Animals are so funny. Whether they’re family pets or creatures you see in the wild, they all have unique personalities. But one thing that continues to surprise a lot of people is how well they get along, even those of different species. Sure, they’ll tiff once in a while. But most often, animals like each other or at least try to.
These 42 photos prove that point.
1. Stopped by to say hi
This adult Husky decided to say hi to the family’s new kitten. But with a big head poking inside this cat’s hiding place, we understand her being a little standoffish. Before long, we’re pretty sure they’ll be best friends.

2. The odd couple
When it comes to animals, sometimes, they’re just like humans in that opposites attract. That’s what’s going on here with this kitty and ferret. They might be different species but they don’t care. This is true love.

3. Pay attention to me
From the looks of it, this dog wasn’t giving the cat enough attention. So, he decided a little nibble might help. We’re not so sure the pup agrees.

4. There’s a good explanation
We understand why these two animals get along so well. First, they both have short snouts. Second, they’re pretty close in size. Actually, we don’t even think they realize that one’s a pig and the other’s a dog.

5. “Are you, my mom?”
This photo is super sweet. It looks as though this deer thinks the Golden Retriever is her mom. While the dog’s still sizing up the situation, with a baby that cute, it won’t take long for her to fall right into the mama role.

6. Going for a daily ride
Well, it’s not every day you see a dog riding a horse. But they both enjoy it…we think. Okay, we realize this is a small pony but how does this pup get on his back? Who cares, right?

7. Mine, all mine
This dog doesn’t have any plans on sharing the cat. Not only are they two different types of animals but there’s also a significant size difference. Hopefully, this kitty doesn’t mind being held captive.

8. Nothing to see here
Nope…it’s just a dog and raccoon snuggled up on a couch for an afternoon nap. These two have enjoyed a close friendship for quite some time. And as far as they’re concerned, it can go on forever.

9. Honk honk
Is this puppy a) biting his mother’s nose, b) giving her a doggie kiss, or c) checking to see if it’s wet? Yeah, we don’t have any idea either. But one thing’s for sure…this is about as cute as it gets.

10. Loves diversity
While some dogs are selective about who they become friends with, this isn’t one of them. Whether it’s another pup or perhaps a lizard, this beautiful girl is all in. She enjoys having diversity in her life.

11. Two for one
This dog is one lucky fellow. Not only does he have some incredible buddies but they also do dental work. Hey, they just want to make sure this pup has healthy teeth.

12. If only they were closer
But with that darn fence in the way, they’ll have to make do. Thankfully, this German Shepherd has a long tongue. That makes it easy to keep his goat friend’s face clean.

13. A surrogate mom
At first, it appears this photo consists of nothing more than baby goats. But if you look closer, you’ll notice a cat. She must’ve had kittens at some point because she considers these kids hers. No pun intended.

14. Just hanging out
It seems this dog and Guinea pig really like each other. And there’s a nice benefit to being friends. To cement the friendship, those tiny feet and sharp claws are perfect for giving this pup back scratches.

15. The setup
Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks? This cat is out to prove that’s only a myth. Oh, wait a minute, it’s actually a setup. The good news…this Corgi didn’t seem to mind considering he’s smiling.

16. No monkeying around…
…except in this case. Apparently, this monkey thought this critter needed a friend. He decided he made a great candidate and it appears he was right.

17. Volunteering for the job
This kitty makes her intentions clear. With a warm snuggle like that, how could the fox resist? They make an adorable pair.

18. All tucked in
No, this horse isn’t trying to bite the cat. Instead, she just wanted to make sure this cute kitty was tucked into bed. With that kind of affection, there’s a good chance these two will have a long friendship.

19. That’s unusual
It’s not every day that you see a cat relaxing inside a terrarium. It’s also not every day that you see a turtle trying to befriend a kitty inside a terrarium. So, that makes this connection extra special.

20. Trying so hard
This little hedgehog is so adorable. But do you know what’s even more adorable? The fact that it wants to be this dog’s friend…and looking at the pup’s face, the efforts paid off.

