Maine Coons are the largest domesticated breed of cat – but until today, we didn’t quite realize just how large they are (spoiler – they’re huge). But despite their impressive size, these cats are gentle giants and are said to be not only the largest but also the most friendly and kind-natured breed.
Maine Coons tend to be highly sociable animals who love human interaction, and on top of that, they’re one of the fluffiest cat breeds we ever did see. We’re now totally sold on getting one of these mini-lions for ourselves, and after seeing these 75 pics of Maine Coons in their full glory, we’re seriously questioning why we’ve never considered getting one as a pet before.
1. Tiny woman or huge cat?
Never before have we seen a cat with the same sized head as its owner, and despite the fact that the human is holding the cat in this snap, we’re seriously questioning who owns who. Not only are the heads similar sizes, but from one glance at those huge paws, we’d say that they’re a similar size to human hands as well! At this point, we’re very thankful that Maine Coons are such gentle giants.

2. Your Majesty
This is the most majestic cat we’ve ever seen, and with the neck beard and silvery stripes, we have to say this is one stunning mini white tiger! We simply can’t get over those orange eyes as well. This magnificent creature looks like something out of a storybook!

3. Winter Ready
When you have fur has fluffy as this gorgeous cat, it makes total sense to live someplace cold and snowy. Just look how at home she looks with her built-in fur coat! Jealous, us?

4. Mr. steal your girl
If we were the boyfriend on the receiving end of this cat’s look, we’d be accepting that we’d just lost our girlfriend to someone half our size. Though actuall y- we might want to reconsider the ‘half our size’ thing. This cat’s body is almost the same width and length as his owner!

5. Peek-a-boo
Who needs a dog when you can have a Maine Coon? Gustav is a gorgeous boy, but at $1200, these cats are certainly an investment! It’s lucky that a lifetime of love and cuddles more than makes up for it.

6. A Queen
We’ve just found a cat prettier than any human being, and we’re not sure how we feel about it. Judging from this gorgeous pic, this Maine Coon is clearly a natural when it comes to posing for photographs. We wonder if she could give us some modelling tips?

7. The Lion King
After looking at this pic, we’re not convinced that this cat isn’t actually a small lion. Taking a trip to the vets is stressful enough, but with a sassy cat that size, we recon that we’d want to avoid the v-e-t-s just as much as our pets do. In all credit to the miniature lion though, he looks like he’s being a good boy!

8. A grumpy boy
This cat looks the spitting image of the grumpy old headmaster in those English boarding school movies, and his adorable white mustache helps to round the look off perfectly! We can’t even imagine how much this big boy weighs – and just imagine the amount of fur that sheds off him daily! Still, we bet he’s worth every single vacuum.

9. “My Maine coon supervising as I make dinner.”
Nobody does a better job of supervising your chef skills than a cat does – they will literally watch your every move. Granted, they’re mostly just eyeing up the tasty food, but we always still feel extra pressure to do a good job when our cat is watching. With his built-in bib, this fluffy guy is ready for his main course!

10. “Put me down!”
Just to prove how Maine Coons are one of the most chill breed of cats, here’s a picture of one literally being held up in the air – and look how little he cares about it. Most cats would have definitely gone in for a scratch at this point, but this gentle giant seems to be thinking, “Ah, well I don’t like it, but it seems that I’ll have to put up with it.”

11. Our snow tiger
Now for some Maine Coon kittens. What was that – you didn’t think this baby was a kitten? Nor did we when we first saw her! She’s the biggest kitten we ever did see – but absolutely adorable nonetheless.

12. “Tell me more, human…”
This kitty has a glint in her eye which can only mean one thing: mayhem. She’s either wondering what to destroy next, or else planning her next sabotage on her owner. Either way, she’s totally adorable, so she’ll get away with it!

13. Pick of the bunch
According to the poster, these chonky kittens are just nine weeks old, and they’re waiting patiently for their vets appointment with faces that would make us melt like butter. Just imagine being the lucky vet who gets to take care of these kitties! We’ll take one of each, please.

14. Half cat, half tail
Could you even imagine what a Maine Coon would be like without their fluffy tail? It would be like taking the gills from a fish! This gorgeous boy is over 50% tail for sure.

15. “Can You Believe I Used To Look Like This Almost Two Years Ago?”
Amongst all the beautifully shot photos, this cat speaks to us on a more relatable level. In fact, this is exactly what we looked like this morning when our alarm went off- though much less adorable. Just look at those puppy dog eyes!

16. Maine Coon Kitten Nana
This little kitten looks like she’s hopped straight out of a Disney movie, and don’t tell our own cats, but she’s one of the most beautiful kitties we ever did see! With a face that cute, we bet this kitty gets whatever she wants. We’ve never wanted to boop a nose so bad before.

