How many times have you heard that you don’t need to have blood ties with someone to consider them family? How many times have we seen in nature, adult animals adopting baby animals of a different kind and forming an unlikely family?
According to Jenny Holland, author of Unlikely Friendships, “Instinctively animals take care of young to help them survive and therefore pass on the family DNA”.

“So I think there’s some hard wiring in there that leads them to offer care to another animal in need. If it isn’t a relative, there may be some wires crossed, but I think the behavior comes from the same place”, explained Holland.
Therefore, we would assume that whatever motivates animals to behave protectively over the young of the same or different kind, comes from something really innate and instinctive.

In today’s story, we will meet an adorable black German Shepherd dog and “her” precious adoptive baby bunny, Miss Holly! The video which was posted on Rumble back in 2017 has accumulated more than a million views since then.
As the video starts, we can hear the pooch’s “mom” telling us that in their house they cannot say the word “b-a-b-y ” freely because it functions as a trigger word for their lovely dog which immediately recognizes the word and rushes into action.

Now, you will ask why the dog’s attention is caught when the word baby is mentioned?

The woman in the video quickly tries to show us the reason behind her dog’s weird attitude. She turns her focus on the cute dog and asks her if she has a baby. Of course, the dog directly recognizing the word “baby” rushes to show us “her” baby.

What you will see will surprise you! Apparently, the dog isn’t a mother to her own pups but she decided to adopt the little pet bunny. So, she’s leading us directly where the bunny’s cage is.

The camera zooms in on the bunny’s cage which is placed on top of a dresser, where we can see the adorable baby bunny.

The dog is sitting directly in front of the dresser, looking longingly at the bunny’s cage. Then the woman asks the dog to say hello to her baby bunny. And what do you think the dog does next?

The cute pooch stands on her hind legs and rises to bring her muzzle close to the bunny! Such an adorable “family” moment, nobody can deny that the dog really loves her baby bunny.

“What you’ll see on day one is a mother who doesn’t want to be away from her pups for more than a second,” says Dr. Ann Hohenhaus, Staff Doctor at NYC’s Animal Medical Center. Maybe that’s why the dog in our story doesn’t seem to want to stay away from her “baby”.
If you would like to see the whole cute scene between the dog and the bunny, check out the video below!
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