There’s no dull day when you have pets around. Just looking at them can make you feel better in an instant. In fact, after a long day at work, seeing your dog running towards you can make your stress go away.
If you are feeling down today and you’re looking for something to cheer you up, check out these 63 hilarious pets and their weird ways of making their humans extra happy.
1. Where Would You Put Him?
Here’s another photoshop battle that can have hilarious results. Where would you put this pudgy little guy who looks like he just ate all the bacon? It was tasty. Will he be on the moon? McDonald’s?

2. He’s So Happy, He Could Cry
Have you ever seen a happier pug because I haven’t. He’s just happy to be alive and that’s something we can all learn from. Be as happy as this pug looks, choose to be, don’t let life get in the way of that.

3. There Was A Moth
That simple phrase explains the picture well. There was a moth in the kitchen and everyone in the house was fascinated by it. The man, the cats, the dog, and the woman taking the picture.

4. Risky Business
So, this sign is rightfully placed because this dog looks vicious. Although it doesn’t say anything about an aggressive dog. Just a dog. One that gets stuck in the cat door yet keeps going through it.

5. Photoshop Battle This
This was an original photo in a photoshop battle and it would be hard to beat it. In fact, out of all of the participating photos, the original is indeed the best. Look at their faces! Do they love the snow or hate it?

6. Well, Well, Well, Human
This human is so afraid of his cat that he took a picture of him plotting his own murder. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear a news story about this cat in the near future, let’s hope it’s a good one.

7. Why Is He Here?
This cat didn’t always hide behind the curtains. But when his owner dogsitted for a friend, she started to. There was a dog at her house all of a sudden acting like he owned the place. Real bummer.

8. That’s A Big Mushroom
Imagine being this derp. She is hilarious but don’t worry, she’s always like that, she didn’t eat the mushroom. In most cases, a picture of a giant mushroom would be the showcase, but the derpy dog is too funny not to look at.

9. Pony Boy
Yes, he’s a boy and yes, he is a little embarrassed that his family is taking pictures after putting him in pigtails. But surely this kind of thing happens all the time at his house and he’s used to it now.

10. Who’s The Boss Now?
More often than not, cats are the spoiled, bossy ones. But in this case, this sophisticated dog stole the show. He took over the cat’s climbing tree and doesn’t care one bit if the cat cares about it.

11. The Other Side
From the outside, this looks like a friendly game of tug-o-war. But from the inside, it’s a fierce battle that only one can win. Who will reign victorious and who will let go of success? I’m betting on the dog.

12. Mom Said To Play A Three-Player Game
I’m not sure if this dog is the little brother complaining about the unfair game or if he wanted a bowl with a straw in it. Either way, he’s an adorable angel and he should probably get his way.

13. That’s A Nice Burrito
There’s something wrong with this burrito, it’s looking at me funny. Have you ever seen such a derpy dog that didn’t eat a mushroom? He’s so tiny he can fit in a sock and thinks it’s the funniest thing ever.

14. Wanna Say That To My Face?
This lizard isn’t afraid of anyone or anything. He will face anyone who has something to say about him or his family. If he were any bigger, he’d be intimidating, but he’d say not to let his size fool you.

15. That Was Scary
This dog graduated intermediate training school and he looks terrified. He did a good job but it wasn’t easy. Now, do you think he can handle advanced training school or should we let him drop out?

16. Frank, What The Heck?
If you can’t beat them, join them. This guy thought his friend was crazy at first but it turns out, he knows what’s up. Who knew puffing out your chest and staring at the trees could be so amusing?

17. He Looks So Guilty
This dude noticed someone tried to hack into his phone but soon found out it was his cat all along. Leave it to a photo ID to ruin a cat’s whole career. Now, what’s he going to do with his life?

18. Please, Scar, Help Me
Look at this little cosplayer who is pretending to be Mufasa again. That makes his owner Scar. Don’t you hate it when the kids force you to be the villain every time? In real life and when playing.

19. That’s My Son
Like mother, like son. Can you tell which one is the mom and which one is the son? They look so much alike, it’s hard to tell the difference. But at least they are both as adorable as can be.

20. Tetris Cat
Yep, you guessed it, this at is amazing at Tetris and cat turn into blocks himself. If the cushions were a little fluffier, he’d disappear behind them. He’s also be good at the spider climb.

