Has your pet ever done something that’s left you so freaked out you didn’t have words for a moment? Just imagine: You walk into a room, and your cute pet Corgi is covered in red liquid. What’s the first thing that would come to mind? You’d probably be pretty scared until you walked over to check on him only to realize he’s just covered in… dragon fruit.
That’s what happened to Gody the Corgi and his owner. From afar, his owner noticed he was covered in a red, sticky substance. — it was just dragon fruit. Gody had eaten some of the fruit, but instead of finishing it, he just started rolling in the remains. That left him all red and messy but super cute all the same.
The pup was laying on his back
To make the situation even more stressful for his owner, Gody was lying flat on his back when he walked in. That position, combined with the fact he was covered in a red, sticky substance, practically gave his owner a heart attack. Of course, Gordy was fine, and once his owner realized what was going on, he knew his dog was just being mischievous again.

His owner took some pictures to share with the internet
After seeing Gody was okay, he knew he needed to document the moment. It was super cute, after all. So, his owner took some pictures and uploaded them to Facebook to share with all of Gody’s friends.

The internet freaked out too
Once people on the internet saw Gody lying there, they probably had the same reaction as his owner. But after reading the caption, everyone realized this sweet but mischievous pup was perfectly fine. Then, they couldn’t get enough of how cute he is, especially when covered in dragon fruit juice. How could his fans get enough of him?

Gody has a Facebook page
But this isn’t the first time Gody has gotten plenty of attention from the internet…he’s already pretty popular online. That’s because he has a Facebook page all to himself. There, his owner shares his fun adventures and mischievous antics. Currently, this adorable guy has over 74,000 followers, meaning he’s kind of a big deal. You can even follow him yourself if you want to see what he’s up to.

It’s not the first time he’s played dead
If you check out Gody’s Facebook page, you’ll realize this isn’t the first time he’s laid on his back and played dead. He does it all the time. You can see him lying in that position in a variety of settings, but he always looks really cute. He also smiles a lot as he relaxes just about everywhere. It’s probably one of the cutest things you’ve ever seen, so you’ll want to look at his other photos as well.

Adopting a Corgi
For those who keep up with Gody’s shenanigans and just can’t get enough of him, adopting a Corgi is a great option. While these dogs are strong-willed and often more difficult to train than other breeds, they’re sweet, loving companions you’ll love sharing your home with.

Visit a local animal shelter if you want to adopt one for yourself—you definitely won’t be disappointed.
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Source: Bored Panda, Facebook