Whether they’re people or animals, youngsters always look up to their mothers.
This was evident at the Gelders stallion show in Ermelo, the Netherlands, in 2019.

Here, a young foal named Odeer was introduced to the audience alongside his mother, Atze, a seasoned and majestic KWPN Gelders stallion.
Atze, with her years of experience, carried herself with a grace and dignity that left the audience in awe.
She was a sight to behold, a genuinely remarkable stallion.
And guess what? Her son, Odeer, was watching and learning.
Odeer, despite being a young foal and this being his first public appearance, seemed to know exactly what to do.

It was as if he had an instinctual understanding of the proceedings, but it was more likely that he was mimicking his mother, Atze.
Initially, Odeer was energetic, almost skipping and galloping alongside his mother.
But when he noticed Atze’s calm and composed trot, he slowed down and began to mimic her.
He lifted his legs and walked in step with his mother.
However, Odeer was still a young foal and had difficulty controlling his excitement.

He would occasionally speed up, getting ahead of his mother, only to slow down and fall back in line.
This happened a few times before Atze began to gallop slowly around the field.
Odeer, true to form, followed his mother’s lead and started galloping with her.
He couldn’t entirely stay in line and veered toward the middle of the field.

But when he heard the audience clapping, it was as if he knew he was doing the right thing.
Energized by the applause, Odeer continued to gallop, this time not waiting for Atze.

He seemed to be telling his mother to keep up with him.
Now that he had presented himself, he confidently strutted around the field, with Atze galloping and strutting alongside him.

Eventually, Atze picked up speed, and Odeer did his best to keep up with her.
Atze, being a caring mother, made sure that Odeer was always close by, even when she was galloping fast.
She stayed by Odeer’s side until the end of their performance.

The audience was captivated by the interaction between the mare and her foal.
They praised the beauty of the animals and the foal’s stamina.
They also appreciated the calm handling of the young foal.
It was a fascinating display of how an animal parent interacts with their child.

Odeer went on to perform in his own shows, impressing everyone with his skills.
After all, he had learned from the best – his mother, Atze.
Click the video below to see the sweet moment for yourself!
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