It’s easy to forget that animals can have bad days, too! When we are not feeling well or work is dull, we feel miserable. Even though our dogs and cats don’t think like us, they can still have a bad day. These animals were caught in the act of having a “ruff” day!

1. Runaway pooch
While dogs don’t intentionally get lost, they often can’t find their way back home. For many “indoor dogs”, their taste of wild freedom isn’t that great. This dog realized that quickly. He probably just wants some food!
2. Ralph heard a firework
For a dog, fireworks are scary! They don’t understand that it’s a celebration and it probably sounds like the world is ending outside. When the fireworks go off, they often just want to be next to us.
This is Ralph. He heard a firework. Not sure if the world is ending but if it is he wanted to be with you. 14/10 i love you Ralph
— WeRateDogs (@dog_rates) July 4, 2019
3. Sparky the Squirrel
This squirrel was named Sparky after he chewed through a power line that had classes canceled for two days. Let’s just leave it at the fact that Sparky went out with a bang.
4. Reality Check
While “bully breeds” is a misleading name, it didn’t come without reason. For one Pitty, he found out that he wasn’t as big as he thought he was! The lesson is that there is always bigger fish in the dog pond.
5. Flying Squirrel
While this squirrel couldn’t fly, he sure believed he could! It looks like it fell off the roof and executed a perfect landing. He is ok because we can see his trail leading away. Squirrels always fall on their feet!
6. Big game hunter
There are some serious animals on this planet. The biggest of the deer family, the moose, is quite the creature. They are massive and imposing animals that can be quiet and sneaky. One dog found that out!
7. Homesick
We don’t often think about the impact simple actions have on the environment around us. A simple task like cutting a tree down may be a good thing to do for insurance, but not for a squirrel.
8. Burgerless Husky
You know that feeling when you are expecting something and get your hopes all up – and then it doesn’t happen? That is the face of this husky. She thought that she was going to be getting the last bite of her owner’s burger!
9. False advertising
Sometimes you get “got” by marketing. The product looks incredible and you go for the buy. Once you see it, however, you are disappointed. This poor cat seems to have learned that lesson the hard way.
10. Duck in a fence
There is no other way to describe it. This duck got stuck right in a fence! While we may never know the circumstances that got him to this moment, we can rest easy knowing that someone helped it.
11. “I am not a cat”
This dog decided to open a screen window and follow the housecat out onto the roof. After some rounds of therapy, pats on the head, and snuggles, he was finally himself again. He now officially knows he is not a cat!
12. Cat stuck in a tree, but for real
You know the calls that the fire department gets daily (in movies at least). People are complaining about how their cat is stuck in a tree and they need help. Well, this cat is legit stuck!
13. Trash panda
There is a reason that racoons are called trash pandas! They are incredibly smart but they can’t help themselves when it comes to food. This little (or fat) guy got himself stuck reaching for the prize.
14. One bag of charcoal later…
This dog is named Oreo and he looks like he fits the part perfectly! The only issue is that he was left at home alone. While alone, he found a bag of charcoal and decided that he wanted to become a Dark Tempatations Oreo instead.
15. Color by number
Rumor has it that there is a rare new dog breed on the market. It is a “color by number” breed that you can design yourself. All you need to get one is a kid, markers, and a white dog.
16. The cutest patient ever
A family hamster fell and broke his leg! When they took him to the doctor they put him in a little cast that makes it all the more cute. This little guy deserves all the love.
17. A panicked cat
This is a case of curiosity that didn’t kill the cat, it only scared it. It stuck its head in a vase and then got scared. Running around, it broke the vase leaving you with the impression that someone wanted to make this cat look royal.
18. Crying over spilled milk
Cats love a bowl of milk. This one seems angry, and for good reason! Its owner accidentally kicked his bowl over and didn’t have anything to replace it with. I mean, look at those eyes!
19. Wrong way!
This is a progression photo that tells a hilariously sad story. It shows this dog’s face as they get in the car and start driving. Then they get near the dog park, only to turn away right before it!
