When you think of cuddly, friendly, playful animals, cows probably aren’t the first example that jumps into your mind. When we think of cows, we usually imagine rather tame and timid creatures, standing around in fields, munching on grass, and not really doing a whole lot else.
But you might be surprised to learn just how sweet and adorable cows can be. Just like pet dogs, cows can enjoy cuddles, walks, play-time, and much more besides, and this goes for both calves and full-grown cows too. Just take a look through these photos for proof!
1) Got An Itch
This funny-looking Highland cow is using one of its horns to scratch a particularly frustrating itch on the side of its body.

2) So Much Love
Many people would never imagine that such a special and loving bond could form between a cow and a person.

3) Best Buds
These two best friends are taking a nap together, and the cow always seems to sleep more peacefully when her friend is around.

4) Play Time
These happy cows are having so much fun rolling the big bale of hay around the field! They’re not even all that interested in eating it, they just love to play.

5) Just Like A Doggo
Cows and dogs have way more in common than you might think. They’re playful, loving, loyal, friendly, and love to have fun with humans too.

6) Tummy Rubs
Just like a dog, this cow rolls onto its back and asks for some tummy rubs whenever it sees its owner in the area.

7) One Of Us
With its black and white coat, this dog looks quite a lot like a baby cow, and it looks like the adults are treating it like one of their own.

8) Little And Large
Cows can be friends to many other species too! Just look at this adorable photo of a fluffy cow taking a nap beside a friendly little hedgehog.

9) Time For A Nap
Many farmers develop close bonds with their cows. This young farmhand has a special friendship with his favorite cow and the pair often take naps together.

10) Smile!
What a beautiful smile! And the girl looks very happy too.

11) Walkies
Did you know that you can tie a leash around a cow and take them for a walk? Many of them really enjoy this, especially the little ones.

12) Big Wet Kisses
This cow was super happy to see her owner and wanted to greet him with some extra special and extra wet kisses.

13) Goal!
This funny cow is having the time of her life playing around with a ball while her friend watches on from the sidelines.

14) Hello There
This big-eyed, beautiful cow seems more than a little surprised to be having her photo taken!

15) Snow Day
This fluffy little calf seems so excited to see the snow. She just can’t get enough of it.

16) Hugs And Cuddles
We don’t recommend walking up to random cows in fields and trying to hug them, but if you work on a farm and see your cows every day, you can develop really lovely friendships with them. For this woman, cows are part of the family.

17) Sleepy Time
Here’s another absolutely adorable photo of a boy and his calf taking a little mid-day nap together. They look so peaceful.

18) The Perfect Scratching Device
This clever cow found the very best way to scratch her itches. She looks so satisfied!

19) Keep Rolling Rolling Rolling
This cow could spend all day long rolling his bale of hay across the snowy landscape and still not get bored!

20) What A Big Tongue
Everything is new and exciting for this cute little calf, sticking out her tongue at the first camera she ever saw.

21) Hungry?
This adorable calf is licking its lips as it gazes into the camera lens. Maybe there’s some hay on the other side.

22) Man’s Best Friend
When we think of loyal and loving animals, we think of dogs, but photos like this one show that cows can be just as compassionate and caring as their canine counterparts.

23) This Is Mine Now
Most cows spend a lot of their time standing around in fields or nestled down in muddy barns, but this one found a super cozy and comfortable blanket and made it her own.

24) Why?
We’re not exactly sure why this cow has chosen to sit just like a dog or a person, but it seems pretty happy, and that’s all that matters.

25) Piggy Back
This fluffy calf has had a really long day and just can’t walk another step.

26) Too Cute
What a sweet picture! It’s so nice how the cow bends its head around to rest against the little girl like that.

27) Album Cover
If ever this group of cows decide to start a band, this photo would be the perfect album cover!

28) Oh Happy Day
These cows have been cooped up inside overnight but are so happy to finally be let loose on the fields.

