Dogs have some pretty strange behaviors and mannerisms. You never know what the pups are going to do next. Sometimes, they’ll suck on their foot just like a human baby sucks on its thumb. Other times, they’ll take a bath in the toilet. And occasionally, they’ll even run up a tree. We had no idea that some dogs were so nimble.
However, these pups are far from normal. They definitely aren’t your average pets, at least. They’re always cracking their friends and family up with their goofy actions. Just see for yourself. You won’t believe some of the crazy things that these dogs do for fun.
He might be fully grown, but he still chews on his paw all of the time. He is basically a big baby. He’s been doing it his whole life and isn’t about to stop now.
We had no idea that dogs enjoy daytime television so much. The two of them are so focused on the screen. They can’t take their eyes off it.
This hilarious scene was spotted at a dog grooming spa. The one dog was carrying the other one around in a little basket. They are so cute together.
No, they aren’t kissing. They were playing with a tennis ball together when they both fell asleep. They were exhausted. However, neither of them wanted to let go of the ball.
“This isn’t staged,” claims the owner. She walked in to find her pup sound asleep on the couch, curled up under a blanket. She looks extremely comfortable.
Here we have another dog that found a comfortable spot to sleep — right behind its owner. It looks like a bit of a weird sleeping position. However, the dog doesn’t think so.
No dog is weirder than this one though. We can’t imagine why a dog would choose to sleep like this. It’s like she doesn’t understand which way is up and which is down.
“Every day I walk my dog, he finds the biggest stick possible to bring as a gift/sacrifice for the ‘big dogs’,” explains the owner. The dog has no idea that the horses don’t enjoy playing with sticks the same way that he does.
She was just trying to enjoy a nice bath when her dog decided to come say hello. Eventually, he ended up climbing in all the way. He doesn’t know it’s impolite to jump in the bath with someone without asking.
The dog knows that he isn’t allowed to sleep on his parent’s bed. However, he managed to find a loophole. He dragged his own bed on top of his parent’s bed.
All of the animals are waiting in line to meet with their owner. Unfortunately, the dog has the last spot. It’s going to be a while before she gets any attention.
This stray pup was following the person around in the street. Although, every time the person turned around to pet him, he pretended like he wasn’t there. He thought the person wouldn’t notice him.
This dog is super goofy. She started chewing on a coat hanger and ended up getting it stuck on her head. It was an adorable mistake.
Dogs aren’t normally known for being cultured. However, this isn’t your normal dog. He is the most interesting dog in the neighborhood.
Who knew that dogs could stretch like this? It’s a pretty awesome feat. She has a bright future ahead of her as a dog yogi.
This hilarious pug pees while walking on his two front legs. He is very talented. Yet, we have to say, it’s quite a peculiar thing to do.
There is nothing better than warming up your butt next to the fire. That’s what this dog discovered. It’s his new favorite spot to sit, especially when it’s cold outside.
The dog and the owner were wrestling, but even in the middle of their fight, the dog couldn’t resist the opportunity to get a snack. He stole a bite of the cereal.
Drinking from the toilet is a regular activity for these pups. They’ll even try to drown their brother if it means they can get in there quicker. Everyone wants to get a turn at the drinking trough.
The neighbor’s dog sure knows how to get attention. She’ll squeeze half of her body under the fence to see what’s going on if she hears anyone else outside. No fence is going to stop her from taking a peek.
Don’t mind this dog. He is just chilling. He saw the public planter filled with water and lily pads and decided to jump in and take a dip.
This pup always shows off all of her toys as soon as someone new comes into the house. She’s so proud of them. It’s hard to fit all of them in her mouth at once, but she does the best that she can.
“My friend’s dogs think they are going to the vet when in reality they are headed to the park,” explains the woman. The dogs can be seen hugging each other in a show of support. There is nothing that scares them more than the vet’s office.
These two office pups will do anything to get some attention from their coworkers. That includes parading around on top of one another. It’s a pretty hilarious sight.
Dogs are always bringing strange presents home for their owners. However, this is the first time that we’ve seen a dog bring home a clump of dirt. He is definitely an oddball.
The baby husky was left unsupervised for a couple of minutes. He jumped in the toilet to take a bath. The owner was shocked when she returned to find the pup in there.
The man brought his dog into work for the day. The dog really enjoyed it. He got to spend a lot of quality one on one time with his owner.
This dog is a big TV watcher and always snags a front-row seat. She likes to be up close to the screen. It makes her feel like she is really part of the action.
“My friend’s dog has been clingy since she rescued him as a pup. Now he follows her around and paws at her until she lets him hold her hand,” the woman explains. It’s a super cute behavior. The dog always wants to be close to his momma.
There is nothing better than spreading out by a warm fireplace on a winter evening. The only thing that could make it better is a big bowl of warm dog food, covered in chicken and gravy, of course.
Normally, dogs hate the kennel. Being forced into cages is distressing. However, this big dog climbed in the smallest cage it could find, turned around, and happily laid down.
Is that a dog on the chair or a pretzel? We aren’t sure. The head is so deeply buried that you can’t even see where it is.
Many dogs have some sort of bizarre phobia. For example, a fear of the vacuum cleaner. Every time the vacuum comes out, this dog jumps up on his owner. He hates the noisy machine.
34. Jumping With Excitement
Dogs all have various ways of expressing their excitement. This one leaps up and down when she hears she is going to get to go for a walk. It’s a pretty unusual behavior, but we don’t blame her. Walks are fun.
The dog thought that the Roomba might want to play with her stuffed squeaky shrimp. She kept offering it up to the robot vacuum. Although, surprisingly, it kept ignoring her.
