“Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made. ” – Roger A. Caras
Aging is a normal part of life, and it is what every creature on this planet undergoes. Because of this limited time that was set for everyone, we had to make sure to share precious memories with our loved ones; including dogs.
Dogs age faster than humans and the sad fact is that they could never live as long as us. As dogs age, just like humans, some parts of their bodies may not function the same way they used to. However, their beauty and love for their owners remain the same. Here are 50 dogs we have found that are enjoying their lives in their golden years:
1. Senior dog’s puppy eyes
This old dog has white fur slowly creeping on its face yet his innocent puppy eyes remain. According to his owner, the dog was 25 years old when this photo was posted on Reddit. User wolf_mans4 then shared that the dog had been with them since he was 5 years old.
2. Playing in the snow
This senior golden retriever has the soul of a puppy. He is 14 years old yet he still loves playing on the snow. This is him smiling happily as his face is covered in white powder.
3. The good rock collector
This 12-year-old dog loves hanging out with his owners at the lake. He also developed a hilarious habit of collecting rocks out of the lake and giving them to his owner. The owner told Reddit that the biggest rock that he got weighs 14 pounds.
4. He looks so peaceful while sleeping
With its ears perked up, this old dog sleeps comfortably on the mat. His lovely snoot and peaceful look while he snoozes make anyone’s heart flutter. We should appreciate these old dogs more often.
5. Adorable old dog turns 19
Meet Elton, a stout, handsome pooch that just turned 19 years old in the photo. He celebrates his birthday by taking a walk in the neighborhood with his owner. His owner posted the photo of him on Reddit to be appreciated by fellow dog lovers on the internet.
6. Senior dog raising kittens to let them get used to living with dogs
This is Boots, a senior dog trained by The Arizona Humane Society to acclimate kittens to dogs. His gentle and mature nature makes it easy for the kittens to be comfortable with him. Even if Boots is already old, he never fails to take care of his adorable kittens.
7. An old dog and his sprinkler
This dog usually chases the water from the sprinkler in their yard. However, as he comes to old age, he just sits in front of the sprinkler and waits for it to shoot water.
8. Old floof does not mind being the toddler’s pillow
This 8-year-old gigantic floof spends most of his afternoons napping peacefully. As his owner teaches his 11-month-old toddler a trick called “Down Dog,” the toddler does it while leaning his head on the snoozing dog like a pillow. This may be one of the sweetest things that we could see on the internet.
9. Senior corgi on wheels
This is Benji, a senior corgi with a pure, old-man smile on its face. Due to his old age, he lost some of his legs’ functions. To let him enjoy his doggy walks, Benji’s owners had to put wheels on him to support his balance.
10. Senior dog loves going out in the cold with his grandpa
A 13-year-old dog loves hanging out with his grandpa in the cold. They wear matching, striped jackets as they go brave the snow. These old men deserve love and attention from the internet.
11. Aged dog still loves sleeping beside his old toy
Some people keep their favorite childhood toy around even when they grow old. The same goes for this 18-year old senior dog that still sleeps with his favorite toy frog. The dog’s owner said that the pooch had that toy for 14 years.
12. Oldest golden retriever celebrating 20th birthday
This is August, officially the oldest living Golden Retriever. This dog just turned 20 years old two months ago and shared the photo on Reddit. The fur on his head is slowly turning white but his heart remains golden.
13. Driving for doggies
User LamboSamba posted a hilarious photo of him and his dog on Reddit. The Reddit post reads, “My dog is 16, so I figured it’s time for some driving lessons.” The dog’s anxious look as he puts his paws on the wheels while his dad holds a book about basic driving was just perfect.
14. Adopting a grandpa dog
This is Francis, a 14-year-old that was diagnosed with deadly arthritis. The vet told the owner before that they would only have 4-6 weeks together. However, they defied the odds and this is their anniversary photo.
15. Chihuahua doing a glamour shot
This pup’s owner posted a photo of his senior Chihuahua on Reddit that made everyone smile. His name is Bruno and he is 12 years old in this photo. The Chihuahua was caught off guard with a camera and the result is this fabulous glamour shot.
16. From a cute pup to a lovely damsel
This is Audrey’s before and after photo. On the left side, Audrey was still a small, adorable puppy. Meanwhile, the photo on the right was Audrey’s 10th birthday. The photo was posted on Reddit as a mark of Audrey’s 10-year birthday celebration.
