Although we’re all going through the pandemic together, it sometimes feels as though it’s one person against the world. On top of that are all of the things you deal with daily as part of normal life. You know, flat tires, a nasty breakup, running late to work, and so on.
Believe it or not, animals have bad days, too. Although different from what humans’ experience, in their world, they’re still struggles. This includes the squirrel who can’t reach the bird food, the cat that got stuck in a tree, or the dog that fell flat on its face chasing the cat that was chasing the squirrel.
As you’re about to discover, critters of all kinds have off days. While we feel bad for them, they make us laugh. Enjoy these 60 animals that had a worse day than you.
1. One unhappy kitty
This is Sarah, the dog, and Stella, the cat. While they usually get along just fine, when Sarah stole a piece of Stella’s food, she wasn’t very happy about it. So, she ran into the kitchen to tattletale.
If you’ve had a dog run away, you know how frustrating and frightening it is. That’s what happened in this case. This pup’s owner searched for hours but to no avail. Returning home, this was what she found.
With fireworks going off outside, this large dog ended up in the bathtub with his human. Either the sound scared him or he simply wanted to enjoy a relaxing bath with the person he loves most.
Not only did this poor dog break its leg but it also appears she was stung by a bee or wasp. Perhaps the owner should give her ice cream. After all, ice cream makes everything better.
Since this pooch was kind of dirty, her owner decided to give her a bath. The only problem…instead of grabbing shampoo, they reached for a bottle of blue dye. Hopefully, it won’t take too long to wash out because she looks embarrassed.
Apparently, this pup was playing outside and decided to investigate a hole. But he didn’t expect it to be as deep or muddy as it was. Thankfully, his owner got him out.
An undergraduate class was so impressed with what this squirrel did, they paid to have a statue made in his likeness. What did he do? He chewed through wiring that forced the school to suspend classes for two days.
This is the look of a dog that just discovered something. He’s not the biggest and toughest pup at the dog park after all. What do you want to bet he’s had a complete change of attitude?
One look at that massive moose behind him and this pup ran faster and jumped higher than he knew he could. Yeah, if that beast was following us, we’d probably respond the same way.
Why are they always picking on the little ones? This poor pup will probably have nightmares for the rest of his life. Maybe he and the other pooch can share some ice cream.
You know the saying, “Curiosity killed the cat.” Maybe they should come up with something similar for a dog. How she got stuck in the chair like this remains a mystery. Perhaps she learned a lesson…probably not.
After getting into cookies made with marijuana, this dog isn’t feeling any pain. On the other hand, the owner spent a fortune at the vet. Even worse, they had to admit what happened.
Wouldn’t it be horrible if you came home only to discover your house was missing? That’s what happened to this poor squirrel. At least the homeowner felt bad although that’s little consolation.
Yeah, we’d say there’s a strong chance a squirrel fell off the roof. Fortunately, it appears it got up and scurried off. Whew, that was close to being its last bad day.
We thought a squirrel falling off a roof was bad but this is even worse. The owner of this sweet dog refused to give him her last bite of cheeseburger. Unbelievable.
For some time, a woman had been telling her boyfriend that his cat was picking on her kitty. He didn’t believe her until she showed him proof. Bullying, even among animals, is never okay.
In case you didn’t know, goats love jumping on things. That includes mini-trampolines. So, when his broke, he demanded that someone fix it or find him another one.
Inside home security cameras are great. Not only can you see if someone breaks into your house but if you have pets, you can also keep tabs on them. This owner found out that one of her pups had a worse day than the other.
After returning home, the owner of this turtle found him this way…inside a circle of poop. From what he could tell, this guy got some of it stuck on his foot and while trying to scrape it off, this happened. By the way, the turtle is fine.
It appears this duck was trying to peek through the neighbor’s fence when he got stuck. Okay, sorry, but this is funny. Like the turtle, this sweet critter was just fine after being rescued.
This cat couldn’t resist the delicious food on the countertop. But once she discovered it was nothing more than a photo of food on a cardboard box, let’s just say she wasn’t in a very good mood the rest of the day.
After following the family cat through an upstairs door and out onto the roof, this pup was traumatized. So, his owner had to go up there to coax him down. But now, he’s not speaking to the kitty.
Even though this cat looks to be a little overweight, there was no reason she couldn’t figure her way out of this mess. But for whatever reason, she had to be rescued. Perhaps she was just faking as a way of getting attention.
Nope, it’s just a cat chasing a bear off the owner’s property. In Montana, this is almost a daily occurrence. The kitty was having a great day — the bear — not so much.
When doing a deep clean one day, this cat’s owner discovered he likes to hoard bottle caps. She showed him the mess he made, which was bad. But then she threw them all away, which was disastrous.
This dog’s owner is confused, as are the other two dogs. While no one knows how he got up there, it’s obvious he needs help getting down. This is when inside cameras come in handy.
This poor pup couldn’t figure out why every time he tried to walk, something held him back. We hate to say it but some dogs are smarter than others. This one falls in the “others” category.
When it comes to searching for food, raccoons are notorious for getting into trash cans. And in this case, a recycling bin. He was so stuck that animal control had to come rescue him…without getting anything to eat.