20. Cat in flight
The speed of cat is almost incalculable. No camera can capture them totally at top speed. This cat was midair as it fell of a camera when its picture was taken.
21. Dog prison
This dog is gonna be in the slammer after it ran away from home. Not only did it run away, it also attacked a deer and got arrested! It seems this is a “bad boy” moment.
22. Penguin Heist
As the movie Madagascar shows, all penguins are secret agents. This is video evidence of that. It seems these penguins were on the search for some food!
23. Wall of snow
Snowdays are exciting for everyone. This cat was super excited, only to have that joy tempered soon after. He went sprinting out right when the door opened, only to run headfirst into a wall of snow.
24. No mas pantalones
This cat is having a rough day. It had to have surgery and needed to be shaved for it. Now it looks like it doesn’t have any pants! Poor thing must be cold (from the waist down, at least).
25. Caught red-snouted
Being caught red-handed is never something you want to experience. This dog had eaten an entire package of frozen fish filets and was gonna get away with it! The only issue was that he had to go to his owner for help because he got a wee bit stuck!
26. Surprise visitor
This guy bought a cough off Craigslist and took it home. He kept on hearing noises and then realized it was coming from the couch. Cutting it open, he found this cat inside!
27. Not a happy camper
Leaving a party is never fun. This boxer is realizing that he doesn’t like it when he has to leave the dog park earlier than his friends. Look at that pouty face!
28. Ballon animal cat
Of all the things you never expect to do, pulling a balloon string out of your cat’s butt at 11:30pm is up there. This cat must have eaten a balloon and been completely fine after! More than that, it tried to poop it out!
29. “Got fixed” face
While we like to pretend we are a lot different that animals, we all do a lot of the same things. Humans don’t get “fixed” but they sure do take precautions in their later years *snip snip*, ahem. This cat got fixed and its face is about right for what a human would do too!
30. Object attachment
Animals can get attached to objects just like humans can. A little kid loves their blankie just like this dog loves his bowl! It is just temporarily in the dishwasher but he doesn’t know that.
31. Mind prison
After going for a walk, Archie’s owner dropped his leash and went inside. After breakfast, the family came out to see that Archie was stuck. Turns out, he had stepped on his leash with his own back foot! The rescue operation was simple: Lift up his foot.
32. Intoxicating bacon
We all love the smell of bacon. We sometimes can’t even resist it! This cat learned a valuable lesson about smelling bacon. The lesson being that when it is frying, don’t put your head into the pan to smell it.
33. Peeking out
Birds are often smarter than we give them credit for. This little guy was left in the bathroom and got stuck! His owner snapped this hilarious pic. He is just sitting on the floor looking out and it is hilarious.
34. Squished feline
It seems cats are always getting themselves into places they don’t belong. While we don’t know how this happened, we know that is did. This cat got himself stuck between the screen door and the glass!
35. Hyperactive kitty
One owner had to learn how to deal with her wild cat! She said:
I Had To Lock Her In The Dog Crate Because She Was Going To Break Something From Being Over Hyper. I Think She Hit Her Breaking Point
36. Their dog is broken
People sometimes say that their dog is broken. Is this what that means? It seems that something is out of place in this kitchen. Oh, I see, someone left the pizza out.
37. A thief in the night
This cat loves to take bottlecaps from its owners and hide them. After a long time, his stash was found and all the chips were on the table! It seems like this has been a project that has been in the works for a long time.
38. One stuck puppy
Dogs get themselves in the worst of places. Whether it’s jumping into a massive pit of mud or rolling around in some other animal’s poop, dogs find a way to get stuck in situations. This dachshund got himself stuck in the middle of a couch and couldn’t get out! He may not be smelly but he is stuck.
39. One brave cat
Cats are brave to a fault. They will fight animals that are many times thier size without an ounce of fear. This picture is a great example of that. A cat is literally chasing a bear away!
40. Puff head
This dog is having a really rough day. It ate a bee and looks like it got stung really badly all across the inside of its mouth. This poor thing got hurt pretty bad.
After seeing these photos you might see that animals can have rough days like humans too! Make sure you give your animals a special hug to let them know they are loved.
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