17. 18 years old magnificent Husky
Puddingpapst wants dog-lovers all around the world to appreciate his senior dog. The dog’s name is Damon and he is an 18-year-old Siberian Husky. Damon’s beauty never faded and his owner claimed that he is still very active in his age.
18. Chihuahua in its 22nd year
An adorable senior Chihuahua named Tax just turned 22 years old in this photo. It was posted on the subreddit, Old Man Dog. It is just wholesome that the community gives this pooch its well-deserved love and attention.
19. Two adorable adopted senior dogs
What’s better than adopting a senior dog? Adopting two of them. This couple decided to adopt two senior dogs in their local shelter and give them both a second chance in life. On the left was Oscar, while on the right was Maggie.
20. Before and after telling this dog that he’s a good boy
This is a 13-year-old shar-pei’s reaction after his owner tells him that he is a ‘good boy.’ His innocent puppy eyes and beautiful smile just makes your heart flutter. Give this dog your virtual love.
21. Senior doggo needs extra pampering
The fur on this golden retriever’s face was slowly turning white and he just laid down there with a sad look on his face. It is obvious that he needs some extra loving. Therefore, take time to appreciate this doggo and give him some upvotes on Reddit.
22. Grandma loves hanging out with their adopted senior dog
Reddit user chewbazza shared a photo of their newly adopted pooch on the subreddit r/aww. His name was Mikey and he was adopted a day before this post. The owner brought him to his grandma’s house for the first time and it results in this wholesome interaction.
23. Handsome senior dog
Age changes everything, even a dog’s fur. Shadow is a 14-year-old pooch that always brings his handsome and gentle look everywhere he goes. Shadow’s owner shared that he used to have black fur with a little bit of white yet look at the difference that age makes.
24. This old dog rides a cart for walks
Sometimes it gets difficult for senior dogs to enjoy walks just like they used to when they were still younger. Now, this 19-year-old pooch enjoys the view of his neighborhood while riding his cart. His smile says it all.
25. Senior pooch giving its happy puppy smile
Linkers, or Link for short, is a 10-year-old that still acts like a puppy. He has this wide, pure smile painted on his face that just tugs your heartstrings. Moreover, Link’s owner claims that he loves smooches so why not give him a virtual one.
26. An old blob on the floor
This old black blob on the floor is just actually a snoozing pooch. He is Diesel, a 10-year-old Sharpei that melts whenever he takes his beauty nap. This photo was taken when he was 9 and his wrinkles made him look like he was melting.
27. Dog’s captivating smile
StamperFurbottom shares this dog’s vibrant smile on Reddit. The dog is a 14-year-old German shepherd and Labrador mix. The girl’s radiating smile was just too beautiful and wholesome to see.
28. 17 years old and still a beautiful pooch
Meet Sadie, a 17-year-old pooch that just makes anyone fall in love with her. Sadie’s beautiful flower crown was just too perfect for her. She is the main flower that blooms indefinitely.
29. Chonky old Chihuahua
Look at this old, fat Chihuahua lying on some jeans. The second photo makes it seem that he’s resting on his owner’s lap although the first pic says otherwise. His perfectly round body just makes him an adorable mini-sausage that you could bring anywhere.
30. 15-year-old doggy still loves frolicking in the snow
This senior black Labrador, named Aegir goes back to being a puppy as he watches the snow outside his home. Although his age made him a bit slower than before, the puppy-energy that he emits while playing in the snow is just superb. This is him enjoying his white paradise as he turns 15.
31. Jubilant senior golden retriever photobombing a wedding shoot
This wholesome photobomb will surely make your day. It was this 14-year-old Golden retriever’s owners’ wedding, yet the pooch decided to run around on the fresh, green grass patch on the venue and steals the show. This dog’s energy is indeed golden.
32. Aesthetic white fluff Millie
This is Millie, a 16-year-old damsel dog that will certainly tug at your heartstrings. Millie was adopted by her owners when she was 12 years old. Moreover, she is completely deaf but that did not affect how much her owners love her.
33. Celebrating 16th birthday with a walk on a pier
The best birthday gift that you could give a senior dog is probably a walk in its favorite spot. For Molly, she celebrates her 16th birthday by walking with his owner on the pier. The fresh, salty air just trickles on the dog’s happy face.
34. Handsome old man dog
If you are looking for a perfectly old-man looking dog, here is one. The dog’s name is Muddy and he just turned 14 years old a month ago. As he turned older, his fur slowly faded its color and gave him a doting grandpa look.
