Occasionally, actors depart from a just-finished film with more than just memories—they might acquire a fresh hairstyle or even snag a coveted prop. Viggo Mortensen, however, takes it a step further, sometimes departing with a four-legged companion, and he’s not alone in this practice. From Sophie Turner’s direwolf to Audrey Hepburn’s deer, here are instances of actors taking home their fortunate animal co-stars.

Sophie Turner

In Game of Thrones, Sophie Turner’s fondness for Sansa Stark’s direwolf extended beyond the screen. “Growing up, I always wanted a dog, but my parents never wanted one,” she shared with CoventryLive in 2013. “We kind of fell in love with my character’s direwolf, Lady, on set.” When Lady’s time on the show concluded and Zunni, the Northern Inuit dog portraying her, required a permanent home, Turner’s family eagerly offered theirs.