The joy of owning a dog is hard to compare to anything else. It’s like parenthood, but also completely unlike parenthood. As with babies, dogs require lots of commitment, but unlike with babies, they rarely get into temper tantrums and scream throughout the night. It’s kind of like owning a cat, but also completely unlike owning a cat. Like cats, dogs love to lounge around the home. Unlike cats, dogs are always keen to show their affection to you and can learn tricks!
There’s a lot of nuances when it comes to owning, loving and looking after a dog. At times, making sure that our furry friends are as happy as they can be is incredibly stressful!
Luckily, this slideshow has put together the best tips and tricks for anyone who wants to maintain their dog’s health and happiness. After you see these amazing dog hacks, looking after your dog will become much easier!
1. Carabiners Are The Swiss Army Knives Of Dog Leashes
Putting a carabiner on a dog leash lets you secure it to a post more easily, lets you attach multiple leashes together and lets you store accessories on the leash! It’s super handy!
2. Dog Shampoo Too Expensive? Make It For A Fraction Of The Price
You don’t want to skimp when it comes to dog shampoo. Even the most adamant dog lover will admit that dogs can really smell bad! But the problem is that the best dog shampoos are way overpriced. But there’s a cheap recipe for dog shampoo that will make your dog smell incredibly fresh! Its ingredients are baking soda, cornstarch, and lavender essential oils. Here’s the full
3. Can’t Get Your Dog’s Breath Fresh? Put Dog Toothpaste Into A Lint Roller
Dog fur can stink some of the time. But dog breath is repulsive most of the time! And applying dog toothpaste can be difficult for even the most relaxed of dogs. However, if you put the toothpaste into a lint remover, then that will mean that the toothpaste touches all of his teeth as he tries to lick it off! If you have a dog toy with deep grooves, then that can work just as well.
4. Regulate Your Dog’s Eating Speed With An Object In The Bowl
If your dog experiences frequent stomach upsets that you can’t explain, then it might be because of their eating speed. Dogs never savor their food. But you can make them eat slowly if you place a hard to remove object into the bowl, like a smaller upturned bowl or ball. That forces the dog to eat little bits at a time. Or you can get a bowl that has obstacles built in.
5. Get Or Make Pill Pockets For Dogs
Some people force dog pills down a dog’s throat. This is an unsettling experience for both humans and dogs! Instead, you can buy treats called pill pockets, which are designed to hold any solid medication your dog may need!
6. Put A Shower Cap On A Dog For Easier Baths
Most dogs hate having a bath. But one thing that makes it easier for them is to put a shower cap on their heads, to protect their eyes. They won’t feel so much irritation throughout the shower, and it looks really cute!
7. Braided Toys Are Super Easy To Make
Dogs love toys so much, they tear most of them apart within days! But you can cut down on dog toy costs by making your own. Just cut some strips out of an old shirt or two, tie one end of the strips and twist the strands together. Then tie up the other and, and you have the perfect dog toy!
8. Make A Dog Bed Out Of An Old Hoodie
Active dogs get through their beds fast! But if you’ve got a used hoodie that you’re not keen on anymore, then it can be upcycled into a dog bed. all that you need to do is put a cushion filling into the hoodie and then sew the hoodie up! Here’s a
more detailed guide.
9. Make Your Own Dog Treats With What You’ve Got Lying Around
If you’re into baking, then you may end up with spare ingredients. Many of these ingredients can be baked into dog treats! Just do a quick Google search to see if what you’ve got can be baked into something that a dog would love!
10. Another Easy Way To Make Your Dog’s Breath Better Is To Sneak Parsely Into Their Food
If parsley is mixed into a dog’s food, then they’ll probably eat it all up. This’ll make their breath much fresher than without it!
11. Store Dog Food In A Pitcher
Pitchers are perfect for serving cocktails to your friends on a summer’s day. But they’re also the perfect thing for dispensing dry food to your dog!
12. Know Dog CPR
Like humans, dogs sometimes need first aid. There are recommended practices that you should follow if your dog needs emergency help. Read up on them! The most important thing to know is that if you think your dog isn’t breathing, then check to see if its pupils are responsive to light. If not, then that’s a problem!
You can also check to see if its gums are gray. If they are, then that’s a problem! You should immediately start compressions by laying the animal on its right side and placing your hands over its ribs. You can also try the Heimlich maneuver on a dog by turning it upside down, wrapping the dog around your chest and thrusting against its rib cage.
13. Squeegees Can Be Better Than Vacuums for Dog Hair
Anyone who owns a shedding dog will tell you that getting the hair out of rugs and carpets is a nightmare. But the best thing to scoop up that hair is usually a squeegee!
14. Dogs Go Mad For Chicken Broth Ice Cubes
If you’re worried about the weight of your dog, then there are a number of solutions. You can make healthy and delicious snacks out of chicken broth just by putting it into an ice cube tray and into the freezer! Your dog won’t believe that it’s eating something that’s low in calories.