17. Baby lion
He’s not aware of it yet, but one day this little chonk is going to be huge, just like his mama. He might be giving us a look that could melt even the coldest of hearts, but we can tell that this kitty is doing to be getting up to lots of mischief.

18. Say cheese!
In all our years of writing animal stories, we don’t think we’ve ever seen a cat smile for a picture before – and how adorable does this little cutie look! She might be small now, but those huge paws are already a sign of what’s to come.

19. A kitten bouquet
With a selection of kittens this adorable, which one would we choose? Admittedly, we’re always drawn to the runt of the litter. They just seem so small and sweet – then boom – they’re all grown up and causing chaos.

20. Meet Leo
With ears this big, this majestic boy would be the perfect eavesdropper into conversations. There’s nothing he can’t hear with those super-sized ears! We’re in love with his midnight black fur, too.

21. King of the apartment
Who needs a guard dog when you have a cat this size to keep watch over your apartment? If you saw this big fluffy guy in semi-darkness, you’d be forgiven for thinking that he was a lion or some other kind of ferocious wild cat. Yep, we rekcon he’d do the job perfectly.

22. Mamma’s boy
Despite being almost too big to fit in his mamma’s arms, this spoiled baby is out here to prove that you’re never too old to have cuddles with your mom. He looks quite content to sit in his mom’s arms all day, despite the fact that most cats hate being picked up! Maybe Maine Coons are really just over-sized babies.

23. Snow cat
With their long, thick coat and huge padded paws, Maine Coons are born to be in the snow. This sweet guy seems to be truly in his element here – and he even sticks out his tongue to get a taste of that snow! What a beautiful picture.

24. Like owner, like cat
Can anyone else see the similarities between this cat and her owner? Red hair? Check. Sassy expression? Check. Good posture? Check. Were these two separated at birth?

25. Chunky Main Coon
Now here’s a Maine Coon who doesn’t like to be picked up! We’ve got a feeling that this voluptuous kitty has just been told by her vet that she needs to shed a few pounds – and that’s what the expression on her face is all about. “It’s not fat – it’s fluff!”

26. A rare picture of a black lion
If, like us, you’re trying and failing to workout from home during lockdown, then maybe the answer is to adopt a Maine Coon cat. Forget about weights – lifting this big fluff-ball up every day would be enough to get those muscles pumped. Just imagine one in each hand!

27. “Look at my tail, mom!”
And the award for the best tail goes to this cat right here! This gorgeous girl would give peacocks a run for their money with that extravagant tail, and she’s definitely showing it off for the camera. Just imagine having a tail that could also double up as a cozy blanket?

28. Where there’s a will, there’s a way
You know it’s time to buy a bigger chair when not even the cat will fit on it anymore – but when the cat in question is a 1 meter long Maine Coon, exceptions can be made. Cats seem to like the uncomfortable spots anyway, and this ball of fluff looks perfectly comfortable with his seating arrangement.

29. Unique Kitty
If you were thinking that this precious kitty’s paws are a little larger than usual, then it turns out you weren’t seeing things! Apparently, this Maine Coon is a polydactyl puss, meaning that they can have either extra toes or thumbs. Well, you learn something new every day.

30. A 20lb 2-year-old
It can be hard to make friends when you’re so much bigger than the other cats, and this Maine Coon seems to be finding out all about this. He tries to reassure the others that he’s a gentle giant, but the small house cats just can’t help cowering in fear! At two-years-old, this poor guy hasn’t even stopped growing yet.

31. Sweet Dreams
Big and majestic as they are, it’s nice to see that Maine Coons still look as sweet and innocent as other cats when they’re curled up in bed. Just look at that little face! We’ve never wanted to cuddle something so bad.

32. “Just sittin’ here, melting hearts…”
This old boy proves that whatever your age, you can still be a heart-breaker. We can’t get over his beautiful markings and those gorgeous green eyes. We want one for ourselves!

33. Xan, the big ol’ Main Coon
One thing we’ve learned about Maine Coons is that the majority don’t like being picked up. From the look on this angry guy’s face, he looks like he’s gearing up for a fight – and we wouldn’t like to be his opponent. “Put me down, I say!”

34. Part-time model
This kitty might spend her day doing the usual cat activities (eating, lounging around, that kind of thing), but she does everything with such elegance and poise that her whole life can be documented into perfect photographs. We wish we could relate.

35. “I’m not ginger, I’m strawberry blonde!”
This cat is the true definition of strawberry blonde, and we’d do anything to have hair that color! We think his yellow eyes match perfectly with his fur as well. It’s like these cats were put on this earth to be beautiful.

