Newfoundlands are adorable gentle giants that make great family pets! These fluffy dogs can weigh up to 170 pounds. Even though they’re large, Newfies typically have calm and docile personalities. These pups are basically giant teddy bears.
If you’re a fan of Newfoundlands, we’ve collected 40 photos that you’re sure to love. These photos show Newfoundlands playing and Newfies simply hanging out and relaxing. These sweet photos are sure to make you smile.
As these photos show, Newfoundlands are cute and very photogenic dogs. Read on to see some of the best photos of Newfoundlands on the internet!
1) Dreaming Puppy
This little Newfie puppy has his head in the clouds, and he’s busy dreaming about what life will be like when he’s an adult. The cute puppy looks just like a little bear cub! We can’t wait to see what the dog looks like when he’s all grown up.
Since they have such thick fur, most Newfies love cold weather—they basically have a built-in coat! Many Newfies also love playing in the snow, as this cute dog named Finnegan shows. Finnegan’s owner couldn’t stop laughing when she saw the way the white snow stuck to her dog’s black fur.
Meet Aurora: a sweet Newfie puppy with eyes that can melt the coldest heart! Aurora is just a few months old, and she’s already as fluffy as can be. She’s definitely going to grow up to be a giant teddy bear.
Here’s a photo that shows just how big Newfies are. This Newfie and pony are about the same size, and because of that, they’ve become good friends. The pair even go on walks together, as this photo shows. We would love to spend the day hanging out with these two best buds.
As this cute photo shows, Newfie puppies are basically just a pile of black fur with eyes. This puppy is only a few months old, but he’s already 55 pounds. We can’t wait to see what he looks like when he grows up.
Lakaya the Newfie decided that she wanted to try being a bear for a day! Her disguise is definitely working well—at first glance, it’s hard to tell if this a pup or a Grizzly bear. Still, once her owner brings out some treats, we’re sure she’ll transform right back into a dog.
While some Newfies think that they’re Grizzly bears, others identify more with cats. This six-month-old Newfie named Ruth believes that she’s smaller than she really is, and she thinks she can fit on her owner’s desk. It may be a bit tough for Ruth’s owner to work, but we’re sure her owner doesn’t mind.
Here’s a photo that proves Newfies can become friends with anyone! This cougar and Newfie are about the same size, which is probably one of the reasons why their friendship works. We would definitely watch a movie about this unique odd couple.
As this pup shows, Newfies can make good lap dogs! These pups are masters at finding ways to sit in their owner’s laps, even if they’re bigger than their owner. Just look at the way this pup is carefully sitting—he found a way to perfectly fit into the seat.
As their name suggests, Newfies are originally from Newfoundland, Canada. This Newfie’s owner decided to take their dog on a trip to visit their homeland. As you can see in the photo, the Newfie had a great time exploring the beaches in Newfoundland. Maybe he even got to meet some of his relatives!
When Ludo was a puppy, he loved hanging out on the windowsill in his house. Now, he doesn’t quite fit anymore, but he doesn’t let that stop him from relaxing in his favorite place. We’re impressed with the way Ludo made himself fit on this tiny space.
This Newfie and his owners decided to hit the beach! The backseat was a little bit squished with the Newfie in the middle, but the dog’s owner didn’t mind. We hope everybody had a fun day out in the sun.
This little baby has an incredible protector. It’s clear in this photo how much the Newfie loves his little baby sibling. We’re sure these two are going to have tons of fun playing together when the baby is a little older.
This Newfie met a new friend while he was out on his walk, and the Newfie was about three times the other dog’s size. The giant dog was gentle with his new friend, and he simply sniffed him and walked on. What a good dog!
When this Newfie saw his human shoveling snow off the driveway, he thought his owner was making him a bed. The Newfie happily plopped down into the snow and took a nap while his owner watched and laughed.
Want to make a Newfie smile? Simply give them some ice cream! Newfies love this treat, although they can get a bit messy while they’re eating, as this Newfie shows. The pup can’t get enough of his sweet treat.
This Newfie knows how to turn his human into putty in his paws. The Newfie knows he looks adorable when he does this—this look is perfect for getting more treats or belly rubs. The Newfie also breaks out the expression to keep himself out of trouble.
Ollie loves when his dad takes him to tennis practice. The Newfie will sometimes fetch balls for his dad, but most of the time, he simply hangs out and chews on the tennis balls that come his way. This dog is having a blast!
Sebastian the Newfie is so massive, people sometimes mistake him for a bear when he and his owner are hiking. To keep Sebastian safe from potential hunters, his owner bought him a bright orange safety vest. We think Sebastian looks dashing in his vest!