29) A Mama’s Love
This inspiring image, showing a Highland cow snuggling up close to her calf, really makes us think about the feelings and lives of animals.

30) Happy Family
These three friends might all be from different species, but they share a special bond.

31) Aww!
This lovely little girl just wants to spend all day long petting her calf.

32) Charge!
These cows are having a blast chasing an RC car around the field.

33) Moo!
Cows come in all shapes, sizes, and colors too! This snowy cow is a real looker with its pure white coat and black ears.

34) Just Beautiful
This photo is simply beautiful. There’s no other word for it. It’s so sweet to see all that love and friendship between these girls and their cow.

35) Deal?
Yes, that’s Howie Mandel from Deal or No Deal! A guy was taking his cow for a walk when he bumped into the TV star, who simply had to pose for a picture.

36) Tasty Snow
Just like a little kid, this cute calf is savoring the taste of snow and trying to catch a few flakes on her tongue.

37) So Cozy
It must be pretty comfortable to use a cow as a pillow since so many people seem to be doing it.

38) A Happy Scene
These cows are enjoying a happy day out in beautiful, natural surroundings.

39) Hey Guys!
This funny-looking Highland cow saw the camera getting ready and decided to strike a pose for a very memorable photo.

40) Pet Cow
This funny cow really thinks it’s a dog and its owners seem to treat it that way too! It has its own collar and loves to get cozy on the couch.

41) Best Friend
This photo just goes to show how kind and loving cows can be. If you take the time to know them, understand them, and show them kindness, they’ll be good to you in return.

42) So Adorable
Are we the only ones who just want to find this cow and give it a huge cuddle?

43) Dress Up
Looks like this cow is getting ready for an Easter party with its cute bunny ear outfit.

44) Hey Little Guy
We’re so jealous of the lucky person who got to hold this fluffy calf.

45) Happiest Dog In The World
The cows really seem to have fallen in love with this Rottweiler and he is having an amazing time getting so many cow kisses all at once.

46) Going For A Swim
You might not associate cows with water, but they often enjoy splashing around in pools and shallow streams when the weather gets warm.

47) Out For A Ride
Once more, just like dogs, cows can enjoy car rides too! This one looks totally peaceful sitting in the passenger seat and gazing out at the world.

48) Long Tongue
This cute cow was taking a walk in the woods and photographed at just the right time to capture that super long tongue.

49) Snuggling With A Friend
This big cow-pup just wants to be cuddled and petted all day long.

50) So Sweet
Another absolutely adorable shot of a black and white cow resting peacefully with a good friend.

51) Irresistible
If we were anywhere near this fluffy little thing, we wouldn’t be able to resist picking her up and cuddling her for hours on end.

52) So Proud
This little guy may be small, but he’s standing tall, just like his mama and papa.

53) A Great Place For A Nap
This cow found the perfect spot for her afternoon nap. It’s just the right size.

54) Two Babies
Two adorable infants are seen here enjoying a friendly snuggle together, reminding us all that cows deserve kindness too, just like any other animal.

55) I <3 You
This amazing cow was born with a heart-shaped patch of white fur right in the middle of her head.

56) Dog Meets Cow
It’s the classic story of dog meets cow, cow licks dog, and everyone lives happily ever after.

57) Gorgeous
This little Highland calf is one of the prettiest we’ve ever seen! Just look at that face and try not to melt.

58) Little Legs
And just in case the previous photo didn’t tug on your heartstrings enough, here’s another simply adorable mini cow with super little legs and an incredibly fluffy face.

59) Babies
These adorable babies are just too cute for words. Even in their early age, it looks like they’re already best buds.

60) The Gang
These wonderfully fluffy calves are giving us all the feels right now.

Many people would never imagine that cows could be so cute, so sweet, so friendly, and so in sync with their human friends, but these images prove that there’s far more to cows than many of us think. They’re deep, emotional creatures with so much to offer, and they deserve a lot of love and tenderness, just like any other furry, feathered, or scaly friend out there. Share the list around with your friends and family!