36. “Picture taken when he was almost 7 months old.”
Now that’s one chonky kitty! For seven months old, this kitten already looks bigger that your average domestic cat – and he’s still got lots more growing to do. We wonder how much these gentle giants eat every day?

37. Bath time
According to the poster, “This is the late great Oberon, the magnificent manly Maine Coon Model, with his friend Puck, who is still with me at age 17!” You never really appreciate the sheer size of a Maine Coon until you see them with a normal moggy. What a way to show the differences!

38. “Make sure you get the tail in shot!”
Maine Coons wouldn’t be Maine Coons if they weren’t showing off their fabulous fluffy tails. If you squint your eyes a little, this gorgeous boy’s tail looks like a cloud of smoke! If he’s not called Smokey, then we see any other name as a wasted opportunity.

39. “What do you mean, we’re out of cat biscuits?”
From the startled expression on this big guy’s face, he seems to have just been told some very shocking news. We just want to cuddle him until he feels better again! Though to be honest, we’d give any excuse for a cuddle.

40. Best friends
Aww! This picture melts our hearts. Whenever our cat sits on our head, it’s definitely not in the cozy, loving way that this Maine Coon is snuggled up with his owner. You can clearly see how close these two are!

41. A big softie
Forget miniature tiger, this big boy resembles nothing less than a fully grown tiger! And with that unhappy expression on his face, we’d be tempted to run the other way. Just look how long those whiskers are!

42. Squirrel Cat
Aside from the fact that they’re totally huge, we think that the big, bushy tail of the Maine Coon is one of its standout features! This cat’s tail is almost feather-like – and just look at those gorgeous markings. We wish we were this photogenic.

43. Bow down to the Queen.
This kitty is the height of class and sophistication. She drinks only the finest tea, eats off a plate of solid gold and has a wardrobe full of designer cat collars. She even has her own chair – and no one else better dare to sit in it.

44. Chasing bees
It’s the return of the extra-long whiskers, and we’re loving the little black tufts of fur on the tips of this Maine Coon’s ears! It’s fair to say that we don’t envy these kitties when the sun is out, though. With fur that long, we’d never be parted from the cool air of the air conditioning.

45. Floof ball
When your new fuzzy scarf comes with pointy ears and a pair of eyes, you know that your order has been seriously messed up. With that being said, we think that we’d take this adorable ball of fluff over a boring old scarf any day! Besides, he looks a lot more cuddly.

46. “Paint me like one of your French girls.”
Never ones to shy away from this camera, this Maine Coon looks perfectly happy to pose for her photoshoot, and she’s making sure to show off all her best assets. “Have you got the tail in the shot?” What a little diva.

47. Deer in the headlights
This was our exact expression when we properly looked in the mirror for the first time after devouring everything within reach during the lockdown period.
“What do you mean, summer isn’t cancelled anymore? I’m not prepared!” Just us?

48. Fuzzy pantaloons
With a butt this soft, Maine Coons can literally sit anywhere and they’ll still be comfortable. Concrete floor? Yep. Bathroom tiles? Of course. Mom’s laptop? No bother.

49. Blending in
Despite being an overly-large house cat, this big boy seems under the belief that if he lies really still, he can blend into the puzzle pieces on the rug. It has to be said – we think he’s pulling it off pretty well. Now someone give him a tummy rub!

50. “What’s for dinner?”
Cooking in the same room as an average-sized cat is already a mission in itself, but cooking with a cat who can reach up to the countertop takes things to a whole new level – and we’re not sure we could handle the stress. It’s fair to say that cats don’t understand the word, ‘no’, so this would certainly be an interesting experience.

51. Love is in the air
Under the impression that cats aren’t the cuddly type? Well think again! Here’s solid evidence of a besotted Maine Coon giving his mama a hug, and we’ve never seen something so adorable. Can we have a hug?

52. A Royal welcome
We’re almost 100 percent sure that the Queen of England is in the background of this snap, and no one can tell us otherwise. A cat this grand would almost certainly be fit for a Queen! In fact, judging by his regal exterior, we reckon he’d make a great King.

53. Chunky but funky
The more pics we see of humans holding their Maine Coons, the more we have to ask the question: how on earth do you make holding these miniature lions look so easy? Even having this big guy sit on our lap would surely be enough to cut the circulation to our toes!

54. Old, wise, and a little grumpy
There’s something incredibly adorable about the elderly Maine Coons. They just look so wise and majestic! We’re totally sure that the tail never stops growing, as well.

55. Escaping cat
This cat seems to be plotting his escape route – and with paws that size, we can’t imagine it being much of a struggle! We don’t even want to think about how sharp those claws would be. Of course, they’d be totally wasted on a gentle Maine Coon anyway.

