes, it doesn’t even take very long at all to set in.

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When Mom goes away for 36 hours, it’s 36 hours too many for this precious pup.

It’s not clear where Mom went, but it seems like to this dog she may as well have gone to the moon and back.

The way he’s reacting, it seems like he was convinced that she had left him forever.

As soon as Johann sees that Mom has returned, he rushes out and begins whimpering with joy.

He cannot contain his excitement, and slowly, as the realization that she has actually returned overtakes him, he gets increasingly excited.

But how excited can a doggo actually get?

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As it turns out…very!

This lady can’t even sit down without getting absolutely harassed by this affectionate dog.

When dogs get over-excited they seem to not know what to do with themselves, and this little guy is no exception.

And he simply cannot stop grinning!

When the happy whimpers subside, he sits right on top of Mom and grins from ear to ear.

If that’s not the face of contentment, I don’t know what is!

Of course that doesn’t mean that he’s done loving on his mom!

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Here come the loving licks! Our guy is not yet done saying hello.

Between periods of sittin’ and grinnin’, he still launches into sprees of getting all up into Mom’s grill.

“Aw this is true love”, she says between these sprees.

That’s one way to put it Mom!

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But how could you be mad at a face like that!

With a big dumb grin, and smiling pant, Johann seems to be in a place he never wants to leave.

Well, actually I think more specifically, he doesn’t want her to go anywhere.

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Well, let’s just hope she doesn’t plan on going anywhere else for a while.


Because if she ever leaves this fella for a second, he will be sure to lose his mind again.

Usually, when you see these videos of a dog losing his mind at the return of a loved one, they’re returning home from months or years abroad or returning from a war-zone.

But not this dog, all it takes is a day and half away to be too much for him!

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See the adorably happy pup grinning with excitement in the video below.

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