If you own a pet, you know you’re their entire world. You’re the person who houses, feeds, pets, and loves them, so they’ll do anything for you.
Of course, that doesn’t mean they’re not going to cause you trouble. Every pet owner knows how mischievous animals can be. If you own a cat, you can forget about having potted plants. And don’t ever leave any food out where your dog can reach it.
Yep, there’s no doubt that animals turn our lives around. But even when they make a mess or break important things, we forgive them. How couldn’t we when they’re just so cute? And don’t think they don’t know it.
Every cat and dog are banking on forgiveness. They know all too well the food and affection won’t stop coming even after they eat your lunch or destroy all your toilet paper.
However, every animal has a different method. Some of them pretend they’re innocent. Some act like they can’t see the evidence. And some of them strike their cutest pose until you forgive them. Even though we might roll our eyes, it works every time.
Here are 60 mischievous animals that know they won’t get in trouble.
1. The dogs are growing nicely this year
Sure, she might’ve destroyed your garden just to dig herself a hole, but you know what? She’s also not sorry. Not even a little bit.
2. This is what I think of your bread
This bird’s owner was nice enough to give it a piece of bread while they made their own sandwich. So naturally, the bird used the bread as a stepping stone to get to the good stuff.
3. Too cute to be punished
All cats love playing with toilet paper, which often results in a horrible mess. This cat destroyed half a roll, but it knows it only has to blink those cute eyes and it’ll never get in trouble.
4. He heard fireworks
Dogs often get nervous when they hear fireworks and Rex is no exception. When he heard one go off, he decided he wanted to be as close to his human as possible. And that was…pretty close.
5. Spot the dog
If you’re distracted by the mess, you’re not the only one. Look hard and you’ll notice the dog in the background doing her best to pretend like it’s just a normal day.
6. If all else fails, play dead
Pets have all sorts of ways to avoid facing the consequences of their mischief. Many of them pretend not to see it. This cat’s philosophy…they can’t be mad at you if you’re dead.
7. Try being charming
Other pets go with striking their cutest pose. Because the humans love them, they can’t possibly be mad if you’re extra adorable, right? Right?
8. Time for a bath or 10
What do you get when you cross a white dog with a freshly-mowed lawn? You end up with a dog that might stay bright green for the rest of his life. Or at least until he’s had a couple of baths.
9. Everyone knows cats hate selfies
It’s the tragic story of many cat owners: you just want to get a nice photo with your furry friend. Then they decide they’ve had enough. Aren’t they sweet?
10. That’s a lot of neck pressure
You might not think seven pounds of cat is all that much. But when it’s applied to your neck, you’ll change your tune. Who needs oxygen, anyway?
11. There’s a method to the madness
This cat’s favorite spot was on the windowsill, but it offered limited visibility. So, the devious feline came up with a perfect plan that naturally included destroying something.
12. You say plants, I say comfy bed
This cat has no respect for the time and effort that goes into nurturing a potted plant. That’s what you get for choosing kitten-sized planters.
13. Thank goodness you’re here
Some animals try to feign ignorance. “Thank goodness you’re here — I was just trying to take a nap and the bed exploded.”
14. Everybody needs a hobby
Cats and dogs are more like humans than you think. They even love to collect things. This cat loves stealing hair ties and stashing them behind the furniture.
15. We’re out of toilet paper
If you need toilet paper, you’ll get no sympathy from this cat. As far as she’s concerned, this is her toilet paper and you’ll have to get your own.
16. He saw his chance and took it
Nothing to see here, just a sleepy dog. More specifically, a sleepy dog that waited until his owner got up and then stole his spot. He was snoring within 30 seconds.
17. We will cuddle NOW
It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to read, work, or exercise. If you’re laying down, your cat will see it as an invitation to cuddle. Try working out when you’re nose-to-nose with a feline.
18. Pleading the Fifth
In dog logic, if you pretend you can’t see the evidence, your owners can’t possibly punish you. Instead, they’ll assume another dog committed the crime.
19. It’s a stress response
We all have different ways of dealing with stress. This dog’s reaction was to go on a jerky-eating binge. That’s exactly what I do, but with cake.
20. No respect for plants
Cats are very clean animals, but that doesn’t stop them from napping in dirty pots of soil. Sure, the pots are perfectly cat-sized but maybe they just really hate plants.
21. Mess? What mess?
The owner of these dogs thought they were being clever when they bought a dog bed advertised as indestructible. The dogs see your advertising claims and raise you this evidence.
22. Well, that’s a problem
Why’s there a cat sitting beside a washing machine, you ask? Well, because he managed to destroy it by nibbling away at the door seal. That’s such a cat thing to do.
23. Clear your schedule for diarrhea
Unlike cats, dogs will eat pretty much anything that’s in front of them. It doesn’t matter if it’s even edible. After a binge like this, doggie is looking at a rough couple of days.
24. Thanks for the snack
This person says they can’t leave their food within reach of the cat. She’ll immediately take the opportunity to make off with it. Don’t you have your own food, kitty?
25. Was this necessary?
Sometimes, cats are major jerks for no reason at all. I’m sure this cat has its own comfy bed as well as dozens of pieces of furniture to sit on. But no, it just had to nap on the new loaf of bread.
26. Don’t underestimate the claws
This chair is a favorite of both these cats, as evidenced by the shred marks all over it. If you think cats can’t ruin furniture in the blink of an eye, look at this photo again.
