Imagine waking up and finding a surprise gift from your pet on the foot of your bed or on your kitchen floor. What a joy you would feel receiving this kind of attention from your adorable pet!
Well, these little “surprises” might actually have the opposite effect on you if the present is actually a dead mouse or a baby bird. You cannot deny their benevolent intentions and their true love, but you might be a bit “startled” at first.
Here, you will find 73 occasions where pets surprised their owners with the most “hilarious” gifts.
1) “Last day at work. I think the office dog wants me to stay, he brought me all of his toys.”

2) “While I was drinking coffee this morning, my dog brought me this. I have no idea where it came from.”

3) I bought you something
Be careful of this one. This suave lil’ pup is trying to steal your heart!
“Hey girl, this tummy ain’t gonna rub itself.”

4) “My dog brought me some dirt today.”
Well, he is a retriever! Just make sure you don’t drop anything incriminating when the cops pull you over.
“I saw you left your plant behind, so I brought it back for you.”

5) “She’s a retriever, not a genius.”

6) Dog walks in with a brand new smile…
Lucas Alves Magalhães told The Dodo:
“I couldn’t see what it was, so I called her in. When I lifted her head, I almost died from laughing.”

7) “This is Mr . Slash – a flower hunting adventure master. He brings me flowers every night. He’s not hurting the garden, by the way.
@Keith Learmonth:
“The flowers he’s taking are ones that have fallen off the bushes. They’re camellias, they fall off by the handful naturally.”

8) I hunted this from the BBQ next door for you.
“Lot quicker than a human. You would have to do a lot of small talk with your neighbor before getting free bbq.”

9) “My dog is too good for this world, he brought me a flower and I started crying.”

10) “This is Zoey’s pillow. If she likes you, she’ll bring you the pillow. You can’t touch it, but you can look.”
“I wonder what she’ll do if she realizes her pillow is being seen by hundreds of people without her permission.”
“You fool. She took the risk to show you her deepest secrets and you plaster it on the web.”

11) “Most cats bring dead animals to their loved ones, but NOT MY CAT!”
“So remember the cat that broke into my dorm room a couple of months ago. I have been feeding him a lot, taking care. He is still a stray cat since we can’t own pets, but he just visits often. And today he brought me this FREAKING SQUISHY WILLY!”

12) “My dog brings me things out of my toolbox randomly hoping it’ll be something I need. Sometimes, it works.”

13) “My sister’s cat brought in another “dead” bird, or so they thought.”

14) Daddy, I brought you a tiny tree!

15) “Friend is a new mom, today her dog brought her this.”

16) “Meet Henry. He presents me with this toy mouse every morning claiming a successful nights work.”
“Mine wake me up at 4:AM every morning by shoving their butts in my face.”

17) Golden retrievers are always on the job.
“My girlfriend’s Golden HAS to bring a gift to anyone who comes to the door. If she can’t find a toy, she’ll grab her whole bed and drag it across the house or pick up the shoe you just took off and give it back to you.”

18) “Threw my dog a ball and he brought me this lil guy instead.”

19) “He was jealous of his brother’s hunting skills so he ran outside and caught a leaf for me.”

20) “We’ve just got home and Charlie’s brought me a tenner…”

21) “Not even a year old and my giant kitty is bringing me gifts. I’m a lucky mom.”
“Its not a gift. I mean it still means she loves and cares about you, but when cats bring you things they’ve killed it’s because they think you dont know how to hunt, and they feel bad for you.”

22) “George brought me a sock in exchange for his breakfast this morning.”

23) “3rd one my dog has brought back inside. We don’t have a garden. At least we didn’t think we did.”
“Your dog is performing a valuable public service for gardeners up to their eyeballs in cucumbers and zucchini this time of year.”

24) “What my dog so thoughtfully brought to me after rolling around in the mud at the park…”

25) “My cat found an unattended cracker and brought it to me so I could hold it for her while she eats it.”
“Hey Opposable -Thumbs, make yourself useful.”

26) I fear for the birthday girl or boy.
“My wife and I started feeding a stay cat. He likes to bring us presents, normally its a dead mouse, or a chicken bone, etc. Today he showed up with this, no idea where he got it.”

27) “Instead of a dead bird or mouse, my cat decides to bring us gifts of leaves. She’s been doing this for years.”

28) “Our cat won’t stop bringing home sponges!”

29) “Found this old pupper wandering the streets and I returned him to his home, he brought me his ducky as a thank you.”
“Uh oh..looks like he’s moving his stuff over to your place…one toy at a time!”

30) “So my dog brought home a fawn the other day.”

31) “He likes to hunt leaves.”
“Cats that go after birds and squirrels are hunters. This is a gatherer.”

32) “Our black cat brings us the occasional bird as a present. Then there’s this doof. (We don’t own a badminton set.)”
“But that is a birdie.”
“Maybe the cat is just making an amusing pun here.”

33) “Some dogs bring back balls, frisbees or sticks… Jack brought me a pigeon. A fkn pigeon!!! LOL”

34) “My dog brought an onion home…”
“He was only trying to prevent another dog from eating it. Kind of like calling the cops after finding drugs on the floor.”