This ‘little’ Newfie puppy loves cuddling with his human brother! When the Newfie was younger, it was a bit easier for him to sit in the boy’s lap, but the pair still make it work. Both the puppy and little boy are clearly enjoying their cuddle session.
This photo is guaranteed to make you do a double-take. It truly does like this is a photo of a bear playing in a field, but it really is a Newfie. It’s amazing how much these giant pups resemble grizzly bears.
This Imgur user shared an adorable photo of his dad cradling his Newfie puppy. Amazingly, this puppy is just 13 months old. We can’t wait to see what he looks like when he’s a fully grown dog!
Ollie the Newfie is 14 weeks old in this photo, and he already weighs 50 pounds! The puppy is as sweet as can be, and he loves relaxing with his owner. He’s also a big fan of hanging out in the grass.
At eight months old, this Newfie is still technically a puppy, even if he’s bigger than many fully-grown dogs. The pup still loves being held by his owner, and his owner is happy to pick up the dog and cuddle with him.
Buford and Wallace are two adorable Newfie twins who love hanging out together. The puppies are only 11 weeks old in this photo, and they’re just going to keep getting bigger and bigger. We hope their humans have invested in a good vacuum cleaner!
Like most pups, Asscher tilts his head when he hears something he isn’t sure about. But unlike other dogs, Asscher almost does a full rotation with his head when he’s doing a head tilt! Asscher’s mom’s heart melts when she sees her dog doing this adorable move.
This winter-loving Newfie decided that he wanted to relax in the last little snow pile left in his yard. Luckily, there was just the right amount of snow left. We hope this pup enjoys his snowy nap.
This photo proves that Newfoundlands make the perfect pillows! The Newfie doesn’t seem to mind his owner lying down on him—he looks like he’s enjoying himself too. We hope these two best buddies have a good nap.
When this owner shaved his Newfie, he ended up looking just like a skateboarding dude. The Newfie’s owner explained he had to shave his Newfie because the pup had a skin condition that needed treating. His fur quickly grew back, but for a little while, he sported this hilarious haircut.
These Newfies all live together on a big farm, where they spend their days playing and getting snacks from their owners. We’re sure these Newfie all love spending time together, and they also all clearly love trying new treats!
This sweet Newfie is named Moose, and his owners shared this photo from the day they adopted him. They said that he knocked over a table right after arriving in his new home, but his owners didn’t mind. They loved him too much to care!
This 175-pound Newfie has decided that he’s taking over his owner’s queen-sized bed, and there’s nothing his owner can do to stop him. Maybe if his owner asks nicely, the Newfie will scoot over a little bit and give her some space.
When this Newfie realized she could open the fridge door, she decided to make herself a second dinner! Needless to say, her owners were a bit shocked when they walked into the kitchen and saw their pup rooting around in the fridge.
Wilma wasn’t sure what to think when her owner started pouring water on her nose! After a minute, the puppy decided that she was excited about this new development in her life, and she started lapping up the water.
For a heart-stopping moment, this Newfie’s owner thought a bear had broken into her house. After a minute, she realized that it was just her dog exploring the counter. It’s easy to see how the owner made that mistake, though.
These two were overjoyed to see each other! We love that both the Newfie and his owner have matching smiles on their faces. It’s clear that these two are true BFFs.
When you hear ‘lap dog,’ you probably think of a tiny breed, like a Chihuahua or a Yorkie. But this Newfie shows that 150-pound dogs can still be lap dogs. With a little creativity, any dog can fit into their owner’s lap.
Bentley loves napping on top of his dad. Bentley may be slightly crushing his dad’s ribs, but it’s clear that his dad doesn’t mind. He just wants to make his pup happy!
Amazingly, this giant ball of fluff is just 14 weeks old. We can’t wait to see what this puppy looks like when she grows up. She’s going to be one massive, adorable dog.
These Newfoundland dog photos show how adorable and friendly Newfies are. These gentle giants make great family pets, and they’re also good cuddling buddies. These photos prove that life is always more interesting with a Newfie!
Newfoundlands are adorable gentle giants that make great family pets! These fluffy dogs can weigh up to 170 pounds. Even though they’re large, Newfies typically have calm and docile personalities. These pups are basically giant teddy bears.
If you’re a fan of Newfoundlands, we’ve collected 40 photos that you’re sure to love. These photos show Newfoundlands playing and Newfies simply hanging out and relaxing. These sweet photos are sure to make you smile.
As these photos show, Newfoundlands are cute and very photogenic dogs. Read on to see some of the best photos of Newfoundlands on the internet!