15. Recognize The Common Dog Body Language Meanings
We all know that when a dog stares at you longingly when you’re eating, it’s begging for food. But there are some more subtle signs that can really help. For example, scratching, yawning and nose licking are often signs that a dog is stressed. Also, when a dog tries to curl up while standing, that means that it’s stressed. Head tilting means that it’s curious.
16. If Your Dog Starts Running Away, Pretend That You’re Hurt
If you chase a dog, then it’ll probably just run away faster. Instead, you should try lying down and pretending that you’re in pain. The dog will probably run back to you.
17. This Is A Great Way To Find A Lost Dog
If you’ve lost your dog in a wooded area, then finding him again can be difficult. But what can help is if you leave an item of clothing that you’ve worn all day next to a bowl of water (you can also leave the dog’s used toys.) The dog will be able to recognize the familiar scents in the shirt and will probably come to the spot and wait there until you return.
18. Make A Toy Designed To Be Torn And Torn Again
If your dog just loves to tear toys apart, then there’s a way that you can cut down on costs. Instead of buying more toys, buy a hollow ball with some holes in it. Then stuff that toy with old t-shirt strips (or even the innards of some destroyed toys) and let the dog pull the material out again and again.
19. Put Tight Fitting Clothing On Injuries
Dogs that have to wear a cone are usually really unhappy. They’ve just been through a difficult operation, and now they have to wear something uncomfortable so that they don’t lick the wound. A better alternative is to put some tight fitting but comfortable clothing on the dog. Children’s clothing often works wonders!
20. Dish Soap Is A Flea Killer
If you find fleas on your dog and don’t have any products at hand to kill them, then bathe them with dish soap. It’s a good amateur flea killer. If that doesn’t get rid of them, then get something more heavy duty. But trying this cheap alternative doesn’t hurt!
21. Dog Has Too Much Energy? Then Play Fetch Downhill
Many dogs are much more active than their owners. But this can be dealt with in creative ways. For example, if you play fetch when you’re on top of a hill, your dog will use up more energy running up and down than on flat land.
22. Dog’s Paws Get Hurt By Snow Thawing Salt? Put Vaseline On Them
There are dog shoes to get around the problem of salt on the street, but many dogs don’t like wearing them. An easier way of protecting your dog’s feet in cold weather is to spread vaseline on its paws. They’ll barely notice the salt then!
23. Leg Warmers Turn Into Dog Sweaters So Easily
Just cutting two measured holes into a leg warmer will mean that your dog has a comfy and snug sweater.
24. Walnuts Cover Up Scratch Marks (Yes, Really!)
Some dogs love to scratch at furniture. If you’ve got any wooden surfaces that are all scratched up, then rubbing a walnut over them will make the nut’s natural oils fill in the marks.
25. Drooling Dog Leaving Marks? Magic Erasers To The Rescue
Some dogs salivate like crazy. To stop the drool from leaving horrible marks everywhere, carry a magic eraser and scrub the marks away!
26. Bubbles Are A Really Easy Way To Keep A Dog Entertained
Dogs love bubbles more than children! If you’ve got a dog that’s rowdy, but you’re too worn out to go for a walk, just blow some bubbles! Sooner or later the dog will wear itself out.
27. Another Great Way To Keep Your Dog Active Is To Play Hide And Seek With Treats
If you plant dog treats around the house in places where your dog can get to, then they pretty much walk themselves. Just don’t hide a treat where they can smell it but not get to it. That’s just cruel!
28. Plastic Kiddie Pools Can Be Hours Of Fun
If your dog likes to play in your yard, then there’s a way that you can make it even better for him. Get a little kid’s pool and fill it with water. They’ll love it, especially on hot days.
29. Detect Fleas With A White Towel
If you think your dog might have fleas but aren’t sure, there’s an easy way to know. Place it on top of a white towel. Then brush its fur. If black dots fall onto the towel, then the dog has fleas.
30. Switch The Toys That They Have Access To To Keep Them Interested
Dogs can get bored with toys pretty quickly. But if you get three sets of toys and only let them play with one set at a time, then that can be incredibly cost effective while keeping your dog entertained.
31. Use Tweezers To Remove Ticks
Ticks are disgusting creatures that just love latching themselves onto dogs. To safely remove a tick from your dog, get some tweezers and use them to grab the tick by its mouth area. Then pull firmly until the tick comes off. After that, kill it by placing it in alcohol.
32. Make Dry Food Soft With Warm Water
If your dog isn’t eating dry food, it could be because it’s too hard for his teeth. In that case, you can just add a little warm water to it. It should soften it right up.
33. Use A Credit Card To Remove A Bee Sting
Dogs can irritate bees to death, literally. If a bee stings a dog, then the stinger might stay in. If that happens, then you can get the stinger out by gently scraping your dog’s skin with a credit card.
34. Flour, baking soda or cornstarch can stop a dog’s nail from bleeding.
It’s so easy to accidentally cut a dog’s nail too close and cause bleeding. To stop this, make a paste with either flour, baking powder or cornstarch mixed with water. Then apply that paste to the nail for a couple of minutes.