56. “Freya, my Maine Coon”
Those adorable mitted front paws look as if Freya has had an experimental dip in a tub of white paint, and we can’t get over how cute they look! We love how she’s a totally different color on her belly than her back- with Maine Coons, you can get a dark and a light cat all in one. A cat to suit every taste, if you will.

57. Nap time
This is the softest, fluffiest looking belly we have ever seen on a cat, and we must instantly pet it. In fact, if we had a cat as fluffy as this one, we don’t think we’d ever be able to leave him alone! Just imagine snuggling up with him on a cold winter’s night.

58. Blending in
You know what they say: get a cat that matches your couch. Okay, they don’t say that – but they should! It means that all the extra fluff that’s sure to fall off your floof ball will be invisible on the furniture (but you may want to start wearing grey clothes, too).

59. Maine Coon kitty
Maine Coons are possibly the only breed of cat who will pose for a photo. If we tried this shot with our own cat, he would determinedly look the opposite way to the camera – and that’s if we even managed to keep him in the basket for more than a few seconds. Ah, Maine Coons, you put all the other cats to shame.

60. “Excuse me, Karen, I’m in a very important Zoom meeting.”
With pretty much the whole nation working from home during lockdown, we’re sure this picture looks familiar to you. For us, it’s the early morning Zoom meetings that take you by surprise, that you may or may not have set your alarm for. Though this kitty looks a lot more presentable than us, it has to be said.

61. Mama’s fluffy baby
This is an unimpressed-looking Main Coon if we ever did see one – but as long as mama is happy, he’ll put up with it. Do we spy a red t-shirt/bandanna on him as well? This is one tolerable cat.

62. The close-up
Maine Coons are just as striking from afar as they are up close, and this photo proves just that! We’ve never seen fur with so many different colors in it before, and we can’t get over those little ear tufts. What a beautiful cat.

63. “Look how big I am, mom!”
This kitty seems to know that this photo is all about her, and she’s looking proudly back at her mom as if to say: “I know, I know, I’m gorgeous.” We wish our cat would look at us like that.

64. Old and wise
Now this is an old boy if we ever did see one. This elderly gentleman looks as if he’s lived through a thousand lifetimes, and he probably has more wisdom than we could ever dream of having! What a precious old soul.

65. “Meet Tiger the Maine Coon. This was taken while my sister was in vet school.”
Tiger is certainly an appropriate name, and we wonder how well this brave boy did on his trip to the vets?
Imagine being in vet school and this is the animal that they bring in for you to treat? After this, the original poster’s sister will be able to handle anything!

66. A fluffy masterpiece
“Did someone order a new rug for the living room? Ah no, it’s just our Maine Coon!” We love how he seems to have a second pair of whiskers coming out of his ears!

67. Bad hair day
We struggle enough to get our own hair looking presentable for the day (and it’s shoulder-length) so our hearts really go out to these Maine Coons with such thick long fur all over their bodies! With this in mind, we strongly believe that a bad hair day every now and then is perfectly acceptable – though this fluffy guy looks like he’d rather not be photographed while he’s not looking his best.

68. Baby rhino
Now that’s one huge cat. Just to give us some perspective, the submission owner of this pic claims to be 6 foot 4 inches tall, yet this floof ball isn’t swamped by his dad’s huge frame at all. With those pointed ears, this cat is beginning to remind us of a baby rhino – though with more fur, of course.

69. Seeing double
One thing we love most about Maine Coons is their adorable tufted feet! Those extra bits of fluff help to keep their feet super warm no matter what the weather, at the same time as looking totally adorable. If this cat still doesn’t seem that big to you, take a look in the mirror reflection. We bet he weighs an absolute ton.

70. Like a painting
The beautiful markings and the glowing eyes of this cat make us think that he would make a lovely painting. One thing that fascinates us about Maine Coons is just how long their legs are! We’re sure that they’re part-horse.

71. Meet Mufasa
Mufasa not only has one of the best cat names, like ever, but this big chonky boy also weighs in at over 20 pounds. According to his owner, “he’s well aware of his size and is super well behaved.” What an impressive kitty!

72. “I was just napping…”
There’s nothing cuter than when a cat falls asleep with their head still upright (like our pops every night after work). We’re not sure the size of the TV that arrived in that box – but whatever the inches, we’re pretty impressed that this sleepy boy can almost stretch from end-to-end!

73. “What on earth are you?”
This kitty looks like he’s just discovered mirrors for the first time, and judging by his bemused expression, he seems to think that his reflection is a huge rival cat staring back at him! Scary stuff.

74. A ginger giant
Why do the ginger cats seem to be the biggest? We hope this floof ball is named Garfield- as that’s all we’d want to call him!

75. Regular and extra large
Sat next to a regular house cat, you can really see just how impressive that bushy Maine Coon tail is! We wouldn’t fancy sharing our dinner with this guy.

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