A young man named Matt with a tough guy exterior but actually a softy inside quickly became startled when he saw something tiny and helpless in the middle of the road. Unsure if it was alive or not, he slowed down.
That’s when he realized it was an itty bitty and absolutely adorable calico kitty.
“I found this little lady in the middle of a busy street so I stopped to pick her up. She was crawling in the street in an area only surrounded by woods so she was either born there and the mother didn’t get to transfer the whole litter or someone just dumped her.”
Being the nice guy that he is, Matt pulled over and hopped out. He hurried over to check on the kitten and knew there was no way he could just leave her there. She had either been abandoned already by another human or forgotten about by her mom.

According to the ASPCA, there are tens of millions of stray cats and kittens just wandering around with nowhere to call home. Those cats who are captured and end up in shelters comprise a sizable percentage of felines euthanized in shelters.
Sadly, stray cats and kittens brave weather extremes, face starvation and infections, and half of the kittens born outdoors die before their first year. But Matt wasn’t about to let that happen to this little lady.

So Matt scooped up the kitten and the second he nestled her onto the console in his truck, she fell fast asleep, apparently exhausted from the harrowing adventure in the middle of a road from which she narrowly escaped.
When Matt pulled in his driveway, the baby was still out cold, so he sweetly allowed her to keep snoozing.
“I didn’t have the heart to wake her up when I got home so I just sat there quietly with the radio off for about an hour until she woke up. I found a stray that snores as loud as a train!”

The fuzzy striped kitty stole Matt’s heart, but considering he is terribly allergic to cats, he knew he had to find her a loving home where she could flourish and grow. He took her to the vet to get rid of the fleas that plagued her, arm her with de-wormer and began nursing her back to health.
“I actually interviewed two people who wanted her and told the first person no because the living situation didn’t sound like it would be good for her. I used to work at a vets office and vetted a few potential adopters.”
Matt couldn’t help but be particular about this baby kitty that stole his heart. They had bonded in such a short amount of time and she loved climbing up on his shoulder while he was driving.

Finally, Matt found her the perfect home where she happily frolics with another rescue cat and loves her new humans. Thank goodness Matt stopped and saved this poor kitty.
Who knows what could’ve happened to her on that stretch of road near a wooded area. Kuddos Matt!
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