It’s no secret that our pets hate going to the veterinarian’s office. It usually means scary examinations, painful shots, and a strange, sterile environment. Of course, we only take our pets to the clinic because we love them and want to make sure they’re healthy.
When it comes down to it — the vet clinic is actually a truly wonderful place. However, they know that their reputation amongst the animal community isn’t the best. Thank goodness they have a sense of humor about it.
These 55 clever signs prove that veterinarians are up for a good laugh.
Get ready to laugh harder than you probably should.
1.) This is such a dad joke — but we love it.
The younger generation today might not know who the Energizer bunny is, but for those of us that do, you’ll probably get a good chuckle out of this one. Even behind bars, the bunny is still probably “going and going and going.”

2.) This vet has got a little gangster in them.
The original phrase for this one is “I didn’t choose the thug life, the thug life chose me.” But when you replace “thug” with “pug” it’s so much better. All the pug lovers out there will get a kick out of this one.

3.) I want to facepalm and crack up laughing at the exact same time.
There was an infamous Dr. Phil episode where one of his guests, an unruly teen, seemed to have a language of her own. The now-famous phrase she said was “Catch me outside, howbadah?” (how about that?). This vet clinic decided to have a little fun with the nonsense.

4.) Just a good chuckle for your morning commute.
If you’re looking for a new vet for your fur baby, try to find one with a sense of humor this good. You gotta love a funny play on words and this one is worthy of a good laugh.

5.) Don’t let history repeat itself, people.
I mean…they’re not wrong. But, I think all the veterinarians in the world couldn’t have done anything to save the dinosaurs from the giant meteor that rocked the planet millions and millions of years ago. But still–take your pets to the vet!

6.) Truer words have never been spoken.
Those who own dogs know this to be true. And those that own cats know this to be very true. We all know that cats and dogs have very different personalities, and despite the fact that cats can be a bit more “difficult,” they’re impossible not to love.

7.) Literally.
This vet clinic took their sign both literally and figuratively. Not only will your dog have less nuts if he gets neutered, but he’ll also be less nuts. The bottom line is–get your pets spayed and neutered.

8.) It’s way less dramatic than a Maury episode, though.
Alright, so doggy DNA testing is far less dramatic than a trashy daytime talk show episode, but this veterinary clinic sure knows how to grab people’s attention with a funny sign.

9.) Katy Perry had it all wrong.
Katy Perry’s first mega-hit was “I kissed a girl and I liked it,” but we prefer this animal hospital’s sign much better. Because let’s face it–who has ever kissed a pug and didn’t like it? They’re freaking adorable!

10.) And those other vets can’t deny!
Everyone knows Sir-Mix-Alot’s famous song “I like big butts.” But–if you’re an animal and dog lover, you might prefer these hilarious lyrics versus the original song’s. I know we certainly do.

11.) It’s so bad it’s good.
Super cheesy and obvious jokes can be a bit painful to hear sometimes, but we’ll give this one an exception. Even though the “cheese level” on this one is about 100, it’s still funny enough to get a laugh when you drive by.

12.) For those naughty dogs and cats.
The ever-popular Fifty Shades of Gray books and movies have taken the world by storm. This veterinary clinic (who seems to be King of funny signs) used the popularity of the series for a little play on words. Although, if female dogs and cats could read, they probably wouldn’t get excited about this one.

13.) Yeesh.
Everyone has experienced an embarrassing or annoying autocorrect fail, right? This vet clinic used their sign to not only relate to this common struggle but to use it as a means to make people laugh on their way to work.

14.) Spay and neuter your pets, people!
People have the phrase “suns out, guns out” when it’s warm outside and they want to show off their biceps. But one vet hospital decided to make their own phrase to encourage people to neuter their pets.

15.) Why does the dog have no teeth?!
Don’t you love a fun riddle? This one is pretty corny but we have to say it’s better than seeing a sign filled with text that’s trying to sell you something. Instead, why not bring a smile to someone’s face?

The Things
16.) We can relate
Remember when you were a kid and people would say “it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye”? Or something to that extent. Well–this is the cat and dog version of that same saying. No fur baby wants to end up in the cone of shame.

17.) Whatever it takes to get the word out.
Here’s another way to help promote controlling the pet population by spaying and neutering your pets (in the wise words of Bob Barker). During the new year, this animal hospital used it as a chance to advocate for this procedure.