35) “My cat constantly brings me lil gifts and he’s always bringing Beatles but this time it was two.”

36) “My dog brought me a big present this morning.”
“My parents live out in the country, and their dogs do this on a regular basis. It’s the worst when deer are in season. Their yard looks like a deer-version of the elephant graveyard from the lion king.”

37) “My dog, Aspen always grabs things out of the pantry and brings them to us with this face.”
“Woah It’s a pure bread retriever.”

38) “Look at what my cat brought me this morning.”

39) “My cat keeps bringing a candy cane to my door FFS Ted Christmas is over, let it go.”

40) “My dog found a baby rabbit this morning.”

41) “My niece was playing with Mr. Potato head – my dog wanted to play fetch, so he brought me what he found.”
“Looks just like my ex-girlfriend. Same lipstick, ears and collar, and all.”

42) “My mighty hunter brought me her trophy.”

43) Wakey wakey hooman!
Some cats show your love by waking you up with their butt in your face. But, this silly prankster kitty had a different way of showing his hooman how much he cares.
“This morning at 5 am my cat gave me a present of plastic grocery bags. It didn’t wake me up so he must have thought that I didn’t approve. So, he woke me up by laying a foil sheet (covering my toaster) on my pillow next to my face, promptly waking me up. I’m very loved by my kitty!”

44) “What do you mean you don’t like my gift??”
“Awww, their used to be a stray where I used to live. She would bring me field mice and exchange them for dry cat food. It was adorable.”
“Holy crap. You taught a cat to barter!”

45) “My cat just brought this little guy home… I guess I have a new pet.”

46) “My dog gets so excited when she brings me a gift.”
“For context: I collect and clean a lot of animal skulls as a hobby. When Kaya get bored, she goes into the woods, finds my stash of skulls and bring me one. She never harms them, just places them around the driveway where she knows I’ll find them.”

47) “My cat brings me gifts, she has strange taste for gifts.”

48) “My dog brought me my hat on a sunny day.”

49) “He just found this binky and…we don’t deserve dogs.”
“I think that’s what it’s like to be a dog. It’s like having an IQ of 30, an endless appetite but not liking vegetables and rolling balls constantly.”

50) “She brought me a marshmallow.”

51) “I hear cats bring dead birds as gifts…. by puppy brings me rocks. Rocks.”
“Congrats! You are now engaged.”

52) “My dog brought a potato to bed this morning.”

53) “My cat brought me the gift of Moth in a color I’ve never seen in 38 years.”

54) “Whenever I come in my house from being away for some time, my dog always brings me something. Today it was a croc.”

55) “My cat stole my neighbors’ lunch off of his front step and brought it back to me as if it were wild game.”
That’s actually a pretty handy kitty to have around. Can I borrow him for lunch? I’m broke until next payday.
@It’s Caturday 2.0:
“Moral of the story: don’t live next to a house with a cat.”

56) “So my dog brought me a gift as we were leaving the farm today.”
“He’s so considerate. He even washes off in the ponds on the farm before jumping in my car and then dries off in the dirt!”

57) “My cat often brings me gifts in the morning. Today some blue yarn she hunted down in the living room.”
“That feeling of having a cat laying down inside your arm… this is like the ultimate luxurious privilege only chosen people get to experience. Ffeels sooo soft and warm and jelly-like, you just feel honored. lol”

58) “Maggie’s gift giving abilities have escalated from toys to kitchen sponges and door stoppers and she couldn’t be more proud.”

59) “My cat brings me socks whenever I don’t pay attention to her to try to win my approval.”
“They usually bring dead things as tokens of love. Guess your socks smells like death.”

60) “Get a dog” they said, “it’ll be fun” they said. Yes that’s a dead frog that Paisley brought onto my bed for me.

61) “Hummingbird, my cat brought it upstairs… Alive and well.”

62) “He keeps trying to bring his presents inside.”

63) “So my cat brought us an interesting gift…”

64) “My cat brought me a baby bunny…. UNHARMED!”

65) “My dog got in trouble, so he brought a peace offering.”

66) “Dog brought me a gift this morning. A monitor lizard same size as her.”
@Mary-Jane Scharnick:
“Lizard: ‘hey man, TF? lemmi go. not cool, not cool, NOT COOL!!'”

67) “My cat keeps stealing my roommates shit to give to me as gifts.. today I received a sports bra.”
“Kitty decided to offer you support in more a literal way.”

68) “My dog likes to greet me by bringing me stuff from inside the house. We don’t know why he does it, but so far he has brought me garden scissors, a basket and many forks and spoons.”

69) “My cat likes to look for me around the house just to bring me receipts…..”

70) “Cat brought me a present this morning.”
“Cats actually catch small animals and bring them to you because they feel it’s their duty as head of the household to bring you food, because you’re not capable of finding your own.”

71) “That one time 5 months ago when my dog brought me a snack.”

72) “Didn’t know we had turtles in our backyard until we got Louie – he brings one to the porch every few weeks.”

73) “Our dog brings us random objects to welcome us when we come home.”

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Source: Bored Panda