21. He Still Loves You
He may not be able to see you, but know that he still loves you. He’s not crazy, he just doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about him and his feelings. Anyone who doesn’t love him in return is the crazy one.

22. Did You Guys See That?
This turtle has had quite a life. I don’t know what he’s seen but you know it was intense because his expression says it all. You never think about turtles…well, thinking. But this guy definitely has some crazy thoughts.

23. She’s Okay, Guys
She may look like she’s suffering but for some reason, she just always does that when she gets picked up. She’s a weirdo but at least she’s happy, even if she doesn’t look like it. Surely she loves hugs, right?

24. That Otter Do It
This guy is so adorable that you can’t look at him and not smile. You know you want to so just give into the love he is offering and enjoy life for a minute. Be even half as happy as he is.

25. They Call Him Long John
This cat is sunbathing on the porch and it looks like he is melting. Either that or he’s a contortionist who can stretch out to five times his own size. Yeah, this cat is probably as big as your palm and is just stretchy.

26. I Always Eat Like This
Surely he doesn’t. But even doing it just once is a strange occurrence. For some reason, the cat doesn’t like his paws touching the ground while he eats and now it makes me want to keep mine up too.

27. Can You Believe That?
Have you heard the latest gossip around the zoo because this panda has? He has all of the secrets and you are going to be blown away by what Sally was heard doing last Tuesday. And with the Grizzlies too!

28. The Life Of Brothers
There’s always one brother ruining pictures with a goofy grin and another ruining it with an overly solemn expression. But to their parents, both faces are perfect in every way. What a pair!

29. Who Needs Filtered Water?
This cat has twice filtered fresh water in his own bowl at all times. Yet he chooses to dump the plants and drink their water. Always wanting someone else’s food, that’s the problem with pets.

30. That Was Hilarious
Are these seals super happy or are they freaking out over that device on Bob’s head? It’s hard to tell with seal expressions and it makes you wonder if they think the same thing about us.

31. Oh My Goodness!
His name is Franco and he stole his owner’s girlfriend but who can complain? Who wouldn’t fall for those bright eyes and passionate smile? He’s a charmer and his girlfriend is never going back.

32. Are Those WhICEskers?
This seal has a big problem. His whiskers are frozen! It’s a good thing he has friends to thaw them for him because although it’s cute, it really weighs him down. Man, imagine it being that cold again!

33. I Can’t Even Get It Out
This dude looks like he is laughing so hard that he can’t get the punchline out and finish his joke. He is a funny guy but he can’t be a comedian because he’ll never finish his skit. Bummer.

34. His Two Pals
His dog is like, whatever, the entire road trip. But his cat is freaked out. This is about how it goes no matter who you take. There’s always one paranoid friend and one who doesn’t even say they need to go to the bathroom.

35. No Pictures!
Either this cat hates having her picture taken or she is really bad at hide-and-seek. Either way, we don’t get to see her face so we’ll call that a fail. She is such a pretty thing, but even like this, it’s cute.

36. That’s Not A Dog
It looks like someone brought a bear to doggy day care and that’s just not acceptable. Although he’s so well-behaved that even if he is a bear, they can’t turn him away, he’s too sweet and cuddly.

37. Like My Lizardtee?
This cat doesn’t look that upset that she has a lizard hanging from her lip. Perhaps it’s a fashion statement and she’s way ahead of her time. Or she doesn’t know how to ask for help and is screaming on the inside.

38. He Wants To Be A Cat
Look how sad this German Shepherd looks when the cat tells him that she can’t climb on the woodpile. She thinks she would make a fine cat but her cat buddy begs to differ. Let her be who she wants to be.

39. Hurry Before They Notice
Not sure if this is his doggy birthday or he’s stealing a cupcake. Either way, he probably thinks he’s stealing a birthday cake from the humans and that rush is what he wanted for his own birthday.

40. That’s Quarantine For You
This cat and the neighbor’s dog probably play a lot together because all quarantine, they stared at each other through the windows. Perhaps there really was nothing better to do than stare at your neighbor.

41. She Knows He’s Scared
This dog is scared of the cat and the cat knows it. However, she does have a protectiveness in her eyes. As if she believes she’s the only one who should be allowed to torment him. More power to her.

