Having a pet may just be the best thing you would ever do for yourself and everyone around you. Animals are smart beings, and they could become the most loyal and lovable addition to your family. Even if things are rough, these wholesome creatures would never fail to make you smile. Here are 60 pets and their genuine way of making their fur-parents smile.
1. Still the same puppy
Old habits die hard, and the same goes for our pets, no matter how many years would pass. This dog had been resting its head on his mom’s lap. Now that he’s a big pooch, he still does the same.

2. Happy Doggo
Nothing could make a dog happier than having you petting them at their favorite spot. This pooch was giving its widest smile as his mom gently scratches his neck. He just looks so ecstatic that you can’t help but feel the same way too.

3. Friendly ducks
Everybody’s childhood is a little different. While some spent their childhood days with other kids, this one spends his with his duck friends. He puts his arm around the two friendly ducks as they enjoy life on the farm.

4. You could see the happiness on their faces
Cats don’t usually love getting hugs; however, it is surprising to see this one loving one. In fact, as the mom hugs her cat tightly and placed it on her chest, they both have bliss painted on their faces. They are just meant to be with each other.

5. Cat having both a best friend and a bed
Cats and dogs don’t usually get along with each other; although in some instances, they do. Just like these two unlikely, inseparable friends, for example. The cat looked so comfortable scooching herself in the sweet pooch’s thick fur.

6. Present your offerings to the feline god
The family saw their cat-loving tight, but comfy spaces. They decided to build a blanket fort for him, and it seemed to please him very much. Although, it seemed like he loves demanding sacrifices from his hoomans.

7. Your morning buddies
What would it be like waking up to the sight of three gorgeous cats at your door. Well, this cat owner does know about it as he is greeted in his toilet every morning. Perhaps they are motivating their human and wishing him a stroke of good luck before he leaves home.

8. A flowery kiss
This could just be the sweetest thing that you could ever witness outside your window. As two cats were enjoying the smell of the fragrant flowers along with the fresh morning air, one of them gave the other a smooch on the cheek.

9. Little kitten wants to play
Kittens are probably one of the most adorable creatures on earth. See the little feline beside the man’s feet. Her innocent gaze, as she looks directly at the man, is enough to make your day a little better.

10. Gaming companion
Nothing beats a relaxing day chilling on the soft sofa with your pet. This man knows how to spend leisure well as a curious feline sits on his lap while he was playing video games. Even strong men have a soft spot for little kittens.

11. A cuddly boy on the street
No one could get enough of this pooch’s fluffy fur. A bunch of punk-dressed folks was intoxicated by the touch of a friendly dog’s fur. They are even lying on the street as they feel its warm and soft hair.

12. Moth Retriever
Just as we love having a butterfly land on our fingers, this photo gives you the same kind of pleasure. Somehow, a beautifully patterned moth landed on a sweet Golden retriever’s snoot. As the moth rested on its nose, someone was able to take a quick shot to preserve this moment forever.

13. Beard bros
This dog’s black hair perfectly matches his owner’s long greyish beard. “Beards of the same color, band together,” may just be this duo’s life quote. They even have a perfect selfie together!

14. Friendliest guard dog
This family got a large dog to intimidate anyone who dares to walk near their vicinity. However, the giant malamute that they got was way too friendly that he lets every passerby rub his belly. This feels like being scammed by an advertised product bought in a shady online shop.

15. Makes you go ‘awww’
Everybody needs a best friend, and this kid found him – a cute little puppy. The kid would walk around the home while carrying the puppy like a baby or a stuffed animal. The puppy does not seem to mind it; maybe he himself enjoys the hugs too!

16. Making herself comfortable
Cats are unique sleepers – having thousands of ways to make themselves comfortable. For this feline, she loves the warmth of her owner’s face and decides to coil up near it. Now, it becomes so hard for the man to even move a muscle as he does not want to wake his baby up.

17. Comforting a best friend
One of the cats was off to see the vet. Once they came back home, the other cat came to wrap its paws around her. It was as if he was telling their owner, “What did you do to my best friend?” It’s just the cutest thing ever.

18. Only comes out for pets
This cat is shy and almost has no presence in its own house. Even the owners claimed that their neighbors thought they don’t have a cat. Although, he really has, except it only comes out for quick snuggles

19. Rainbow cat
For a second, you would think that this one’s a kind of fairy. The light refraction perfectly lined up with the cat’s gorgeous patterns. With them, it looks like the cat was glowing with rainbow colors.

20. Weird sleeping positions
Cats sleep weird, and we can’t fathom the thought of how they could be comfortable with their positions. Much like this little cat who got used to sleeping with his head bowed down on his own paws. It looks just like this.

21. Sweet pug
This sweet pug always gives his fur-parents their smiles. He is such a precious dog, and it was like he was a son to them. When you try to catch him, he would go along with it thinking you are playing with him.