35. Looking dashing with his goggles
Look at this adorable Chihuahua with her “doggles”. Her owner shared this photo on Reddit and got a lot of attention from the community. However, the doggles she was wearing was not for the sake of fashion but because of the Chihuahua’s sensitive eyes due to iris atrophy.
36. Old pug’s heart melting smile
This senior pug was born deaf and developed partial blindness later, due to old age. The dog was 16 years old when he first visited the beach. The pug’s conditions did not stop him from enjoying this beautiful piece of nature. Just look at his contagious smile.
37. Appreciating this pooch nearing its 20s
A dog lives for an average of 15 years and some people are lucky to still have their dogs for more than that. This senior dog is already 19 and a half years old in this photo and he still looks well. The owner shared the photo on Reddit for people to give the old dog some appreciation.
38. Never-changing smile
Take time to appreciate this dog’s beautiful smile as she wears a hat on her head. The dog’s owner told Reddit that her fur has gotten whiter every year and that is what one should expect when the dog enters its senior stage. Rest assured, as her smile would never get old.
39. The elegance of this senior dog
Old dogs have their unique kind of beauty. Meet Shadow, a one-of-a-kind senior dog that captures the internet’s heart with his majestic look. His elegant figure is just something to behold.
40. Lovely 17-year-old pooch
This senior dog was 17 years old in this photo. He wears this perfectly aesthetic coat that does not make you think about his age. Although, at his age, he was already having health problems and other medical conditions that old dogs develop.
41. Adorable doggo with white spots around its eyes
Reddit user smokestacks shares a photo of the 14-year-old Labrador he met one morning. The pooch had a symmetrical white spot that shaped around his eyes. However, the spot was not from when he was born. It came from a skin condition called Vitiligo.
42. Old leaf hunter wants to make owners proud
Our pets love bringing us things to cheer us up. For Maggie the senior dog, she brings his owners some leaves. However, she only shows it to them and she refuses to let her owners take them away from her. It seemed that she just wanted her owners to look proud of her.
43. Their colors faded, but their love didn’t
This is another wholesome before and after photo. On the first pic, it shows two young dogs snuggling on each other while taking a peaceful nap. Meanwhile, the second picture shows the same scenario except the dogs is already old. This is proof that these dog’s love for each other never dies.
44. 18 year old dog that still looks like a pup
Meet Amber, a beautiful pooch in her 18th year of living. Amber is a very beautiful dog that retains her puppy look despite her age. She just looks like an innocent puppy that she could probably fool a lot of people into thinking that she’s a puppy.
45. Too old to go for walks so she rides the wheelbarrow
This golden retriever could not withstand long walks anymore due to her old age. However, the dog’s owners refuse to keep her out of enjoying nature so they devised this perfect plan to take her out on a walk. They put the dog on a wheelbarrow and drive her around the neighborhood.
46. Before and after this dog gets adopted
Senior dogs are always picked last in an adoption center. This is the same for this pooch as she lives his life on SPCA’s shelter. However, her life turned around one day as she found herself an owner. This is her look from before and after her new owner decided to adopt her.
47. Finally a deserving bonding with this dog’s fur-father
This senior dog does not get the same attention as before as he lives with younger dogs in the house. When the owners noticed the sad look painted on his face, they thought of an idea to keep her happy. She went for a ride with her fur-dad and look at his smile of glee and satisfaction.
48. Happiness painted all over this old dog
This dog was adopted by his owners while he was in his senior phase. The pooch may have been untrusting and anxious at first, but time made sure to transform her into such an appreciative dog. This is the gleeful senior dog enjoying the breeze while riding on the kayak.
49. Adopted German shepherd showing his love and gratitude
In this photo is a senior German Shepherd that was adopted two weeks before this post was made. The owners never regretted the decision on taking him in and give him a new chance in life. The dog makes sure to thank his new fur-parents with his never-ending love.
50. Getting old together
For 15 years, this dog and its owner have shared countless memories; good and bad. Moreover, they also aged and grew white hair as well. Regardless of their age, their strong bond will never grow old.
We humans love sharing memories with our fur-companions. We grow older with them, and we have to give them all the love and attention that they need and maintain the special bond that we have with them. Because aging is inevitable, as owners, we have to ensure that they can live a good life with us. Share this wholesomeness to your friends and family so they could also take time to appreciate these wonderful senior pooches.
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