42. Attack Or Defense?
I’m not sure if this cat is afraid and ready to hide away or ready to pounce. Either way, her eyes are ginormous and intimidating. But I still want to cuddle her up and make sure she feels calm.

43. I Hungry
It looks like this sweet puppy is hungry but he actually fell asleep trying to escape. He is brand new to this world so he doesn’t know what’s safe and what isn’t. Poor little guy is tuckered out.

44. He’s Good Luck
His name is Winston and he looks like the luckiest cat in the world. Not that he is particularly fortunate but he definitely brings good luck to all who pet him. Show me to him, I need the luck.

45. He Sorry, Mama
This is better than any Assassin’s Creed weapon you can find. Not only will he surprise your foes but will be so cute that they will totally be distracted. Just watch out for the recoil, he is feisty.

46. Stack-Ems
These two are best friends. They even have similar coloring and look adorable together. Look at how proud the Husky is of his little kitty friend and how happy the kitty is to be with his doggy friend.

47. His Owner Is So Lucky
This hairless cat is a jewel. Probably a very expensive one at that. But his owner couldn’t be more pleased because he’s the sweetest little guy you’ve ever met. Look at those eyes and tell me he’s not perfect.

48. You Need Help?
Dogs are probably the worst social distancers in the world. This pupper doesn’t understand and his owner can’t do anything with him. Guess we’ll have to risk it and cuddle instead of work.

49. Still Loading
Either the lighting in this room is off or this cat hasn’t been unlocked yet. It sure looks like a special one, I can’t wait to earn enough points to unlock it. But don’t worry, we can still love the other ones when it happens.

50. Everyone Right Now
If you can’t relate to this owl then you’re not stressed enough about what’s going on in the world. At least wake up like this and you can have empathy for this poor owl who can’t get enough sleep.

51. Try Not To Smile
If there was one animal that was going to make you smile, it would be this guy. It’s called a quokka, and it is native to Australia. He is a silly guy that is always full of smiles and hugs. Who doesn’t need a friend like that?

52. Testing, testing
This little pupper likes the taste of friendship and destests hostility. So he tastes all of his new friends and acquaintances to make sure they are kind. It’s not a bad plan and it’s a great superpower.

53. What Do You See?
This guy was nonchalantly drinking coffee and staring out the window when his cats jumped him. They wanted in on the action and were sure there was a huge dog or other threat out there.

54. Well, That’s A Head Scratcher
First of all, that’s not a sofa, so maybe that’s why the dog misunderstood and is sitting on it. Maybe he thought it meant not to sit on the sofa. Or he just doesn’t care about rules because that’s what it looks like.

55. Just Like The Cat
No, it wasn’t his initial idea. But when he saw the cat do it, he thought, “Hey, that looks comfy,” and now he does it all the time. This is what happens when you have dogs and cats together.

56. Happy Fourteenth
When this guy was eleven years old, his owner adopted him. Which is super sweet! But this photo was taken on the dog’s fourteenth birthday and he’s still kicking. He wants all the life he can get and he’s gonna live it well.

57. There’s Two
Believe it or not, but there’s two animals in this picture. The chocolate lab is obvious but it turns out he has a willing feline friend who likes to cuddle. But I think the dog likes it a little more.

58. So This Is Rain
This cat wanted to go outside despite her owner’s insisting that she stay in. Whenever he gave in and let her out, she regretted it for she did not know what rain was. Cats never listen to anyone.

59. This Is Cosplay
This isn’t just cosplay, it’s the best cosplay I’ve seen to date. He got the expression spot on and the coloring is even better than the original. Cosplaying a banana is no easy task but he nailed it.

60. Just One More, Babe
This looks like it perfectly describes most couples and their view on selfies. But according to this dog owner, it describes the personalities of the dogs in the photos. I love them both so much already.

61. Welcome Back
This is the greeting this pet owner gets every day when she returns from work. Her cat loves to peek out from the balcony with his cute fluffy face. How could you be unhappy when you get to look at this face?

62. Mirror Their Owner
They say that most people get pets that look like them without even trying. Well, it looks like it’s true in this case. These two have the same smile. While the cat doesn’t’ smile all that often, I have a feeling her human does.

63. Silliest Of Friends
If you have a friendship like this, then you’re one of the lucky ones. If you’re having a bad day, having a friend to empathize yet bring you out of it is one of God’s greatest gifts. Cherish them.

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