27. Be right back, switching to blinds
There was literally no reason for the dog to chew a hole in this curtain. He did it just because he wanted to. And of course, because he knew his owners just couldn’t get mad.
28. The answer is no, you may not
Animals can be a lot like toddlers in that they have little concept of personal space. But you bet your boots this cat will get mad if you watch him in the litterbox.
29. Have a mint?
Oh, dogs. They’re so sweet yet bent on eating everything disgusting. Was it really necessary to eat Bartleby’s poop?
30. You’re not using these, right?
Nothing much to see here, just a dog wearing a pair of boxers. Or, more accurately, a dog who chewed through a pair of boxers so he could wear them.
31. Say “uncle”
Just look at those expressions — one smug, the other ashamed. That cat is claiming his place as the king of the household. Bow before him, all pets.
32. I’ll sleep right here, thanks
Once you become a dog owner, you can forget having clothes free of fur. They might have a comfy dog bed and couches galore, but they’ll still nap on your clean laundry.
33. Go sleep in the dog bed if you’re so tired
When you have a lot of pets, you give up certain things. You might lose some of your snacks, for example. And you perhaps, you’d lose your entire bed to three unconscious dogs.
34. You took too long
Look human, if you take too long to change the cat litter, I’m going to go wherever I can. That includes right here in the box of clean litter. I’m not sorry.
35. The heater is MINE
There’s nothing like getting into a battle of wills with your pet. In this case, the fight was for the space heater. And the dog won.
36. I made a mess and I’m not sorry
This cat’s completely unashamed of the mess it made. Its owner just put all those toys neatly in the toy bucket but too bad.
37. Now we BOTH have a cone
Animals hate the cone of shame, and this cat is exacting some petty revenge. If you put him in the cone, you too will experience it.
38. Was the chair not free?
Not every misbehaving animal is misbehaving against its owner. Sometimes they’re going up against other pets. There’s no love lost between this naughty pug and long-suffering cat.
39. Return it to the hospital or so help me
Naptime for the baby? Not if this cat has anything to say about it. As far as she’s concerned, this is her new bed. The baby can sleep on the floor.
40. He was set up
Don’t take everything at a crime scene for granted. There might be tissues all over the room and a dog with his head in the tissue box, but maybe he was set up. You never know.
41. I’ll sit right here
Cats seem just a little too proud of their backsides, often putting them right in their owners’ faces. We appreciate the gesture, but is it really necessary?
42. Preferred medium: cat hair
When you’re an artist who owns a cat, you get used to having fur on your artwork. Felines just have no respect for the Fine Arts.
43. A double offense
This dog looks properly ashamed of his actions. He had ample time to use the bathroom outside; instead, he decided to perform a one-two punch of disgusting crimes.
44. I hate your shorts and I hate you
Don’t underestimate a cat’s ability to take revenge on its owner. He thought his shorts were safe, but the cat knew exactly how to get back at him.
45. I don’t care about your deadline
Working from home can be a challenge, especially if you’re under tight deadlines. There’s nothing like telling your boss you missed an assignment because your cat was in the way.
46. Sentence: you’re both wearing diapers this week
These dogs got a little too enthusiastic about all the holiday food in the house. We’ll rename the week after Thanksgiving “Week of Eternal Diarrhea.”
47. I don’t like your birth certificate
Forget chewing up homework. This dog prefers to eat important documents like birth certificates and social security cards. That’ll be fun to explain to the people at the social security office.
48. He chose poorly
This dog decided a bag of sugar would make a good chew toy. Unfortunately, a paper bag can’t hold up against a strong set of doggie teeth.
49. Someone needs a hobby
When I’m bored, I read a book or watch a movie. But when you can’t read or operate a remote control, your options are limited. So, eating the wall it is.
50. Breakfast in bed
This cat really isn’t to blame for this one. Who knew her owner wouldn’t appreciate having a delicious mouse placed in her mouth? Humans can be so ungrateful.
51. It was an emergency
Every cat owner has to clean vomit off the carpet at one point or another. But frankly, I don’t know where you’d even start with cleaning puke from a fishbowl. I might just throw the fish away.
52. Caught in the act
When all else fails, turn and give your owners a big doggie smile. They’ll be so disarmed by your cuteness they can’t possibly get mad.
53. It wasn’t us
When a toddler makes a mess, you can teach them not to do it again by encouraging them to help you clean up. When dogs make a mess…there’s really nothing you can do.
54. He’s unstoppable
No animal enjoys being in a cone, but this dog managed to escape two of them in a row. For his own protection, he’s had a pillow added to his treatment.
55. Am I going to hell for laughing?
Here’s one of the hazards of cremation. With your ashes kept in someone’s house, they’re vulnerable to bizarre situations like this. Cats have no respect.
56. The landlord won’t be happy
Let’s be fair — has anyone ever received a full security deposit back? Or more accurately, has anyone with a pet ever received a full security deposit back?
57. Just…WHY
Apparently eating the wall isn’t an uncommon boredom response in dogs. It’s not one I can relate to, so on behalf of mankind, can I just say…why??
58. The worst notification system
Cats are notoriously finicky about the state of their litter box. If it’s not pristine, it’s unacceptable. This cat came up with a particularly disgusting way to let her owners know what’s up.
59. Taking jealousy to a new level
Pets often feel jealous of babies or other animals in the house. But being jealous of a plant is pretty silly, even for a dog. Come on pooch, you know your humans love you.
60. How rude
Don’t be fooled by the stereotype — not every cat is sleek and elegant. This guy has a particularly nasty prank that he loves to play.