The poor dog had done nothing wrong. But he still found himself alone and scared.
One day, Samantha Harmon was home when she heard something strange.

It was a desperate barking. So naturally, she went to investigate and was heartbroken at what she found.
A scared dog looked up at her.
Samantha Harmon told FOX 11 Los Angeles:
“Honestly, I just felt sad, because I couldn’t imagine somebody doing that to a dog.”
Inside the dog’s harness was a hastily scrawled note. It said the following:
“Hi I’m Max…I’m 18 months…I’m alone…Take me”

Samantha wanted to take the small poodle in, but she already had dogs and had no more room. But she wasn’t going to abandon Max.
So she gave him some food and shelter and got to work in finding Max a home.

Luckily, Samantha soon realized that Max was a highly adoptable dog. He was very friendly, despite the fact that he must have been through something difficult.
The Burbank Animal Shelter took Max in. They assured Samantha that they would give Max good care until he found a forever home.

The shelter then posted about Max’s story. People really felt for Max.
In fact, soon there were dozens of applications for Max. So many people wanted to take him in.
So the shelter decided to raffle off Max’s adoption to a shortlist of good candidates. The winning candidate was Maya Estuani.
Before she took Max in, Maya took her two other dogs to meet him. Unfortunately, the dogs did not get along with Max.

So he would have to wait just a little longer for a forever home.
Maya then suggested that another raffle participant, Cheryl Schilling, would be better suited for Max.
The shelter decided to run the raffle again.
Amazingly, Cheryl won this raffle. Was it some kind of sign that Cheryl was meant to have Max?

Cheryl then revealed that she had recently experienced a loss in her own family. Max was the perfect dog to help her handle her grief.
Soon, Max was in Cheryl’s home. He was happier than he had ever been before.

Max and Cheryl are sure to have many happy years with one another.
Who knows what happened to Max before Samantha found him? The handwriting on his note looks like it comes from a child. In that case, perhaps the child came from a family that was too poor to feed the dog? It’s sad to think of, but so many people are struggling to feed themselves.
But there is good news. More dogs than ever are finding forever homes, just like Max.

Coronavirus has been terrible. But one good change is that animal shelters are running out of homeless animals.
It makes sense when you think of it. These are scary days, and we’re spending less time with one another than ever before.
That means that people want to have the companionship of a dog or a cat to get them through this struggle!
Hopefully, this is one change that will remain permanent after the pandemic ends. Yes, we want to get back to the way things used to be. But rescue animals need homes – just like the one Max got.
Press play on the video below to see this touching dog rescue story for yourself!
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