18.) So, behave. We’re talking to you, parents.
If you’re a parent, you know that this is the worst possible combo of all time. A hyper child and a puppy to deal with? You might as well have a toddler! So, parents–watch your kids.

19.) More responsible pet-ownership humor.
A few years ago, the “whip and nay nay” song was quite popular. The Animal Health Clinic knew how to catch people’s attention by using the popular lyrics as a spay and neuter promotion technique. We love it.

Paw My Gosh
20.) Now this is my kind of place!
Once again, the Eau Gallie Veterinary Hospital has done it again with their hilarious signs. This one is a play on a strip club’s sign and it’s absolutely hilarious. Now, this is the kind of place I’d want to frequent!

21.) Speak to your cat–before it’s too late.
Catnip probably can be a serious addiction. If you notice your cat has been sneaking around, lying to you, and seems like they’re avoiding you–you may want to take them about their catnip problem. Just kidding. Catnip is harmless but this board is too funny!

22.) So cheesy…and yet I still laughed.
If you say this with a Boston or New York accent, it’s even better. Sometimes the simplest and cheesiest jokes are the best kind of jokes. Whatever it takes to get you to smile is always a good thing.

23.) There isn’t even a split-second rule in most dog households.
If you’re a dog owner, then you know that it only takes a blink of an eye for a piece of food to drop to the ground and be swooped up by your eagerly-awaiting pup. In my home, you couldn’t even count to one.

24.) Wait, animals only?!
If animals could read, they would be running to line up at the door at this veterinary hospital. Taking your pets in for regular check-ups is vital to their health longevity. And that free belly rub will only make them happy to come back. Well, in a dream world.

25.) I’m rolling my eyes and singing along all at once.
Were you a fan of this famous Devo song in the 80’s? Of course, there’s was “whip it” but this animal hospital wanted to have a little fun with the lyrics and replace it with the dog breed Whippet instead. Corny–but cute.

26.) Another dad joke at its finest.
It’s hard not to shake your head at the cheesiness of this joke, but again, the dad jokes are sometimes the best jokes. It’s a nice G-rated one too, so you can tell it to the little ones.

27.) Say that five times fast.
Here’s another corny joke that we can’t help but giggle about. It’s a mouth-full to say but it’s another kid-friendly joke that makes people laugh when they’re making their morning commute.

28.) Ring, bark, and meow! Adopt, don’t shop!
Here’s a fun patriotic sign from Eastside Animal Clinic. On the 4th of July, we’ll be celebrating our independence, but don’t forget to protect your beloved fur babies from loud, scary noises.

29.) Awww, now this is just cute.
How sweet is this animal clinic’s sign? Because it’s true! When we adopt dogs into our lives, they give us nothing but unconditional love and affection. They’re the ultimate anti-depressant and we just adore them all.

30.) It’s deep, yet logical.
True, Eau Gallie Vet Hospital. True. With the homeless and stray pet population in the millions, it’s so important that we get our dogs and cats spayed and neutered. Let’s give love to those that need it and help control the problem.

31.) Another horribly cheesy one for you.
Oh, goodness. As if the jokes couldn’t get any cornier, we pull out another one for you. Another very innocent play on words that is sure to make anyone smile that’s walking or driving by.

32.) Sadly, it’s true.
If we could, we’d shower our cats with snuggles and kisses. But we don’t, because in return, we’ll receive a slap to the face with their paw. Unless you have one of those rare cats that actually likes to pay attention to you, this sign is oh so true.

33.) Not the best test takers.
Yes, we’re against testing animals too. They always seem to get distracted by shiny objects, interesting noises, or squirrels running past the window. Leave the test taking for humans.

34.) It can seem that way.
Here’s another funny one for people that own or have owned a cat. When they’re inside, they want to go outside, meowing incessantly until they get their way. When they’re outside if even for 2 minutes, they want to come right back in. The same applies for the bedroom or bathroom door!

35.) And fur!
Every single person that’s ever owned a dog or cat has had this type of alarm clock. Whether it’s a paw to the face, a pounce on the chest, or a lick to the mouth–our pets will definitely be doing their best to wake us up when it’s time.