A woman left her white dog with a friend while she ran errands. But when she came back, there was a gray dog in his place. Hopefully, a good bath will return her baby to his original state before he played in a bag of charcoal.
That kitty isn’t hanging onto the screen. Instead, he’s stuck in between the screen and the sliding glass door. Even if he was only there for a short amount of time, that qualifies as having a bad day.
Birds make great pets. They’re funny, loving, and incredibly smart. Yet somehow, this one got stuck inside the bathroom. So, he’s peeking under the door hoping someone notices.
Most people think only dogs get hyper. But cats are no different. This one was going so crazy that her owner had to put her in the kennel for a “time out.” While in there, she totally lost it.
When taking this gorgeous cat to get neutered, he started to stare off into space. Although he couldn’t have known what was about to happen, he sensed something was off and his face shows it.
35. Too close for comfort
The smell of bacon drew this cat too close to the stove and this was the result. Luckily, it was only his whiskers and pride that were singed. Things could’ve been far worse.
At first, this cat looks quite regal with that golden adornment around her neck. But then you realize that’s actually the top of a broken vase. Her head’s stuck so off to the vet they go.
This hamster also went to a veterinarian clinic after breaking its leg. Since it was so small, the vet had to come up with a unique cast. We just want to cuddle with this sweet creature and tell her everything will be okay.
PSA — if you own a Dalmatian, don’t leave it home alone with the kids. If you do, connect the dots will become their favorite new game. And they’ll probably use colored markers.
At least while eating the frozen fish fillets, this pup was having a great day. But once his owner found his head stuck inside the box, things quickly went from good to bad. The look of guilt on his face is hilarious.
This Boxer was having a blast at the dog park until it started to rain. That’s when his owner said it was time to go home. By the look on his face, he wasn’t having fun anymore.
If you ever buy anything off Craig’s List, you need to check it out thoroughly. After all, you’re dealing with strangers. But if you purchase a couch with a cat inside, that might be a nice bonus. We wonder if the sellers realize their kitty is missing.
You know, the one where you pull a string out of a cat’s butt at 11:30 at night? We’re glad to see this kitty’s owner is finding humor in the situation. And although we can’t see the cat’s face, we have a feeling she’s not.
This pooch was picked up by the local police because he chased and attacked a deer. His owner knew the situation was serious but he had a hard time keeping a straight face seeing his furry friend in the backseat of a cop car.
The look of surprise on this kitty’s face is priceless. As he started to fun outside, little did he know the doorway was blocked by a wall of snow. Let’s just say he found out.
When people keep staring and talking about your naked body, you know you’re having a bad day. This isn’t a reference to a human but a cat that recently underwent surgery. Poor thing, it’s not his fault.
For this pup, a ride in the car typically means spending time at the dog park. But when his owner drove in a different direction, his facial expression went from “elation” to “this day sucks.”
Well, that’s what it looks like. But no, this is just a photo smear taken as a cat falls off a table. Just a suggestion, we probably wouldn’t post this picture on social media.
These might be crooks but they’re the cutest ones we’ve ever seen. Come to find out, these penguins kept sneaking into a restaurant for sushi. So, the police had to round them up.
Accidents happen. And in this case, the owner spilled the kitty’s milk. To get revenge, he sat across the table from him while he ate his dinner. The entire time, he gave him a cold, hard stare.
From the looks of it, this dog is having a great day. But we’re not so sure about the cat. We’d ask her but she appears to be a little preoccupied at the moment.
…or so it seems. The truth is that this dog suffered an eye injury. So, every time he goes running with his human, he has to wear silly googles that he doesn’t like.
You might think this dog is trying to eat the cat. But these two are actually best friends. The good news…the kitty gets to live another day. The bad news…she’s covered in slobber.
Why yes, we do. Come on, this cat’s been shaved and then he has his face smushed inside a “cone of shame.” The best part, he’s sticking his tongue out to let everyone know exactly how he feels.
Since his owners had his hair cut, this Husky no longer feels like his rough, tough, masculine self. To be honest, we had no idea this breed had so much fur. Thanks to his new “summer do,” he’s having a horrible day.
Otto is a Dachshund that needed to take a bathroom break right after 10 inches of snow dropped. For you, that wouldn’t even reach your knees. But for this dog, he disappears. For that reason, he’s allowed to have a bad day.
This pup was perfectly fine as long as she was being petted by her owner. But the minute they started to love on the other dog, things went downhill fast. If you don’t believe it, just look at her face.
While going through the car wash, this dog somehow managed to roll down the windows. You guessed it, the interior was washed right along with the exterior. But this guy could care less about that. He was more upset that he got all soapy and wet.
Although we’re all going through the pandemic together, it sometimes feels as though it’s one person against the world. On top of that are all of the things you deal with daily as part of normal life. You know, flat tires, a nasty breakup, running late to work, and so on.
Believe it or not, animals have bad days, too. Although different from what humans’ experience, in their world, they’re still struggles. This includes the squirrel who can’t reach the bird food, the cat that got stuck in a tree, or the dog that fell flat on its face chasing the cat that was chasing the squirrel.
As you’re about to discover, critters of all kinds have off days. While we feel bad for them, they make us laugh. Enjoy these 60 animals that had a worse day than you.