Facebook/April Elizabeth Licata
22. One of the dogs
There’s something odd about this family of dogs. Maybe because there is a turtle within them. However, it seemed like the turtle thought that he is one of the dogs. He might be wondering where their shells have gone.

23. Corgi bush
This wholesome corgi has gifted a gigantic model of himself on the yard. It was a bush trimmed and fashioned into looking like a corgi. Now everyone in the neighborhood knows about him.

24. Opening up to the family
A family decided to adopt a dog, and they found this very skittish dog who somehow hated company. They thought he’d never open up to them until one day. The dog suddenly approached his new fur-parents, asking them to pet him.

25. Wholesome grandma and her dog
You see different kinds of things in a public park. For this one guy, he saw the most wholesome moment as he was resting on the park benches – a grandma spoiling a dog with affection. The pooch seemed so happy with the wonderful treatment.

26. Planting memories
Devastating news was given to this cat owner, and it was his sick cat not making it. The vet had to put her down due to a severe illness. Although to keep the memories of the owner’s beloved cat, they gave him its pawprint, along with everyone’s names on the paper it was in.

27. A strong canine-feline friendship
There is a slim chance to actually see a cat getting along with a dog. Most of the time, they would just hiss and bark at each other. However, these two are best friends, sharing every hour of the day.

28. Some things never change
Growing old does not exactly change who we are as certain habits remain intact. The same goes for this cat who still had to have his carrot toy on his bedside so he could sleep comfortably. The cat even grew way too big for his bed; although he does not seem to notice it himself.

29. Kitten compartment
This chair’s beverage holder becomes a special compartment for this little kitten. She gives the most precious smile while he is sitting on the little face. It is enough to make you fall in love with him.

30. Packing essentials
While going on a trip, you should always remember to pack your essentials. As for this man, his essentials are composed of a bunch of clothes, electronic devices, and their respective chargers, and four gorgeous cats. What a trip it must be.

31. Could not sleep without Batman
Some people could not sleep with one thing missing from them. The same goes for this puppy as he could not sleep without his companion, Batman. If you tuck him to sleep, make sure to warm him up with his blanket along with Batman on his side.

32. It remains his favorite spot
Growing up is inevitable and sometimes it means some things are going to change. However, for this dog, he thinks that everything is shrinking on him, especially his favorite spot in the house. However, it seemed it may take more time for him to outgrow his spot.

33. A wise decision
Adopting a pet is one of the hardest decisions that one should face, most especially if you literally love all dogs that you could see in the shelter. This man was torn between two Berner puppies. However, it ended up with him adopting both puppies.
i got both 💞😁 pic.twitter.com/j6Dp0WQcDQ
— nope (@LilNasX) May 29, 2019
34. The happiest doggo
This dog is both blind and deaf; although, his conditions do not stop him from giving therapy to other dogs and humans. Despite everything, he never fails to do his job. This dog’s smile is everything.

35. Joining hooman for a hike
The dog’s name is Floyd and he has a cerebral condition that makes his motor skills are below-average than the others; in fact, he could not even walk well. His owner finds out that he could fit him inside his 75 Liter hiking backpack. Now, he could bring Floyd with him to see the beautiful sights outside.

36. Mom is jealous of them
This man’s girlfriend was the one who suggested adopting a cat. It took some time to finally convince her stubborn boyfriend until he finally gave in. Now, the man and their newly adopted cat are almost inseparable, making his girl a little jealous.

37. Fixing the cat’s favorite toy
This cat ripped his toy as he was roughly playing with it one day. Grandma came in for the rescue, bringing out her sewing kit to stitch it back to the way it was. Meanwhile, the cat was just sitting beside her, waiting for his toy to get fixed.

38. Making use of the extra keyboard
I don’t know what it is about cats and keyboards as there seemed to be some sort of magnet that attracts them together. This cat owner is always disrupted while working as his cat goes in to lie on his keyboard. Later, he thought of placing a spare keyboard on the table, and it worked!

39. Never misses a head bump
Most cats show their affection with a head bump all the while purring at you. However, for this man, his cat was currently wearing a cone. Despite it, the cat never hesitates to try and give his owner a head bump. The only thing was, the whole cone covers the man’s face while he’s doing it.

40. Judgy neighborhood cat
Cats love to peek out of windows, seemingly like judging everyone they see. This cat is the same as he has the perfect spot to watch his neighbors, as well as the neighbor’s pets, pass by. I wonder what goes into her head as she watches them.

41. Proud mom
This dog mom may be the proudest momma of all. After giving birth to two, healthy Pomeranian puppies, she gives her proud smile while looking at them. She even shows the camera what she’s feeling.