36.) Show you my what?! Oh.
Eau Gallie is at it again with their hilarious humor. When people drive by, at first glance, they might think the sign is a bit naughty. But, when you realize what it really says–it’s sure to make you laugh.

37.) Well, maybe not.
Even though is probably what you feel like you want to do sometimes, it’s best that you leave the peeing in the toilet. For everyone’s sake. The sign is fantastic though.

38.) Now Journey is stuck in my head.
Here’s another funny sign that has some fun with popular song lyrics. This time, it’s Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing,” or in this case, “Don’t Stop Retrieving.” You’re singing the song with these new lyrics right now, aren’t you?

39.) They’re not kidding.
The word Shih-Tzu is just way too easy to make jokes out of. The adorable little breed has no idea how funny-sounding their name really is. Temperance Animal Hospital decided to have some fun with it as well.

40.) Too punny.
You either love puns or you hate them. But it’s hard not to chuckle at this ‘punny’ veterinarian sign. You’ve got to hand it to them for their cleverness.

41.) Watch your step!
We’ve been using the phrase “it’s raining cats and dogs” forever now. But this veterinary hospital just added a whole second part to the well-known saying, and we absolutely love it! Watch out for those poodles out there!

42.) Get it?!
For these hilarious veterinary signs, it seems that the cheesier, the better! In this case, ‘antibodies’ was turned into “anty bodies.” I mean seriously, how could you not laugh at that?

43.) Well, of course it is!
Out of all the colors of the rainbow, purrrrple would certainly be a cat’s favorite color. It looks great with their eyes and it’s very easy for them to say. Well–the first half of the word anyway.

44.) So silly, it’s great.
In case you do ever see a dog with a hammer or near a hammer, you better keep this joke in your back pocket to really make people laugh. In the meantime, it’ll make passersby smile.

45.) Good advice.
Cats puke. They just do. It’s something they do. If you own a cat, you’ve probably woken up in the middle of the night to hear that god awful heaving sound which is leading to the inevitable–a gross, pile of cat vomit to clean up. Do yourself a favor and feed them food that is the carpet’s same color. Less likely to stain.

46.) Good thing he can’t read.
If this little dog could read, he’d be jumping out that window and running straight home to hide under the covers and never come out. Thankfully, he can’t. Be responsible pet owners and neuter your pets.

47.) Think about it.
In-vest-igator or invest-i-gator, either way–it’s funny. You could picture an alligator in a suit vest or an alligator wearing a three-piece suit making Wall Street transactions. This joke gets a thumbs up.

48.) For the Star Trek fans out there.
As Dr. Spock would always say, “live long and proper.” Acton Animal Hospital thought they’d have some fun with the well-known Star Trek phrase and turn it into a kitty pun. We love it!

49.) If only we could.
Okay, okay, obviously this animal hospital isn’t advocating for castrating and sterilizing your human relatives but it’s quite the funny sign! We all have those weird family members–don’t act like you don’t.

50.) Highland Road Animal Hospital nails it again.
There are some vet clinics that are becoming more and more well-known for their hilarious signs and Highland Road Animal Hospital is one of them. Who thinks of these things?

51.) See what I mean?
Here’s Highland Road again making another wonderful sign for people to laugh at as they cruise by. They’re always silly and they’re always so simple, but they’re always wonderful!

52.) Duh.
Another perfect dad joke for you here, folks! At first, you might be thinking that you’ll get a logical and educated answer to this one–but no, of course not. That would be way too “stiff” don’t you think?

53.) Neuter your pets!
We’ve got another sign that is using humor to promote neutering your pets. The signs might be funny, but it really is something all pet owners should take very seriously. We applaud this vet clinic!

54.) Good one.
Riddles with super literal answers are always hard to laugh at but we just can’t help it. Frontier Veterinary Hospital couldn’t help themselves either. They’re another great clinic that is gaining attention for all of their funny roadside signs.

55.) Ever heard of it?
By now you should have seen this one coming, don’t you think? Yet again, another Highland Road sign that has us all chuckling. Whoever is in charge of creating these is really spreading some cheer.

These animal hospitals and veterinary clinics are making people laugh every day with their hysterical signs. Not just in their neighborhood, but thanks to the internet, across the globe.
They might be pretty silly, but you have to admit it’s better than your average sign.