It’s freezing cold outside, but these weird dogs don’t mind. They still love running around on the roof just as much as ever. The views of the neighborhood are awesome from up there.
This dog always breaks into the cabinet and takes food out. She is really polite about it though. She typically brings the food over to her owners to ask them if she can eat it first before she takes a bite.
Pit bulls are well known for being a vicious dog breed. Although, not every pit bull exhibits the same level of aggressiveness. This one is actually a big softie.
The boyfriend glanced over and caught his girlfriend’s dog smoking a pipe while they were out camping recently. The pup is a very big outdoorsman. Fires, camping, and pipe smoking are some of his favorite activities.
This is the dog’s usual resting position. He sits on his owner’s shoulder and puts his head in the lamp. It’s a little weird, but according to him, it’s very comfortable.
This dog has a really silly way of looking behind her. Instead of turning around, she just stretches her neck backward. She is like a little flexible giraffe.
42. Awkward Sleeping Position
It’s a very weird way to fall asleep, however, if it works it works. The dog’s front paws are straight up in the air and propped against the wall. She is stretched out as much as physically possible.
This is the face that the dog makes when he knows that he did something stupid. It always cracks everyone up. His happy grin is contagious.
It looks like the dog is doing an inverted pushup. However, to him, he is just relaxing. It seems like a really strenuous position for a dog to lie in.
Here we have a dog getting all set up for an outdoor poker game. He has already taken his seat. Now he is just waiting for all of the other players to arrive.
During lunch, the dog sits directly outside the door of the office kitchen. Her ridiculous face and pose make her intentions very clear. She is hoping for a snack.
The dog knows that it is rude to stare. He found a workaround though. He just stares at people using the mirror instead. No one will notice, right?
This pup is a little bit eccentric. With the way her feet are splayed out, she almost looks like a crab. Not to mention her crazy expression…
There’s nothing to see here, folks. It’s just a dog mounting an R2D2 robot. It’s a pretty normal thing to do.
Typically, dogs pee on fire hydrants. However, this one likes to use the hydrant as a stool to sit on. It’s definitely not something you see every day.
Life changes a lot when you get pregnant. Even your sleeping positions might change. For example, check out how this pregnant dog has to take naps now.
When this man’s pup escaped from the house, he thought that he would run away. However, he simply plopped down on the ground and started rolling around. The ground is a great place to play.
These guard dogs are always waiting by the front door to greet whoever enters the home. Just look at the middle one licking the glass. He can’t wait to say hello.
This dog was caught on camera chasing the ceiling fan. He can be seen twirling round and round in circles. We imagine he is going to be very dizzy in a few minutes.
A lot of dogs love playing fetch. However, this one loves the game more than most. He picked up the biggest stick he could find and asked his owner to throw it.
This dog thought maybe if she tried really hard, she would be able to lick and chew her way through the glass door. Ultimately, she failed. It was a good effort though.
For some reason, this dog thought it would be a great idea to throw a bunch of products in the toilet. The dog’s owner didn’t think it was so great though. It’s a pretty bizarre thing to do.
It turns out, some dogs like jumping on trampolines as much as humans do. This one even learned how to do flips. She is a very talented gymnast.
The little dog in the house doesn’t get a lot of respect from his big sis. The bigger dog is quick to use him as an armrest. Especially when there is someone at the door and she wants to get a better view.
It looks like this weird dog is having a lot of fun. He found his way up into the top of a coconut tree. It’s one of the best places to sit and observe nature.
“When going to work I always leave ESPN on for my dog. I had food poisoning last week, he barked downstairs until I dragged myself down to turn on his Sportscenter,” explains the man. The dog can’t relax unless he gets his daily fix of sports news.
This dog discovered that the cat door allows him to poke his head outside. He takes advantage of it all of the time. We imagine the behavior really freaks the mailman out though.
The dog kept hiding under the sofa. The owners thought that if they turned it on its side, it would stop the pup from going in there. However, they thought wrong.
Look at how goofy he looks while getting a massage from his owner. Some dogs just love making weird faces. Really though, they can’t help it.
This dog is always trying to hold people’s hands. No one taught him to do it. It is his natural behavior. He is a little bit of an oddball.
Dogs aren’t known for smiling. It is a human behavior. However, this pup doesn’t play by the rules. She smiles all of the time!
The rainbow looked delicious hanging there on the wall. The dog decided to try and take a bite. It is one of his favorite foods, although, it’s very hard to consume.
It appears as though this dog is giving his owner a foot massage. It’s hard to do when all you have are paws to work with. However, he does his best.
Most pups are satisfied with one ball. However, this one likes to play with two at once. It is a pretty kooky strategy.
“If I take a piece of clothing off and put it on the bed, my dog insists on only sitting on that piece of clothing,” explains the owner. In this photo, the dog can be seen sitting on the owner’s pajama shirt. It uses it as a mat.
This dog uses other dogs as beds. Here is a prime example. The golden retriever looked really comfortable, so the dog jumped on and laid down.
The creepy pup is frozen like a statue. Our best guess is that she is sleeping with her eyes open. It’s like something you would see in some sort of Halloween movie.
She’s a beauty queen. The pup really loves looking at herself in the mirror to see her reflection. The real question though is whether she realizes that it’s her or thinks it is another dog?
Some dogs have really long and skinny snouts. This one loves showing his off. He squeezes it through the bars in the cage like a total goofball.
Labradors love water. That’s what this photo proves. The woman was taking a bath and minding her own business when the dog came running and jumped in to join her.
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