21. Sheer determination
The dog on top is determined the one on the bottom is going to be her friend. Even if that means being a little forceful. Let’s hope this was nothing more than playtime that got a little out of hand.

22. Who cares?
It seems this dog doesn’t. Even with a bunch of parakeets on her back, she’s as calm as can be. For the birds…that fluffy fur makes a great resting spot.

23. Love at first bite
One chomp and this kitty’s day could turn bad. But this beautiful Labrador is simply showing affection although in a somewhat disturbing way. That cat trusts his canine friend completely.

24. Friends?
With a sweet kiss from this adorable hamster, we don’t know how the kitty could resist. All he wants is a new friend. To a cat, a hamster might be prey…but not this time.

25. “He’s fine…really”
You can almost hear this cat saying those words. Come to find out, this is a foster kitten. All the larger cat wants is to be her friend. But perhaps taking a gentler approach would work better.

26. Which one doesn’t belong?
According to this zebra, Dalmatian, and monkey, the answer is they all belong. This might be an odd combination but it works. They’ve accepted each other and enjoy being friends.

27. Photo hog
As brothers, these two get along amazingly well. But as you can see, one of them has a bigger ego than the other. Okay, with a face like that, he gets a pass.

28. Taking care of her bestie
This monkey doesn’t care the other creature is different. She’s more concerned that this baby gets proper nutrition. Considering she’s already overseeing things on day one, we imagine they’ll quickly become best buds.

29. You can almost hear it
The dog begins by asking “What’s your name and what are those red things on your head?” Then, it’s the rooster’s turn, “What’s your name and why do you have curly stuff all over your body?” A friendship starts with good communication, right?

30. They’re twins…
…or at least that’s what these animals think. After all, both the Bull Terrier and the pig are white. So, in their eyes, that counts as being twins. There’s no arguing here.

31. Storytime
Whatever story this cat’s telling, it must be good. After all, he has a captive audience. We’re guessing it’s something like “Sheep in a Jeep,” “The Flock,” or perhaps “Dreaming of Sheep in Navajo Country.”

32. Don’t be scared
Yes, geese can be aggressive. And they have a mean bite. But it looks more like this one just wants to get to know the pup. Hopefully, the frightened dog will realize the goose doesn’t have any bad intensions.

33. Perfect harmony
There’s no question these two have already formed a special bond. They both look so content. And being cuddled up so close, this friendship will last a lifetime.

34. Nope…not supper
That could be concerning for the lizard but looking at the kitty’s posture, she’s just curious. You know, it’s not all that uncommon for cats and reptiles to get along. So, thinking they can become friends isn’t a far stretch.

35. So tasty
Yes, it looks as though this dog is chomping down on the raccoon’s face. But in real life, it’s a sweet gesture between friends. A little gross…but sweet.

36. No clue
As the owner searches for the smaller dog, this Husky looks like, “I have no clue where he is.” Look down, boy. “Oh, that adorable pup I’m lying on…that one?” He just wants to keep his canine buddy close.

37. Shared passion
Can you guess it? That’s right, this Bull Terrier and pig both love to get dirty. Since it’s usually pigs that love mud, we’re betting the dog’s the one pursuing a friendship.

38. This will melt the coldest heart
The backstory on this photo is that both animals were homeless. Somehow, they found each other. Not only did they form an immediate friendship but they also found a way to keep each other warm and safe.

39. “Stop ignoring me”
Maybe if this little guy gets as close as possible, the other one will give in. All this beautiful critter wants is a good snuggle. Is it really that hard?

40. An unusual pairing
Unfortunately, most people don’t get the chance to see how wild animals form friendships. Or the type of animals that become friends. Well, here’s a great example. An ostrich and an elephant…who would’ve ever guessed.

41. A perfect place to nap
Why in the world would a pup want to sleep on a dog bed when he has a horse. Thankfully, the pony doesn’t have a problem being a surrogate. These two are inseparable.

42. Wow…that’s awesome
Now, that’s cool. Owls are super amazing creatures. But seldom do you see one hitching a ride on the back of the dog.

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