35. Potty Training Your Dog? Go Insane With Happiness When It Relieves Itself Outside
You may look insane to your neighbors, but if you lavish your dog with praise when he goes pee or poop outside, the dog will learn potty training much faster. And any puppy owner will know that that is the most important thing to achieve!
36. Use Popcorn To Teach Your Dog How To Catch Food In Its Mouth
Many dogs can be trained to catch treats in their mouths before the treat lands on the floor. But some dogs just like to wait until the treat hits the ground, making it seemingly impossible to train them to catch food in the air. But if you start throwing popcorn at your dog, there’s a strong chance that he’ll pick up air eating. Thanks to it being light, popcorn travels slower and longer in the air.
37, Put Bright Clothing On Your Dog When It’s Going Off Leash
Dogs love to run around outside, but in the back of any owner’s mind is the worry that their pet could get lost. If you put an incredibly bright item of clothing on the dog, it’ll help you keep track of it!
38. Assemble A Dog First Aid Kit
It’s important to have some basic materials at the ready should your dog need help! You can either buy one at a pet store or Amazon, or make your own. Some of the most important things to include are absorbent gauze pads, tape, cotton balls, hydrogen peroxide, ice packs, gloves, scissors, tweezers, antibiotic ointment, oral syringes, dish soap, alcoholic wipes, styptic powder, saline solution and tear gel.
39. Create An Improvised Zip Line In The Back Of The Car To Keep Your Dog In Place
Putting a cord between the two handles in the back of the car will keep the dog in place without making it uncomfortable. This hack could literally be a lifesaver!
40. Rub Your Dog With A Dryer Sheet In A Storm
Part of what makes your dog irritated during a storm isn’t the loud noises. Obviously, the loud noises are no fun for the dog, but it could also be upset from the static that builds up in its fur. Therefore, you should rub the dog down with a dryer sheet to de-static it.
41. If The Weather’s Warm And You’ve Got A Yard, Feed Your Dog Outside To Prevent Bugs Getting In
If it’s cold and you don’t have a yard and want to keep bugs out, then chalk up your entrances and exits.
42. Use A Dremel To Clip Toenails
Dogs hate human nail clippers. The way that they press down on their nails causes them lots of distress! But a dremel, which is a small rotary saw, is much more relaxing for your dog!
43. Chicken And Rice Can Help Your Dog’s Stomach Pains
If your dog is experiencing indigestion, then a nice chicken and rice meal can be really great at soothing that stomach.
44. Dog Biting Power Cords? Spray It With Something They Find Unpleasant
There are a range of sprays that you can get that will deter your dog from biting at life-threatening items like power cords. They won’t like the taste, so they’ll stop biting at the hazardous items right away!
45. Accessorize Old Sunglasses For Your Dog
Dog’s can find excessive sunlight annoying too. It isn’t too hard to create a pair of sunglasses for your dog. All you need are the old sunglasses, a stretchy headband and some string.
46. Tumeric Is A Painkiller For Dogs
In both humans and dogs, turmeric can alleviate pain, fight cancer, detox the body and much more. If your dog is in pain, then add turmeric to his food, and he’ll be feeling better in no time.
47. Classical Music Relaxes Your Dog
Bach stops barks! Classical music is a
proven soother for your dog! Play it when you leave the house to make him calm.
48. Weigh Down Your Dog To Tire It Faster
Many items of dog clothing have pockets. There are also bags that fit onto your dog. Stuff dog pockets/bags to weigh the dog down when you go for a walk, and it’ll get tired faster!
49. If Your Dog Gets Stressed On The Go, Then Make It Wear A Neckerchief With Lavender Oil In It
Lavender oil is relaxing to dogs and humans alike. But unlike many of the other dog relaxation tips, lavender oil can be used on the go. Just tie a bandana to its neck and sprinkle on some drops!
50. Instead Of Doggy Bags, Use Diaper Bags
Diaper bags are less expensive than doggy bags and do exactly the same job!
51. Make A Crinkle Toy With A Bottle And A Sock
If you’re out of dog toys, then you can make one in two seconds. All you need is an old sock and an empty plastic bottle. Just put the bottle into the sock and tie the end.
52. When Washing Your Dog, Put Baby Oil Soaked Cotton Balls In Its Ears
This will help stop infections, saving your dog from weeks of pain.
53. Rubber Gloves Can Get Pet Fur Off Of Upholstery
Dog fur on an upholstered item of furniture can sometimes defy most cleaning tools. But a damp rubber glove can work wonders. Just rub the glove over the upholstery, and the fur will easily go free!
54. Attach A Rope Toy To Your Foot
Playing tug of war with a dog gets boring for the person much sooner than the dog. But if you attach the rope toy to your foot, then you can do something else while playing with the dog!
55. Baking Soda Removes Urine Stains And Odor
All dogs have accidents now and then. The stench and sight of dog urine in carpets and rugs can be removed by pouring baking soda onto the stain. Just remember that before you do this, mop the damp patch up with wet paper towels.
As you can see, there are so many ways that you can make dog ownership much, much easier. Still, dog ownership is no walk in the park (although it does involve lots of walks in the park.) The important thing is to see which of the above tips work for you and your pooch!
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