42. Timeout buddies
This kid’s parents have given him a timeout after doing something wrong. He goes to stand with his head placed on the wall, so he could think about his actions. The family’s pooch could just not bear looking at the state of his human brother that he goes to sit beside him so he could comfort him.

43. Can’t fit the shoe anymore
It is amazing how mere months would turn a puppy into a humongous dog. This dog was once the size of a boot – perfectly fitting his whole body in it. After a couple of months, only a paw could fit as the pup has grown into a gorgeous German Shepherd.

44. A mere fence can’t stop genuine love
Fences and barricades are not enough to stop true love. The same goes for this puppy who has found a human friend behind their fence. Every day, the dog comes to lie beside the hole in the fence so his friend would come and pet his belly.

45. Dogs are waiting for their hooman friend to come back
A homeless man was taking care of a bunch of friendly street dogs. One day, he was sent into the hospital. As dogs could not enter the hospital’s premises, they all waited for him outside the hospital doors.

46. Making good use of cones
This cat loves to sleep on the carpet. However, his fur merges in with the carpet’s color, rendering him unnoticeable, especially when one is not paying attention. Thus, his owner put orange cones beside him so anyone would notice him sleeping.

47. Diet works out well
Going on a diet is probably one of the hardest things to do, especially if you lack self-control and dedication. However, let’s have this cat become our inspiration. He was once a chonky cat that could not almost fit in a box, but after a few weeks of following his diet regimen, he achieved his desirable weight.

48. Ball of fluff
Cats sometimes coil themselves into a ball as they sleep. Sometimes you would not recognize the cat as they turn into a perfect ball of fur. Although, you have to admit that just looking at this coiled cat, somehow made you smile.

49. The way this cat looks at his owner
We all need to have someone the way this cat looks at his dad. This is the sight of true love. You cannot deny that they have spent their days wonderfully together, nurturing their bond into the point of being unbreakable.

50. Making friends with the horse
Kittens are curious beings and they won’t refuse to walk towards anything they see interesting. The same goes for this cat who was born near the horse’s stable at the farm. The moment the kittens could walk, their first steps led them to the horse, as if they are trying to make friends with him.

51. Growing up together
15 years have passed and this dog ever since the first photo was taken. You could see how the dog’s fur is slowly turning grey. Although, the love between them had never faded, not even a little bit.

52. Bringing toys to cheer people up
This is Jasper and he is the neighborhood’s friendliest dog. One time when he noticed that one of his neighbors could not go out of the house much because of health issues, he would run towards her every time she appears so he could let her borrow his toy. We all deserve to have a ‘Jasper’ in our lives, who never fails to show love and concern.

53. Love in the toughest of times
One of the dogs was gravely sick, and his fur was slowly wilting like flowers. Despite everything, his best friend stays at his side to comfort him with a hug. It really is heartbreaking, but with his friend’s hug, things seem to feel a little lighter.

54. Friendship knows no bounds
Friendship occurs at any time, even when both are far apart, riding on a different car and only happen to pass by each other. The moment these dogs locked eyes on each other in the traffic, one dog showed a kind gesture by showing off his favorite toy to the other. It looked like they are already best friends.

55. Dog beating cancer
This is the face of a dog who has beaten a deadly disease called cancer. Dog cancer, just like any cancer, is dangerous and extremely life-threatening. Although, this dog managed to beat it all the while wearing a joyful look on his face.

56. Showing off the prettiest smile
It is hard to have our pets smile for the camera, especially when they are feisty little kittens. However, this woman managed to take a shot of a kitten who willingly gave her prettiest smile on the camera. She’s so precious that you just want to keep her for yourself.

57. Kitten accompanying little hooman
Kittens and puppies alike have a desire for a playmate, and sometimes, a human baby seemed to be perfect for them. Even though it takes a few months before the baby could actually walk or at least play, pets would patiently wait for them until they can. While waiting, they would do their best to accompany them on their growth.

58. Kitten wheel
These kittens were sleeping in a peculiar yet in a beautiful way. They coiled on each other, making a symmetrical kitten wheel. The three kittens’ faces were so peaceful that it seemed like they are dreaming the same dream altogether.

59. A rescued kitten
A little kitten was lost and stranded in the middle of the traffic not until a kind man stopped his car to save him. The rescuer wrapped the fragile kitty on a soft blanket so he could rest for a bit. The kitten’s face really showed that he’s finally safe and he could be at ease for the rest of his life.

60. The best decision ever made
This man was suffering from PTSD and almost all his friends were suggesting that he’s going to find a cat. At first, he was in doubt as he was really not much of a cat-person. However, everything changed when he got his very first cat, claiming that the tremendous change could not get any better.

If you are considering getting a pet for your own, then deciding to get one is most likely a decision that you won’t regret. They would always be by your side, transforming even your gray days into rainbow-colored ones.
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